1. Jingjun Su#, Du Xinzhong, Li Xuyong*. Developing a non-point source P loss indicator in R and its parameter uncertainty assessment using GLUE: a case study in northern China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018,25(21): 21070-21085..
2 Jingjun Su#, Xinzhong Du, Xuyong Li*, Xiaoxue Wang, Wenzan Li, Wangshou Zhang, Huiliang Wang, Zhen Wu and Baolin Zheng. Development and Application of Watershed-Scale Indicator to Quantify Non-Point Source P Losses in Semi-Humid and Semi-Arid Watershed, China. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 63: 374-385.
3. Jingjun Su#, Eric van Bochove*, Jean-Christian Auclair, Georges Thériault, Jean-Thomas Denault, Catherine Bossé, Xuyong Li and Chengxiao Hu. Phosphorus Algal Availability and Release Potential in Suspended and Streambed Sediments in Relation to Sediment and Catchment Characteristics. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2014, 188: 169-179.
4. Jingjun Su#, Eric van Bochove*, Jean-Christian Auclair, Georges Thériault, Chengxiao Hu and Xuyong Li. Phosphorus Fluxes at the Sediment-Water Interface in a Temperate Region Agricultural Catchment. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution,2014, 225(1): 1-11.
5. Jingjun Su#, Eric van Bochove*, Georges Thériault, Beata Novotna, Jalal Khaldoune, Jean-Thomas Denault, Jian Zhou, Michel Nolin, Chengxiao Hu,Monique Bernier, Glenn Benoy, Zhisheng Xing, Lien Chow. Effects of Snowmelt on Phosphorus and Sediment Losses from Agricultural Watersheds in Eastern Canada. Agricultural water management,2011,98(5): 867-876.
6. Jingjun Su#, Hailong Wang*, Mark O Kimberley, Katie Beecroft, GN Magesan and Chengxiao Hu. Distribution of Heavy Metals in a Sandy Forest Soil Repeatedly Amended with Biosolids. Soil Research, 2008, 46(7): 502-508.
7. Jingjun Su#, Hailong Wang*, Mark O Kimberley, Katie Beecroft, Guna N Magesan and Chengxiao Hu. Fractionation and Mobility of Phosphorus in a Sandy Forest Soil Amended with Biosolids. Environmental Science and Pollution Research-International, 2007, 14(7): 529-535.