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1988.9 - 1995.7: -博联读在职研究生,中国科学院研究生院


1992.4 - 1993.3: 丹麦国家环境研究所,进修



1977.9 - 1978.8: 江苏省泗洪县芦沟知情农场,知青;

1982.8 - 1988.10.:中国科学院环境化学所,研究实习员;

1988.10 - 1995.10:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,助理研究员;

1995.10 - 2001.1:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,副研究员, 大气室副主任、主任

1998. 5-7月:美国国家大气科学中心,访问学者

2001.1- 2019.8:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,研究员,大气室主任





1.    “第二次青藏高原综合考察研究”,2019QZKK0307专题负责人,2019-2022.

2.    “贵阳市大气臭氧前体挥发性有机物的来源解析与控制对策” ,2018-2020,负责人,地方财政,经费400

3.    “秦皇岛市大气颗粒物来源解析” ,2018-2021,负责人,地方财政,经费400

4.    “乌鲁木齐市甘泉堡经济技术开发区大气污染来源解析” ,2018-2020,负责人,地方财政,经费300

5.    973”课题“汞的地气迁移与分子转化,(2013CB430002)”,2013-2017,负责人,经费750万元。

6.    973”课题“土-水系统对酸沉降的响应与临界负荷研究,(No.2005CB422206), 2005-2010,负责人,经费288万元。

7.    973”子课题“持久性有机污染物的区域背景特征和运移规律,(No.2003CB415003-2)”,2003-2008,负责人,经费40万元。

8.    先导专项B子课题,大气细粒子中重金属的形态与沉降过程,2014-2018,负责人,经费125万。

9.    中挪合作研究重点项目“中国南方森林作为活性氮汇和氧化亚氮区域排放源的研究(Forest in south China: An important sink for reactive nitrogen and a regional hotspot for N2O?) ”,2012-2014,中方负责人,160万挪威克朗和70万人民币。

10.  中挪合作研究专项“Long range transport of black carbon and the effect on snow albedo in north-east Chinic” a and in the Arct,2009-2012,中方负责人,85万挪威克朗。

11.  中挪合作研究专项“N2O emissions from N saturated subtropical forest in South China,2009-2012,中方负责人,经费:15万挪威克朗。

12.  中挪合作项目“The Establishment of The Sino-Norwegian Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental Research (SINCIERE)”,2006-Present,中方负责人,经费:约70万挪威克朗;

13.  中韩合作研究项目“Measurement and Modeling of Mercury Concentration and Deposition in China along the Yellow Sea”,韩国科学技术研究院(KIST)2006-2009,中方负责人,经费:7万美元.

14.  中挪合作研究项目“中国酸沉降综合影响观测研究(IMPACTS )”,2001-2005,第三工作组负责人,经费:32万人民币。

15.  面上基金项目“我国典型污灌区土壤气态汞的排放特征、影响因素及全国通量估算(No. 41371461)”,2014-2017,负责人,经费:75万元人民币。

16.  面上基金项目“典型海域海水中二价汞的还原速率、关键影响因素及参数化方案研究(No.41176066)”,2012-2015,负责人,经费:70万元人民币。

17.  面上基金项目“小流域大气沉降及其对汞收支的影响”(No. 40473055),2005-2007,负责人,经费:35万人民币。

18.  面上基金项目,IMPACTS站点土壤铝活化机制研究(No. 40273045,2003-2005,负责人,经费:32万元人民币。

19.  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目“典型小流域氮素循环过程及其环境影响”, 2010-2013,课题负责人,经费:100万元人民币。

20.  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目“北京地区大气环境监测行动计划(No. KGCX2-YW-119-4)”,2007-2008,课题负责人,经费:100万元人民币。

21.  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目“我国人为活动向大气排汞的特征及生态环境影响”(No. KZCX3-SW-443),2006-2008,课题负责人,经费:50万元人民币。

22.  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目,北京城市生态环境演变与调控机理研究(No. KZCX3-SW-424),2002-2004,课题负责人,经费:55万元人民币。

23.  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目:城市大气污染形成机理、预报模式及优化控制方案研究(No. KZCX2-204,2000-2002,课题负责人,经费:40万元人民币。


1.      Zhangwei Wang, Ting Sun, Charles T. Driscoll, Yongguang Yin, and Xiaoshan Zhang. Mechanism of Accumulation of Methylmercury in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in a Mercury Mining Area. Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, 52, 9749-9757. doi.10.1021/acs.est.8b01783

2.      Zhangwei Wang, Ting Sun, Charles T. Driscoll, Huan Zhang, and Xiaoshan Zhang. Dimethylmercury in Floodwaters of Mercury Contaminated Rice Paddies. Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 53, 9453-9461. doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b07180

