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1) 1997.092001.06曲阜师范大学,专业:生命科学,论文题目:山东蓼科植物分布格局的研究,获理学学士学位。

2) 2001.092004.06 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,专业:森林生态学,论文题目:西双版纳热带山地雨林的生物多样性研究,获生态学硕士学位

3) 2004.092009.07中国科学院植物研究所,专业:树木年轮气候学,论文题目:滇西北地区过去千年古气候变迁格局-基于树木年轮的古气候重建,获生态学博士学位


2009.082012.05 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,专业:树木年轮气候学,论文题目:川西岷江冷杉林过去数百年的生产力反演-基于树木年轮材料,生态学博士后

2012.062013.12 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,助理研究员

2014.01–至今 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,副研究员

20167-8月,赴美亚利桑那州大学年轮实验室(LTRR)进修(Summer 2016 Dendro Courses


(1) 区域尺度古气候重建与模拟

(2) 区域尺度植被生长对全球气候变化的响应与适应

(3) 植被生态恢复效应研究与评估











1.Liang HB, Xue YY, Shi JW, Li ZS*, Liu GH & Fu BJ. 2017. Soil moisture dynamics under different-aged Caragana korshinskii shrub lands in Wuzhai country in the Loess Plateau, China. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh(been accepted)

2.An WM, Li ZS*, Wang S, Wu X, Lu YH, Liu GH & Fu BJ. 2017. Exploring the effects of the “Grain for Green” program on the differences in soil water in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. Ecological Engineering 107: 144151

3.Wang XC, Zhang MH, Ji Y, Li ZS, Li M & Zhang YD (2017) Temperature signals in tree-ring width and divergent growth of Korean pine response to recent climate warming in northeast Asia. Trees-Structure and Function31(2):415427.

4.Wu X, Liu HF, Zheng XH, Lu F, Wang S, Li ZS, Liu GH & Fu BJ (2017) Responses of CH4 and N2O fluxes to land-use conversion and fertilization in a typical red soil region of southern China. Scientific Reports 7,doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10806-z

5.Liu HF, Wu X, Li ZS, Wang Q, Liu D & Liu GH (2017) Responses of soil methanogens, methanotrophs, and methane fluxes to land-use conversion and fertilization in a hilly red soil region of southern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 0.1007/s11356-017-8628-y

6.Ye X, Liu GH, Li ZS, Gong L, Wang M and Wang H (2017) Evaluation of ecological effectiveness of protected areas in Northwest China. Chinese Geogrphical Science 27, doi: 10.1007/s11769-017-0854-1

7.Shi SL, Li ZS*, Wang H, Wu X, Wang S, Wang XC, Liu GH &Fu BJ (2016) Comparative analysis of annual rings of perennial forbs in the Loess Plateau, China. Dendrochronologia 38:8289.

8.Shi SL, Li ZS*, Wang H, von Arx G, Lu YH, Wu X, Wang XC, Liu GH &Fu BJ (2016) Roots of forbs sense climate fluctuations in the semi-arid Loess Plateau: Herb-chronology based analysis. Scientific Reports 6, doi: 10.1038/Srep28435.

9.Lyu SN, Li ZS, Zhang YD & Wang XC (2016) A 414-year tree-ring-based April-July minimum temperature reconstruction and its implications for the extreme climate events, northeast China. Climate of the Past 12(9):1879-1888.

10.Zhu LJ, Zhang YD, Li ZS, Guo BD & Wang XC (2016) A 368-year maximum temperature reconstruction based on tree-ring data in the northwestern Sichuan Plateau (NWSP), China. Climate of the Past 12(7):14851498.

11.Zhu LJ, Li ZS, Zhang YD & Wang XC (2016) A 211-year growing season temperature reconstruction using tree-ring width in Zhangguangcai Mountains, Northeast China: Linkages to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.4906.

12.Bi YF, Xu JC, Yang JC, Li ZS, Aster G, Zhang SB & Yang YP (2016) Ring-widths of the above tree-line shrub Rhododendron reveal the change of minimum winter temperature over the past 211 years in Southwestern China. Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3311-4.

13.Gong L, Liu GH, Wang M, Ye X, Wang H & Li ZS (2016) Effects of vegetation restoration on soil organic carbon in China: A meta-analysis. Chinese Geographical Science, 27(2):188200.

14.Wang H, Liu GH, Li ZS, Ye X, Wang M & Gong L (2016) Driving force and changing trends of vegetation phenology in the Loess Plateau of China from 2000 to 2010. Journal of Mountain Science 13(5):844856.

15.Wang H, Liu GH, Li ZS, Ye X, Wang M & Gong L (2016) Impacts of climate change on net primary productivity in arid and semiarid regions of China. Chinese Geographical Science 26(1):3547.

16.Wang C, Wang S, Fu BJ, Li ZS, Wu X & Tang Q (2016) Precipitation gradient determines the tradeoff between soil moisture and soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and species richness in the Loess Plateau, China. Science of The Total Environment, 575, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.047.

