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2004.09-2010.07 中国农业大学,博士

2000.09-2004.07 中国农业大学,学士


2010.07-至今 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,助理研究员,副研究员

2008.01-2009.12 法国农业科学研究院(INRA-Dijon),访问学者







1)        Chen Baodong*, Hu Yanbo, Li Tao, Xu Lijiao, Zhang Xin and Hao Zhipeng, 2018. The role of AM symbiosis in plant adaptation to drought stress. Journal of Integrated Field Science 15: 22-25.

2)        Chen Yongliang, Chen Baodong*, Hu Yajun, Li Tao, Zhang Xin, Hao Zhipeng, Wang Youshan, 2013. Direct and indirect influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on abundance and community structure of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and ammonia oxidizing archaea in soil microcosms. Pedobiologia 56: 205-212.

3)        Chen Yongliang, Xu Tianle, Veresoglou Stavros D., Hu Hangwei, Hao Zhipeng, Hu Yajun, Liu Lei, Deng Ye, Rillig Matthias C., Chen Baodong*, 2017. Plant diversity represents the prevalent determinant of soil fungal community structure across temperate grasslands in northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 110: 12-21.

4)        Chen Yongliang, Xu Zhuwen, Hu Hangwei, Hu Yajun, Hao Zhipeng, Jiang Yong, Chen Baodong*, 2013. Responses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to nitrogen fertilization and precipitation increment in a temperate typical steppe. Applied Soil Ecology 68: 36-45.

5)        Dong Linlin, Hao Zhipeng, Zuo Yuanmei, Li Xiaolin, Wang Qian*, Christie Peter, 2012. Effects of garlic bulb aqueous extract on cucumber seedlings, soil microbial counts, and enzyme activities. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43: 2888-2896.

6)        Dong Linlin, Hao Zhipeng, Zuo Yuanmei, Li Xiaolin, Wang Qian*, 2011. Allelopathic potential of cucumber tissues aqueous extracts. Agricultural Science & Technology: 20: 22-25.

7)        Hao Zhipeng*, Chen Baodong, Li Xiaolin, 2020. Relationship between soil chemical properties and microbial metabolic patterns in intensive greenhouse tomato production systems. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 66: 1334-1343.

8)        Hao Zhipeng*, van Tuinen Diederik, Fayolle Léon, Chatagnier Odile, Li Xiaolin, Chen Baodong, Gianinazzi Silvio, Gianinazzi-Pearson Vivienne, 2018. Mycorrhiza affect Grapevine fanleaf virus transmission by the nematode vector Xiphinema index. Applied Soil Ecology 129: 107-111.

9)        Hao Zhipeng*, Xie Wei, Chen Baodong, 2019. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis affects plant immunity to viral infection and accumulation. Viruses 11(6): 534.

10)     Hao Zhipeng, Christie Peter, Qin Lin, Wang Changxian, Li, Xiaolin*, 2005. Control of Fusarium wilt of cucumber seedlings by inoculation with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Journal of Plant Nutrition 28: 1961-1974.

11)     Hao Zhipeng, Christie Peter, Zheng Fang, Li Junliang, Chen Qing, Wang Jingguo, Li Xiaolin*, 2009. Excessive nitrogen inputs in intensive greenhouse cultivation may influence soil microbial biomass and community composition. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 40: 2323-2337.

12)     Hao Zhipeng, Fayolle Léon, van Tuinen Diederik, Chataignier Odile, Li Xiaolin, Gianinazzi Silvio, Gianinazzi-Pearson Vivienne*, 2012. Local and systemic mycorrhiza-induced protection against the ectoparasitic nematode Xiphinema index involves priming of defence gene responses in grapevine. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 3657-3672.

13)     Hao Zhipeng, van Tuinen Diederik, Wipf Daniel, Fayolle Léon, Chataignier Odile, Li Xiaolin, Chen Baodong, Gianinazzi Silvio, Gianinazzi-Pearson Vivienne, Adrian Marielle*, 2017. Biocontrol of grapevine aerial and root pathogens by Paenibacillus sp. strain B2 and paenimyxin in vitro and in planta. Biological Control 109: 42-50.

14)     Hao Zhipeng, Wang Qian, Christie Peter, Li Xiaolin*, 2006. Autotoxicity potential of soils cropped continuously with watermelon. Allelopathy Journal 18: 111-119.

15)     Hao Zhipeng, Wang Qian, Christie Peter, Li Xiaolin*, 2007. Allelopathic potential of watermelon tissues and root exudates. Scientia Horticulturae 112: 315-320.

16)     Hao Zhipeng, Xie Wei, Jiang Xuelian, Wu Zhaoxiang, Zhang Xin, Chen Baodong*2019. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus improves rhizobium–Glycyrrhiza seedling symbiosis under drought stress. Agronomy 9: 572.

17)     Hu Yajun, Rillig Matthias C, Xiang Dan, Hao Zhipeng, Chen Baodong*, 2013. Changes of AM fungal abundance along environmental gradients in the arid and semi-arid grasslands of northern China. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57593.

