重要著作 与成果 | SCI/SSCI期刊 1. Xiaobiao Zhang, Jiaxin Chen, Anna C. Dias, Hongqiang Yang. Improving carbon stock estimates for in-use harvested wood products by linking production and consumption—A global case study. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(5): 2565–2574. 2. Xiaobiao Zhang, Jiaxin Chen, Hongqiang Yang. Life-cycle carbon budget of China's harvested wood products in 1900–2015. Forest Policy and Economics, 2018, 92: 181–192. 3. Xiaobiao Zhang, Bin Xu, Lei Wang, Aijun Yang, Hongqiang Yang. Eliminating illegal timber consumption or production: which is the more economical means to reduce illegal logging? Forests, 2016, 7(9): 191. 4. Hongqiang Yang, Tian Yuan, Xiaobiao Zhang, Suyan Li. A decade trend of total factor productivity of key state-owned forestry enterprises in China. Forests, 2016, 7(5): 97. 5. Hongqiang Yang, Xiaobiao Zhang. A rethinking of the production approach in IPCC: its objectiveness in China. Sustainability, 2016, 8(3): 216. 6. Xiaobiao Zhang, Hongqiang Yang, Xufang Zhang, Yinxing Hong. Projection of global long-term carbon flow in the forest products trade from a climate negotiation perspective: 2010–2030. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(11): 3679–3685. 核心期刊 7. 张小标,逯非,杨红强,欧阳志云. 森林伐后碳减排核算方法演进与展望. 生态学报, 2023,43(9): 3392−3406. 8. 张小标,逯非,杨红强,欧阳志云. 森林伐后碳减排路径研究动态与前瞻. 林业科学, 2022, 58(8): 182−196. 9. 张小标, 杨红强. 基于GFPM的中国林产品碳储效能及碳库结构动态预测. 资源科学, 2015, 37(7): 1403–1413. 10. 张旭芳, 杨红强, 张小标. 1993-2033年中国林业碳库水平及发展态势. 资源科学, 2016, 38(2): 290–299. 11. 杨红强, 张小标. 共同但有区别责任: 基于全球HWP碳库替代减排的责任分担. 农林经济管理学报, 2015, 14(3): 309–318. 核心期刊(3篇) 12. 袁恬, 杨红强, 张小标. 全球林产品模型研究趋势及中国应用——基于1990~2015年的ISI统计数据. 林业经济. 2015, 37(11): 51–56. 13. 张小标, 杨红强. 基于全球均衡市场的中国人造板产业动态演化. 林业经济, 2015, 37(01): 62–69. 14. 张小标, 杨红强, 聂影. GFPM模型: 研究综述与应用范畴. 林业经济, 2014, 36(07): 79–84. 省部级以上科级奖励 1. 江苏省优秀博士学位论文: 中国木质林产品碳收支与碳减排贡献——基于CBM-MRIO模型的构建与实证,江苏省学位委员会,2020。 2. 江苏省第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖: Life-cycle carbon budget of China's harvested wood products in 1900–2015,江苏省人民政府,2020。 |