17.Wang C, Wang S, Fu BJ, Yang L & Li ZS (2016) Soil Moisture Variations with Land use along The precipitation gradient in the North-South Transect of the Loess Plateau: Soil Moisture Variations with Environmental Gradient in Loess Plateau. Land Degradation and Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2604.

18.Li ZS, Liu GH, Gong L, Wang M &Wang XC (2015) Tree ring-based temperature reconstruction over the past 186 years for the Miyaluo Natural Reserve, western Sichuan Province of China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 120(3-4):495506.

19.Li ZS, Liu GH, Wu X & Wang XC (2015) Tree-ring-based temperature reconstruction for the Wolong Natural Reserve, western Sichuan Plateau of China. International Journal of Climatology 35(11):32963307.

20.Shi CM, Masson-Delmotte V, Daux V, Li ZS, Carre M & Moore JC (2015) Unprecedented recent warming rate and temperature variability over the east Tibetan Plateau inferred from Alpine treeline dendrochronology. Climate Dynamics 45(5-6):13671380.

21.Ye X, Liu GH, Li ZS & Zeng Y (2015) Assessing Local and Surrounding Threats to the Protected Area Network in a Biodiversity Hotspot: The zHengduan Mountains of Southwest China. PLOS ONE, 10(9), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138533

22.Wu X, Li ZS, Fu BJ, Zhou WM, Liu HF & Liu GH (2014) Restoration of ecosystem carbon and nitrogen storage and microbial biomass after grazing exclusion in semi-arid grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Ecological Engineering, 73: 395403.

23.Wang XC, Li ZS & Ma KP (2014) Decreased Sensitivity of Tree Growth to Temperature in Southeast China after the 1976/77 Regime Shift in Pacific Climate. Sains Malaysiana 43(1):919.

24.Luo SZ, Liu GH, Li ZS, Hu CJ, Gong L, Wang M & Hu HF (2014) Soil respiration along an altitudinal gradient in a subalpine secondary forest in China. Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 8:526532.

25.Li ZS, Liu GH, Fu BJ, Zhang QB, Ma KP & Pederson N (2013) The growth-ring variations of alpine shrub Rhododendron przewalskii reflect regional climate signals in the alpine environment of Miyaluo Town in Western Sichuan Province, China Acta Ecologica Sinica 33:2331.

26.Zhang JL, Swenson N, Chen SB, Liu XJ, Li ZS, Huang JH, Mi XC & Ma KP (2013) Phylogenetic beta diversity in tropical forests: Implications for the roles of geographical and environmental distance. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51, doi: 10.1111/j.1759-6831.2012.00220.x

27.Li ZS, Liu GH, Fu BJ, Hu CJ, Luo SZ, Liu XL & He F (2012) Anomalous temperature-growth response of Abies faxoniana to sustained freezing stress along elevational gradients in China's Western Sichuan Province. Trees-Structure and Function 26(4):13731388.

28.Li ZS, Zhang QB & Ma KP (2012) Tree-ring reconstruction of summer temperature for A.D. 1475-2003 in the central Hengduan Mountains, Northwestern Yunnan, China. Climatic Change 110(1-2):455467.

29.Zhang QB, Li ZS, Liu PX & Xiao SC (2012) On the vulnerability of oasis forest to changing environmental conditions: perspectives from tree rings. Landscape Ecology 27(3):343353.

30.Shi CM, Valerie D, Zhang QB, Risi C, Hou SG, Stievenard M, Pierre M, Li ZS & Valerie VM (2012) Reconstruction of southeast Tibetan Plateau summer climate using tree ring δ18O: Moisture variability over the past two centuries. Climate of the Past, 8(1): 2052013.

31.Li ZS, Liu GH, Fu BJ & Zhang JL (2011) The potential influence of seasonal climate variables on the net primary production of forests in eastern China. Environmental Management 48(6):11731181.

32.Li ZS, Shi CM, Liu YB, Zhang JL, Zhang QB &Ma KP (2011) Winter drought variations based on tree-ring data in Gaoligong Mountain, Northwestern Yunnan, China, A. D. 1795-2004. Pakistan Journal of Botany 43(5):24692478.

33.Li ZS, Shi CM, Liu YB, Zhang JL, Zhang QB &Ma KP (2011) Summer mean temperature variation from 1710-2005 inferred from tree-ring data of the Baimang Snow Mountains, northwestern Yunnan, China. Climate Research 47(3):207218.

34.Shi CM, Masson-Delmotte V, Daux V, Li ZS & Zhang QB (2010) An unstable tree-growth response to climate in two 500 year chronologies, North Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Dendrochronologia 28(4):225237.

35.Guo GA, Li ZS*, Zhang QB, Ma KP&Mu CL (2009) Dendroclimatological Studies of Picea Likiangensis and Tsuga Dumosa in Lijiang, China. Iawa Journal 30(4):435441.