18)     Hu Yajun, Veresoglou Stavros D., Tedersoo Leho, Xu Tianle, Ge Tida, Liu Lei, Chen Yongliang, Hao Zhipeng, Su Yirong, Rillig Matthias C., Chen Baodong*, 2019. Contrasting latitudinal diversity and co-occurrence patterns of soil fungi and plants in forest ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 131: 100-110.

19)     Hu Yanjun, Xiang Dan, Veresoglou Stavros D, Chen Falin, Chen Yongliang, Hao Zhipeng, Zhang Xin, Chen Baodong*, 2014. Soil organic carbon and soil structure are driving microbial abundance and community composition across the arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 77: 51-57.

20)     Li Tao, Hu Yajun, Hao Zhipeng, Li Hong, Chen Baodong*, 2013. Aquaporin genes GintAQPF1 and GintAQPF2 from Glomus intraradices contribute to plant drought tolerance. Plant Signaling & Behavior 8(5): e24030

21)     Li Tao, Hu Yajun, Hao Zhipeng, Li Hong, Wang Youshan, Chen Baodong*, 2013. First cloning and characterization of two functional aquaporin genes from an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. New Phytologist 197: 617–630.

22)     Li Tao, Sun Yuqing, Ruan Yuan, Xu Lijiao, Hu Yajun, Hao Zhipeng, Zhang Xin, Li Hong, Wang Youshan, Yang Liguo and Chen Baodong*, 2016. Potential role of D-myo-inositol-3-phosphate synthase and 14-3-3 genes in the crosstalk between Zea mays and Rhizophagus intraradices under drought stress. Mycorrhiza 26(8): 879-893.

23)     Veresoglou Stavros D, Liu Lei, Xu Tianle, Rillig Matthias C, Wang Meie, Wang Juntao, Chen Yongliang, Hu Yajun, Hao Zhipeng, Chen Baodong*, 2019. Biogeographical constraints in Glomeromycotinan distribution across forest habitats in China. Journal of Ecology 107: 684–695.

24)     Wu Zhaoxiang, Hao Zhipeng, Sun Yuqing, Guo Lanping, Huang Luqi, Zeng Yan, Wang Yong, Yang Li, Chen Baodong*, 2016. Comparison on the structure and function of the rhizosphere microbial community between healthy and root-rot Panax notoginseng. Applied Soil Ecology 107: 99-107.

25)     Wu Zhaoxiang, Hao Zhipeng, Zeng Yan, Guo Lanping, Huang Luqi, Chen Baodong*, 2015. Molecular characterization of microbial communities in the rhizosphere soils and roots of diseased and healthy Panax notoginseng. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 158: 1059-1074.

26)     Xiang Dan, Veresoglou Stavros D, Rillig Matthias C, Xu Tianle, Li Huan, Hao Zhipeng, Chen Baodong*, 2016. Relative importance of individual climatic drivers shaping arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Microbial Ecology 72:418–427.

27)     Xiang Dan, Verbruggen Erik, Hu Yajun, Veresoglou Stavros D, Rillig Matthias C, Zhou Wenping, Xu Tianle, Li Huan, Hao Zhipeng, Chen Yongliang, Chen Baodong*, 2014. Land use influences arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in the farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China. New Phytologist 204: 968-978.

28)     Xie Wei, Hao Zhipeng*, Yu Meng, Wu Zhaoxiang, Zhao Aihua, Li Jinglong, Zhang Xin, Chen Baodong*, 2019. Improved phosphorus nutrition by arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis as a key factor facilitating glycyrrhizin and liquiritin accumulation in Glycyrrhiza uralensis. Plant and Soil 439: 243-257.

29)     Xie Wei, Hao Zhipeng, Zhou Xiaofu, Jiang Xuelian, Xu Lijiao, Wu Songlin, Zhao Aihua, Zhang Xin, Chen Baodong*, 2018. Arbuscular mycorrhiza facilitates the accumulation of glycyrrhizin and liquiritin in Glycyrrhiza uralensis under drought stress. Mycorrhiza 28(3): 285-300.

30)     Xu Tianle, Veresoglou Stavros D, Chen Yongliang, Rillig Matthias C, Xiang Dan, Ondrej Daniel, Hao Zhipeng, Liu Lei, Deng Ye, Hu Yajun, Chen Weiping, Wang Juntao, He Jizheng, Chen Baodong*, 2016. Plant community, geographic distance and abiotic factors play different roles in predicting AMF biogeography at the regional scale in northern China. Environmental Microbiology Reports 8(6):1048-1057.

31)     Yu Meng, Xie Wei, Zhang Xin, Zhang Shubin, Wang Youshan, Hao Zhipeng*, Chen Baodong, 2020. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can compensate for the loss of indigenous microbial communities to support the growth of liquorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.). Plants 9: 7.