3.      Zhangwei Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhijia Ci, Jingsong Xiao Mercury fluxes and pools in three subtropical forested catchments, Southwest China. Environment Pollution, 2009, 157, 801-808

4.      Zhangwei Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zuoshuai Chen, Yi Zhang. Mercury concentrations in size-fractionated airborne particles at urban and suburban sites in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40, 2194–2201

5.      Wang Zhangwei, CHEN Zuoshuai, Duan Ning, Zhang Xiaoshan. Gaseous elemental mercury concentration in atmosphere at urban and remote sites in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2007, 19, 176-180

6.      Zhijia Ci, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Chunjie Wang.Mass balance of mercury for the Yellow Sea downwind and downstream of East Asia: the preliminary results, uncertainties and future research priorities. Biogeochemistry, 2014, 118, 243–255.

7.      Zhijia Ci, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang. Enhancing Atmospheric Mercury Research in China to Improve the Current Understanding of the Global Mercury Cycle: The Need for Urgent and Closely Coordinated Efforts. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 5636-5642, 2012.

8.      Zhijia Ci, Chunjie Wang, Zhangwei Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Elemental mercury (Hg(0)) in air and surface waters of the Yellow Sea during late spring and late fall 2012: concentration, spatial-temporal distribution and air/sea flux, Chemosphere 119,199-208, 2015.

9.      Zhijia Ci, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Zhenchuan Niu., Phase speciation of mercury (Hg) in coastal water of the Yellow Sea, China. Marine Chemistry, 2011, 126: 250–255.

10.   Zhijia Ci, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Elemental mercury in coastal seawater of Yellow Sea, China: Temporal variation and aire-sea exchange. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45: 183-190.

11.   Z. J. Ci, X. S. Zhang, Z.W. Wang, Z. C. Niu, X. Y. Diao, and S. W. Wang., Distribution and air-sea exchange of mercury (Hg) in the Yellow Sea. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011,11: 2881–2892.

12.   Zhijia Ci, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Zhenchuan Niu. Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) over a coastal/rural site downwind of East China: Temporal variation and long-range transport.. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45: 2480-2487.

13.   Wang Chunjie, Wang Zhangwei, Hui Fan, and Zhang Xiaoshan. Speciated atmospheric mercury and sea–air exchange of gaseous mercury in the South China Sea, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 19, 10111–10127, doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-10111-2019

14.   Wang Chunjie, Wang Zhangwei, and Zhang Xiaoshan. Two years measurement of speciated atmospheric mercury in a typical area of the north coast of China: Sources, temporal variations, and influence of regional and long-range transport, Atmospheric Environment, 228 (2020) 117235, doi.org/10.106/j.atmoenv.2019.117235

15.   Wang Chunjie, Wang Zhangwei, and Zhang Xiaoshan. Characteristics of mercury speciation in seawater and emission flux of gaseous mercury in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, Environmental Research, 182 (2020) 109092, doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2019.109092

16.   Zhou, J., Wang, Z. and Zhang, X., Deposition and fate of mercury in litterfall, litter, and soil in coniferous and broad-leaved forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2018, 123, 2590-2603. doi.org/10.1029/2018JG004415.

17.   Zhou, J., Z. Wang, X. Zhang, and Y. Gao. Mercury concentrations and pools in four adjacent coniferous and deciduous upland forests in Beijing, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2017, 122, 1260-1274. doi:10.1002/2017JG003776.

18.   Jun Zhou, Zhangwei Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Jian Chen. Distribution and elevated soil pools of mercury in an acidic subtropical forest of southwestern China. doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2015.03.021. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 202, 187-195.

19.   Huan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Chunjie Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Concentrations and gas-particle partitioning of atmospheric reactive mercury at an urban site in Beijing, China.     Environmental Pollution, 2019, 249, 13-23.

20.   Huan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Methylmercury concentrations and potential sources in atmospheric fine particles in Beijing, China. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.128. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 681, 183-190.

21.   Yu Gao, Zhangwei Wang, Chunjie Wang, and Xiaoshan Zhang, The soil displacement measurement of mercury emission flux of the sewage irrigation farmlands in Northern China. ECOSYSTEM HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY, 2019, 5(1), 169-180

22.   Yu Gao, Zhangwei Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Chunjie Wang, Observation and estimation of mercury exchange fluxes from soil under different crop cultivars and planting densities in North China Plain. dio.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2016.01.003. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 259, 113833-113844.

23.   Quan Jiannong, Zhang Xiaoshan, Shang Gyoo SHIM, Estimation of vegetative mercury emissions in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20, 1070-1074.

24.   Tang, X., X. Zhang, Z. Ci, J. Guo, J. Wang, 2016. Speciation of the major inorganic salts in atmospheric aerosols of Beijing, China: Measurements and comparison with model. Atmospheric Environment, 133, 123–134.