36.安文明,梁海斌,王聪,王帅,李宗善*,吕一河,刘国华和傅伯杰. 2017. 黄土高原阴阳坡向林草土壤水分随退耕年限的变化特征生态学报(已接受)

37.安文明,韩晓阳,梁海斌,王聪,王帅,李宗善*,吕一河,刘国华和傅伯杰. 2017. 黄土高原不同植被恢复方式对土壤水分坡面变化的影响生态学报(已接受)



40.朱良军,李宗善和王晓春. 2017. 树轮木质部解剖特征及其与环境变化的关系植物生态学报, 412):238251.

41.刘慧峰伍星,李雅,李宗善和刘国华. 2014. 土地利用变化对土壤温室气体排放通量影响研究进展生态学杂志, 33(7): 1960–1968.

42.刘金巍靳甜甜,刘国华,李宗善和杨荣金.2014.黑河中上游地区2000–2010年土地利用变化及水土保持服务功能生态学报 34(23): 7013–7025.

43.刘金巍靳甜甜,刘国华,李宗善和杨荣金.2014.新疆玛纳斯河流域2000–2010年土地利用/覆盖变化及影响因素生态学报, 34(12): 3211–3223.

44.李宗善,刘国华,傅伯杰,张齐兵,胡婵娟和罗淑政.2011.不同去趋势方法对树轮年表气候信号的影响-以卧龙地区为例植物生态学报35 (7): 707721.

45.李宗善,刘国华,傅伯杰,张齐兵,胡婵娟和罗淑政. 2011.利用树木年轮宽度资料重建川西米亚罗地区过去200年夏季温度的变化第四纪研究, 31(3):522534.

46.李宗善,刘国华,傅伯杰,张齐兵,胡婵娟和罗淑政.2010.川西卧龙国家级自然保护区树木生长对气候响应的时间稳定性评估植物生态学报 2010, 34 (9): 10451057.

47.李宗善,刘国华,张齐兵,胡婵娟,罗淑政,刘兴良和何飞.2010.利用树木年轮宽度资料重建川西卧龙地区过去159年夏季温度的变化植物生态学报 2010, 34 (6): 628641.

48.李宗善唐建维郑征朱胜忠段文勇宋军平郭贤明和曾荣. 2005.西双版纳热带山地雨林群落乔木树种多样性研究应用生态学报, 16(7): 11831188

49.李宗善唐建维郑 征段文勇朱胜忠和郭贤明. 2005. 云南澜沧地区热带山地雨林的群落学特征研究广西植物, 25(3): 206-214.

50.李宗善唐建维郑征李庆军段文勇朱胜忠郭贤明赵建伟和曾荣.2005.西双版纳热带山地雨林群落学特征分析武汉植物学研究, 23(4): 319-326.

51.李宗善唐建维 李庆军罗成昆刘正安李自能段文勇和郭贤明. 2004.西双版纳热带山地雨林的植物多样性研究植物生态学报, 28(6): 833-843.


1)Zongshan Li, Guohua Liu*, Bojie Fu. 2015. Comparative analysis of annual rings of perennial forbs in the Loess Plateau. Abstract Volume of the 100 thAnnual Meeting of Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Aug 914, 2015, p.35

2)Zongshan Li, Guohua Liu*, Bojie Fu. 2014. Increased sensitivity of tree growth to temperature in western Sichuan Province of China after the 1976/77 regime shift in Pacific climate. Abstract Volume of the 9 th International Conference on Dendrochronology. Melbourne, Australia , Jan 915, 2014. p.50

3)Zongshan Li, Guohua Liu*, Bojie Fu, Qi-Bin Zhang, Keping Ma and Jinlong Zhang. 2011. Growth-ring variations of alpine shrub Rhododendron przewalskii reflect regional climate signals in alpine environments at Miyaluo town,western Sichuan of China.  Abstract Volume of 2th International Asian Conference on Dendrochronology. Xi'an, China. August 2023, 2011. p30.

4)Zongshan Li, Guohua Liu*, Bojie Fu, Qi-Bin Zhang, Keping Ma and Jinlong Zhang. 2011. Climatic fluctuation causes synchronous tree-ring variations along  the elevation gradient in Wolong Natural Reserve, western Sichuan of China.  Abstract Volume of the 96th ESA Annual Meeting. Austin, Texas, USA. August 712, 2011. PS 7746.

5) Zongshan Li and Qibing Zhang. 2007. A 528-year tree-ring record of annual temperature variation in northwestern Yunnan, China. Abstract Volume of the first Asian Conference on Dendrochronology. Bangkok , Thailand , September 915, 2007. p.45. 

6)Zongshan Li, Yongbo Liu, Qibing Zhang and Keping Ma. 2006. Spring precipitation reconstruction of past 600 years using tree rings of Tsuga forrestiiin Shangri-La, Northwestern Yunnan, China. Abstract Volume of the 7 th International Conference on Dendrochronology. Beijing , China , June 1117, 2006. p.84

7)Hongwei Chen, Zongshan Li and Yun Zhou. 2006. History of forest growth in Lijiang conservation zone, China. Abstract Volume of the 7 th International Conference on Dendrochronology. Beijing , China , June 1117, 2006. p.37.

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