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    主要开展人类活动和气候变化影响下生态-水文-泥沙过程机理与模拟、生态系统变化与保护修复等方面的研究工作。主持基金委联合基金重点项目、专项项目课题、重大研究计划集成项目课题,科技部重点研发计划课题等科研项目10余项。在Water Resources ResearchWater ResearchAgricultural and Forest Meteorology、《生态学报》、《水利学报》等刊物以第一或通讯作者发表论文70余篇。担任Journal of Hydrology副主编、Fundamental Research青年编委、Land Degradation & Development副主编、《水土保持学报》青年编委等。荣获第七届中国生态学学会青年科技奖、中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(主要完成者)和《水利学报》优秀论文奖(第1作者)等。


2000.09~2004.07   武汉大学,学士,农业水利工程专业

2004.09~2009.06   中国农业大学,博士,农业水土工程专业

2008.01~2009.01   美国德州农工大学,国家公派联合培养研究生


2019.02~至今      中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员

2012.12~2019.01   中国科学院生态环境研究中心副研究员

2009.07~2012.11   中国科学院生态环境研究中心助理研究员

2011.03~2011.05   美国西密歇根大学大学地理系,访问学者

2016.06~2017.06   美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校地理与地理信息科学系,访问学者




[1] 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目,黄土高原水文过程对气候和下垫面变化的响应机理及趋势预测,2023-012026-12

[2] 国家重点研发计划课题,人类活动及气候变化驱动下关键带生态水文过程及水资源演变机理,2023-122028-11

[3] 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项课题,十大孔兑风水复合侵蚀区适水型人工退化植被稳定性维持与提质增效技术,2024-052027-04

[4] 国家自然科学基金专项项目课题,黄河流域水沙变化与上中下游水文-泥沙耦合关系, 2021-012024-12

[5] 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项课题,西辽河流域生态系统结构和功能演变及生态承载力评估与提升技术,2021-062024-06

[6] 国家优秀青年科学基金项目,半干旱区土壤-水文-植被相互作用,2019-012021-12

[7] 国家重点研发计划课题,黄土高原生态修复模式的格局-结构-功能关系,2016-072020-12

[8] 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目课题,黑河中下游生态情景制定与分析,2015-012018-12

[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,黄土丘陵区典型流域水沙变化的时空尺度特征与驱动机制研究,2015-012018-12

[10] 国家自然科学青年基金,黄土丘陵坡面土地覆被格局的水土流失机理与格局指数研究,2012-012014-12


[1]      Gao Guangyao, Liang Yue, Liu Jianbo, David Dunkerley, Fu Bojie, 2024. A modified RUSLE model to simulate soil erosion under differentecological restoration types in the loess hilly area. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 12, 258-266.

[2]      Xu Li, Gao Guangyao*, Wang Xiaofeng, Fu Bojie, 2023. Distinguishing the effects of climate change and vegetation greening on soilmoisture variability along aridity gradient in the drylands ofnorthern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 343, 109786.

[3]      Li Binbin, Gao Guangyao*, Luo Yiqi, Xu Mingxiang, Liu Guobin, Fu Bojie, 2023. Carbon stock and sequestration of planted and natural forests along climate gradient in water-limited area: A synthesis in the China's Loess plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 333, 109419.

[4]      Gao Guangyao, Wang Di, Zha Tianshan, Wang Lixin, Bojie Fu, 2022. A global synthesis of transpiration rate and evapotranspiration partitioning in the shrub ecosystems. Journal of Hydrology, 606, 127417.

[5]      Yuan Chuan, Guo Li, Delphis F. Levia, Max Rietkerk, Fu Bojie, Gao Guangyao*, 2022. Quantity or efficiency: Strategies of self-organized xerophytic shrubs to harvest rain. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032008, doi:10.1029/2022WR032008.

[6]      Guangyao Gao, Zhen Ning, Zhenwei Li, Bojie Fu, 2021. Prediction of long-term inter-seasonal variations of streamflow and sediment load by state-space model in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Hydrology, 600, 126534.

[7]      Yin Shihua, Gao Guangyao*, Ran Lishan, Lu Xixi, Fu Bojie, 2021. Spatiotemporal variations of sediment discharge and in-reach sediment budget in the Yellow River from the headwater to the delta. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR030130, doi:10.1029/2021WR030130.

[8]      Gao Guangyao, Tuo Dengfeng, Han Xiaoyang, Jiao Lei, Li Junran, Fu Bojie*, 2020. Effects of land-use patterns on soil carbon and nitrogen variations along revegetated hillslopes in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 746, 141156.

[9]      Zhang Jianjun, Gao Guangyao*, Fu Bojie, Hoshin V. Gupta, 2019. Formulating an elasticity approach to quantify the effects of climate variability and ecological restoration on sediment discharge change in the Loess Plateau, China. Water Resources Research, 55, 9604-9622, doi: 10.1029/2019WR025840.

[10]  Gao Guangyao, Shen Qin, Zhang Yan, Pai Naiqing, Ma Ying, Jiang Xiaohui, Fu Bojie, 2018. Determining spatio-temporal variations of ecological water consumption by natural oases for sustainable water resources allocation in a hyper-arid endorheic basin. Journal of Cleaner Production, 185, 1-13.

[11]  Gao Guangyao, Fu Bojie, Zhang Jianjun, Ma Ying, Murugesu Sivapalan, 2018. Multiscale temporal variability of flow-sediment relationships during the 1950s-2014 in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology, 563, 609-619.

[12]  Gao Guangyao, Zhang Jianjun, Liu Yu, Ning Zheng, Fu Bojie, Murugesu Sivapalan, 2017. Spatio-temporal patterns of the effects of precipitation variability and land use/cover changes on long-term changes in sediment yield in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 4363-4378.

[13]  Gao Guangyao, Fu Bojie, Wang Shuai, Liang Wei, Jiang Xiaohui, 2016. Determining the hydrological responses to climate variability and land use/cover change in the Loess Plateau with the Budyko framework. Science of the Total Environment, 557-558, 331-342.

[14]  宁珍, 高光耀*, 傅伯杰, 2020.黄土高原流域水沙变化研究进展.生态学报,40(1): 2-9.

[15] 邹慧, 高光耀*, 傅伯杰, 2016. 干旱半干旱草地生态系统与土壤水分关系研究进展. 生态学报, 36(11): 3127-3136.

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