25.   Tang, X., X. Zhang, Z. Wang, Z. Ci, 2016. Water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and its temperature-resolved carbon fractions in atmospheric aerosols in Beijing. Atmospheric Research, 181, 200–210.

26.   Lun Xiaoxiu, Zhang Xiaoshan, Mu Yujing, Wang Anpu, Jiang Guibin, Size fractionated speciation of sulfate and nitrate in airborne particulates in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 37: 2581–2588, 2003.

27.   Jiaqi Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang Jia Guo, Zhangwei Wang, Meigen Zhang, Observation of nitrous acid (HONO) in Beijing, China: Seasonal variation,nocturnal formation and daytime budget, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 587:350-359

28.   Zhang, X., Y. Mu, W .Song and Y. Zhuang, seasonal variations of isoprene emissions from deciduous and broadleaf trees, Atmos. Environ. 34, 3027-3032, 2000.

29.   Zhangwei Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Yujing Mu. Effects of Rare Earth Fertilizer on the Emission of Nitrous Oxide from Agricultural Soil in China. Atmospheric Environment 42 3882–3887, 2008.

30.   Jiannong Quan, Xiaoshan Zhang, Assessing the role of ammonia in sulfur transformation and deposition in China. Atmospheric Research, 88, 78-88, 2008.

31.   Zhao D., Chuyin Chen, Jiling Xiong, X. Zhang, Zhaohua Dai and Jietai Mao, Acid region 2010 in China, proceeding of China-Japan meeting on monitoring sulfur pollution in China, March 1996, pp.92-132

32.   Shen, J., Q. Zhao, X. Zhang, B. Zhang, D. Zhao, Z. Fan and P. Chen, sulfur dioxide-hydrogen peroxide relationships and acidification of precipitation in Guiyang Area -- a case study, J. of Environ. Sci. (China),  3(1): 41-58,1991

33.   Ma J Z, Tang J, Zhou X J, Zhang X S, Estimates of the chemical budget for ozone at Waliguan Observatory.  J. Atmos. Chem., 41(1): 21-48, 2002.

34.   Zhao, D., X. Zhang, J. Yang, J. Mao and J. Xiong, critical load of sulfur deposition for ecosystem and its application in China, J. of Environ. Sci. (China), 7(3): 325-337, 1995.

35.   Li, B., Z. Wang, X. Zhang, Assessment of the maximum allowed acid deposition load at current stage in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2017, 56, 140-144

36.   Chun-lai Jiang, Xiao-Shan Zhang, N isotopes and N cycle in the TieShanPing subtropical forest ecosystem, Southwestern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2009, DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0398-z. 154:301-308.

37.   J. Guo, R. D. Vogt, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. M. Seip, H. Tang. Ca-H-Al exchanges and aluminium mobility in two Chinese acidic forest soils: a batch experiment. Environmental Geology, 2004, 45:1148–1153.

38.   J. Guo, R. David Vogt, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. M. Seip, J. Xiao, H. Tang. Aluminium Mobilization from Acidic Forest Soils in Leigongshan Area, Southwestern China: Laboratory and Field Study. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2006, 51: 321–328.

39.   Jing-Heng Guo, Xiao-Shan Zhang, Rolf D. Vogt, Jin-Song Xiao, Da-Wei Zhao, Ren-Jun Xiang, Jia-Hai Luo, Evaluating Controlling Factors to Ali/(Ca + Mg) Molar Ratio in Acidic Soil Water, Southern and Southwestern China: Multivariate Approach. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2007, 129: 321–329.

40.   Larssen, Thorj?rn ; Lydersen, Espen; Tang, Dagang; He, Yi; Gao, Jixi; Liu, Haiying; Duan, Lei; Seip, Hans M; Vogt, Rolf D; Mulder, Jan; Shao, Min; Wang, Yanhui; Shang, He; Zhang, Xiaoshan; Solberg, Svein; Aas, Wenche; Okland, Tonje; Eilertsen, Odd; Angell, Valter; Liu, Quanru; Zhao, Dawei; Xiang, Renjun; Xiao, Jinshong; Luo, Jiahai. Acid rain in China. Environmental Science & Technology 40, 2 : 418-425. 2006.

41.    Vogt, Rolf D ; Guo, Jingheng; Luo, Jiahai; Peng, Xiaoyu; Xiang, Renjun; Xiao, Jinsong; Zhang, Xiaoshan; Zhao, Dawei; Zhao, Yu. Water chemistry in forested acid sensitive sites in sub-tropical Asia receiving acid rain and alkaline dust. Applied Geochemistry 22. 6 (2007): 1140-1148.

42.   Jiaqi Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Ronghua Kang, A relative method for measuring nitric oxide (NO) fluxes from forest soils, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 574:544-552

43.   Juan Cui, Jing Zhu, Zhangwei Wang, Jan Mulder , Bing Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang. The regional variation of denitrification phenotypes under anoxic incubation with soils from eight forested catchments in different climate zones of China. Science of the Total Environment 615, 2018, 319–329.