32)     Zeng Yan, Guo Lanping, Chen Baodong, Hao Zhipeng, Wang Jiyong, Huang Luqi*, Yang Guang, Cui Xiuming, Yang Li, Wu Zhaoxiang, Chen Meilan, Zhang Yan, 2013. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and active ingredients of medicinal plants: current research status and prospectives. Mycorrhiza 23: 253-265.

33)     Zeng Yan, Guo Lanping, Chen Baodong, Hao Zhipeng, Wang Jiyong, Huang Luqi*, Yang Guang, Cui Xiuming, Yang Li, Wu Zhaoxiang, Chen Meilan, Zhang Yan, 2013. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis for sustainable cultivation of Chinese medicinal plants: a promising research direction. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 41: 1199-1221.

34)     陈保冬*, 于萌, 郝志鹏, 谢伟, 张莘, 2019. 丛枝菌根真菌应用技术研究进展. 应用生态学报30(3): 1035-1046.

35)     陈保冬,郝志鹏2016. 微生物与植物的关系. 于振良主编,生态学的现状与发展趋势, 北京: 高等教育出版社, 604-617.

36)     陈保冬,郝志鹏,吴照祥,2018. 三七道地产区土壤微生态及土壤修复. 黄璐琦主编,道地药材品质保障技术研究, 上海: 上海科学技术出版社,579-618.

37)     付伟, 武慧, 赵爱花, 郝志鹏, 陈保冬*, 2020. 陆地生态系统氮沉降的生态效应:研究进展与展望. 植物生态学报DOI:10.17521/cjpe.2019.0163

38)     雷垚, 郝志鹏, 陈保冬*, 2013. 土著菌根真菌和混生植物对羊草生长和磷营养的影响. 生态学报 33(4): 1071-1079.

39)     雷垚, 伍松林, 郝志鹏, 陈保冬*, 2013. 丛枝菌根根外菌丝网络形成过程中的时间效应及植物介导作用. 西北植物学报 33(1): 154-161.

40)     李芳, 郝志鹏, 陈保冬*, 2019. 菌根植物适应低磷胁迫的分子机制. 植物营养与肥料学报 25(11): 1989-1997.

41)     李芳, 徐丽娇, 谢伟, 郝志鹏, 陈保冬*, 2020. 菌根化育苗对玉米生长和养分吸收的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报 26(1): 42-50.

42)     李涛, 杜娟, 郝志鹏, 张莘, 陈保冬*, 2012. 丛枝菌根提高宿主植物抗旱性分子机制研究进展. 生态学报 32(22) 7169-7176.

43)     王倡宪*, 郝志鹏, 2008. 丛枝菌根真菌对黄瓜枯萎病的影响. 菌物学报 395-404.

44)     吴照祥, 郝志鹏, 曾燕, 郭兰萍, 黄璐琦, 王勇, 陈保冬*, 2015. 三七根腐病原菌毁坏柱孢霉分子定量检测方法及其应用. 微生物学通报 34(1): 65-74

45)     吴照祥, 郝志鹏, 陈永亮, 曾燕, 郭兰萍, 黄璐琦, 王勇, 陈保冬*, 2015. 三七根腐病株根际土壤真菌群落组成与碳源利用特征研究.菌物学报42(3): 598-607

46)     谢伟, 郝志鹏*, 郭兰萍, 张莘, 张淑彬, 王幼珊, 陈保冬*, 2020. 丛枝菌根影响植物萜类化合物合成与积累研究进展. 生物技术通讯 36(9): 51-65

47)     邢颖, 张莘, 郝志鹏, 赵正雄, 于有志, 陈保冬*, 2015. 烟草内生菌资源及其应用研究进展. 微生物学通报42(2): 411?419.

48)     徐丽娇, 郝志鹏, 李涛, 李芳, 李景龙, 陈保冬*, 2018. 丛枝菌根真菌异形根孢囊霉(Rhizophagus irregularis14-3-3蛋白基因克隆及功能验证. 东北林业大学学报46(8): 63-68.

49)     徐丽娇, 郝志鹏, 谢伟, 李芳, 陈保冬*, 2018. 丛枝菌根真菌根外菌丝跨膜H+Ca2+流对干旱胁迫的响应. 植物生态学报42 (7): 764–773.

50)     徐丽娇, 姜雪莲, 郝志鹏, 李涛, 吴照祥, 陈保冬*, 2017. 丛枝菌根(AM)通过调节碳磷代谢相关基因的表达增强植物对低磷胁迫的适应性. 植物生态学报41(8): 815-825.

51)     叶佳舒, 李涛, 胡亚军, 郝志鹏, 高彦征, 王幼珊, 陈保冬*, 2013. 干旱条件下AM真菌对植物生长和土壤水稳定性团聚体的影响. 生态学报 33(4): 1080-1090.

52)     于萌张永帅付伟吴照祥谢伟张莘郝志鹏*, 陈保冬, 2019. 保水剂和丛枝菌根真菌异形根孢囊霉对紫花苜蓿生长与抗旱性的影响菌物学报 38(11): 1976-1991.

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