44.   Juan CuiZhangwei WangXiaoshan ZhangJan MulderMeigen Zhang, Temporal variability of ammonia emission potentials for six plant species in an evergreen subtropical forest in southwest China, Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10808–10818.

45.   Yu, L., Mulder, J., Zhu, J., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., & D?rsch, P. (2019). Denitrication as a major regional nitrogen sink in subtropical forest catchments: Evendence from multisite dual nitrate isotopes. Global Change Biology, 25(5), 1765–1778. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14596

46.   Yu, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., D?rsch, P., & Mulder, J. (2017). Phosphorus addition mitigates N2O and CH4 emissions in Nsaturated subtropical forest, SW China. Biogeosciences, 14(12), 30973109. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg1430972017

47.   Yu, L., Zhu, J., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., D?rsch, P., & Mulder, J. (2019). Humid subtropical forests constitute a net methane source: A catchmentscale study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JG005210

48.   Zhanyi Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Yi Zhang, Bingwen L, Rolf Vogt, Dissolved organic sulfur in streams draining forested catchments in southern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2012, 24(4) 1–7.

49.   Zhanyi Wang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Yi Zhang, Zhangwei Wang and Jan Mulder. Accumulation of different sulfur fractions in Chinese forest soil under acid deposition.Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13(9):2463-70.

50.   Z. W. Wang, J. C. Gallet, C. A. Pedersen, X. S. Zhang, J. Str?m, and Z.Ci. Elemental carbon in snow at ChangbaiMountain, Northeastern China:concentrations, scavenging ratios anddry deposition velocities. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 629–640, 2014.

51.   蒋春来张晓山肖劲松夏园. 我国西南地区氮沉降量不同的森林小流域中土壤自然15N丰度的分布特征. 岩石学报2009255:1291-1296.

52.   郭景恒、张晓山、蒋春来、赵大为、姜 平、向仁军、罗家海, 偏最小二乘法回归(PLS)研究酸性森林土壤中铝的释放过程. 地球化学, 2006, 356: 304-310

53.   郭景恒、张晓山、蒋春来、赵大为、涂志江、向仁军、罗家海,酸性森林土壤中Ali/Ca+Mg)摩尔比值的分布特征及影响因素,应用生态学报,2006177: 1207-1212

54.   郭景恒、张晓山、汤鸿霄, 酸沉降对地表生态系统的影响I.土壤中铝的活化与迁移, 土壤,20032: 89-93

55.   郭景恒、张晓山张逸、Rolf David Vogt,酸性森林土壤中Ca-H-Al交换过程中与铝的溶解机制研究. 土壤学报,200643(1): 92-97.

56.   201332(8): 1481-1485.

57.   权建农、张晓山、段 宁、郭景恒,中国西南和华南地区硫沉降数值模拟,高原气象,2007242):326-332

58.   吴鹏章、张晓山、牟玉静、张逸,室内空气质量与人体健康,环境科学与技术,272: 40-422004

59.   张逸、陈永桥、张晓山、周家斌、王铁冠,北京城乡结合部气溶胶中水溶性离子粒径分布和季节变化,环境化学,200525126):681-685

60.   张逸、陈永桥、张晓山、周家斌、王铁冠,北京市不同区域采暖期大气颗粒物中多环芳烃的分布特征,环境化学,2004236):681-685

61.   陈永桥、张逸、张晓山,北京城乡结合部气溶胶中水溶性离子粒径分布和季节变化,生态学报,25(12): 3231-3236 2005

62.   陈永桥、张逸、王章玮、张晓山,北京市不同区域大气气溶胶中水溶性离子的特征.环境化学, 23(6) : 674-6802004

63.   伦小秀、张晓山、牟玉静,热解法分离大气颗粒物中几种主要铵盐,环境化学,2004231: 17-20

64.   张晓山、张宝珠、沈济、赵殿五,颗粒物酸缓冲作用的参数化,环境化学,9(2), 19-25, 1990.

65.   汤杰、张晓山、郑向东、马建中,青海瓦里关山地区大气过氧化氢的观测与分析,自然科学进展,122):161-1652002.

66.   王章玮, 张晓山, 张逸, 权建农. 汞在不同粒径大气颗粒物中的分布.环境化学, 2005, 24(1): 72-75

67.   王章玮, 张晓山, 张逸, 权建农. 北京市大气颗粒物PM2.5PM10及降雪中的汞. 环境化学, 2004, 23(6): 668-673

68.     陈作帅, 王章玮, 张晓山. 北京市典型地区大气可吸入颗粒物中汞的浓度水平和粒径分布. 环境化学, 2007, 26(5): 680-683


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