重要著作 与成果 | 1. Zhao, H.T.; Huang, T.; Su, J.J.; Li, X.Y.* Role of height and position in vertical distribution pattern of urban surface-deposited sediments and associated heavy metals. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2023 (外封面文章, Outside Front Cover) 2. Hu, L.; Zhao, H.T.*. Influence of particle size on diffuse particulate pollutants in combined sewer systems. Science of the Total Environment 2022 815: 152533. 3. Ma, Y.K.; Zhao, H.T.*. The role of spatial patterns of Low Impact Development in urban runoff pollution control within parcel based catchments. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022 10: 926937. 4. Zhao, H.T.; Ma, Y.K.; Fang, J.X.; Hu, L.; Li, X.Y.* Particle size distribution and total suspended solid concentrations in urban surface runoff. Science of the Total Environment 2022 815: 152533. 5. Liao, Y. J.; Zhao, H.T.*; Jiang, Z. H.; Li, J.; Li, X.Y. Identifying the risk of urban nonpoint source pollution using an index model based on impervious-pervious spatial pattern. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 228: 125619. 6. Ma, Y. K.; Gong, M. L.; Zhao, H.T.*; Li, X.Y. Contribution of road dust from Low Impact Development (LID) construction sites to atmospheric pollution from heavy metals. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 698:134243. 7. Ma, Y. K.; He, W. Y; Zhao, H.T.*; Zhao, J.; Li, X.Y.; Yin, C.Q. Influence of Low Impact Development practices on urban diffuse pollutant transport process at catchment scale. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 213: 357-364. 8. Zhao, H.T.*; Jiang, Q.; Ma, Y. K.; Xie, W.X; Li, X.Y.; Yin, C.Q. Influence of urban surface roughness on build-up and wash-off dynamics of road-deposited sediment. Environmental Pollution 2018, 243: 1226-1234. 9. Ma, Y. K.; Hao, S.N.; Zhao, H.T.*; Fang, J. X.; Zhao, J.; Li, X.Y. Pollutant transport analysis and source apportionment of the entire non-point source pollution process in separate sewer systems. Chemosphere 2018, 211: 557-565. 10. Zhao, H.T.*; Zou, C.L., Zhao, J., Li, X.Y. Role of low-impact development in generation and control of urban diffuse pollution in a pilot sponge city: a paired-catchment study. Water 2018 10, 852; doi:10.3390/w10070852. 11. Zhao, H.T.; Jiang, Q.; Xie, W., Li, X.Y.*, Yin, C.Q. Role of urban surface roughness in road-deposited sediment build-up and wash-off. Journal of Hydrology 2018, 560: 75-85. 12. Luo, X.; Zhao, H.T.*; Liao, Y. J.; Li, X.Y. Evaluation of the methods for quantifying particle wash-off loadings in urban impervious surfaces at small scales. Environment Science and Pollution Research 2018, 25(7): 6969-6979. 13. Ma, Y. K.; Gong, M. L.; Zhao, H.T.*; Li, X.Y. Influence of low impact development construction on pollutant process of road deposited sediments and associated heavy metals. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 613-614:1130-1139. 14. Zhao, H.T.; Wang, X. X.; Li, X.Y. * Quantifying grain-size variability of metal pollutants in road-deposited sediments using the coefficient of variation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017, 14: 850. 15. Zhao, H.T.*; Chen, X.F.; Hao, S.N.; Zhao, J.; Jiang, Y; Zou, C.L.; Xie, W.X. Is the wash-off process of road-deposited sediment source limited or transport limited? Science of the Total Environment 2016 563-564: 62-70. 16. Zhao, H.T.; Shao, Y.P.; Yin, C.Q.; Jiang, Y; Li, X.Y.* The potential metal pollution contribution to atmospheric particulate matter from road dust in Beijing. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 550: 167-175. 17. Zhao, H.T.; Zhao, J.; Yin, C.Q.; Li, X.Y.* Index models to evaluate the potential metal pollution contribution from washoff of road-deposited sediment. Water Research 2014, 59: 71-79. 18. Zhao, H.T.; Li, X.Y.* Risk assessment of metals in road-deposited sediment along an urban-rural gradient. Environmental Pollution 2013, 174: 297-304. 19. Zhao, H.T.; Li, X.Y.* Understanding the relationship between heavy metals in road-deposited sediments and washoff particles in urban stormwater using simulated rainfall. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 246-247: 267-276. 20. Zhao, H.T.; Li, X.Y.*; Wang, X.M. Heavy metal contents of road-deposited sediment along the urban-rural gradient around Beijing and its potential contribution to runoff pollution. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45 (17): 7120-7127. 21. Zhao, H.T.; Li, X.Y.*; Wang, X.M.; Tian, D. Grain size distribution of road-deposited sediment and its contribution to heavy metal pollution in urban runoff in Beijing, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010, 183: 203-210. 22. Zhao, H.T.; Yin, C.Q. *; Chen, M.X.; Wang, W.D. Risk assessment of heavy metals in street dust particles to a stream network. Soil Sediment & Contamination 2009, 18(2): 173-183. 23. Zhao, H.T.; Yin, C.Q. *; Chen, M.X.; Wang, W.D.; Chris, J.; Shan, B.Q. Size-distributions and diffuse pollution impacts of PAHs in street dusts from a stream network town in Yangtze River delta. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2009, 21(2): 162-167. 24. Zhao, H.T.*; Yin, C.Q.; Chen, M.X. Runoff pollution impacts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in street dusts from a stream network town. Water Science and Technology 2008, 58(11): 1069-1076. 25. Wang, Z.Q.; Li, X.Y.*; Zhao, H.T. Identifying spatial influence of urban elements on road-deposited sediment and the associated phosphorus by coupling Geodetector and Bayesian Networks. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 315: 115170. 26. Jiang, Y*.; Bao, X.; Hao, S.N.; Zhao, H.T.; Li, X.Y.; Wu, X.N. Monthly Streamflow Forecasting Using ELM-IPSO Based on Phase Space Reconstruction. Water Resource Management 2020, 34 (11): 3515-3531. 27. Jiang, Y*.; Liu, C.M.; Hao, S.N.; Zhao, H.T.; Li, X.Y. A framework to develop a watershed pollution load model for semiarid and semi humid areas. Journal of Hydrology 2020, 579: 124179. 28. Liao, Y. J.; Zhao, H. T.; Jiang, Y.; Ma, Y. K.; Luo, X.; Li, X. Y*. An innovative method based on cloud model learning to identify high-risk pollution intervals of storm-flow on an urban catchment scale. Water Research 2019, 165: 115007. 29. Zeng, Q. H.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, H.T.; Sun, M. D.; Li, X.Y.* Comparison of models for predicting the changes in phytoplankton community composition in the receiving water system of an interbasin water transfer project. Environmental Pollution 2017, 223: 676-684. 30. Hao, S. N.; Li, X.Y. *; Jiang, Y; Zhao, H.T.; Yang L. Trends and variations of pH and hardness in a typical semi-arid river in a monsoon climate region during 1985–2009. Environment Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23(18): 17953-17968. 31. Li, W.Z.; Li, X.Y. *; Su, J.J.; Zhao, H.T. Sources and mass fluxes of the main contaminants in a heavily polluted and modified river of the North China Plain. Environment Science and Pollution Research 2014, 21(8): 5678-5688. 32. 单溪环, 房志达, 谢文霞, 佘年, 赵洪涛*, 李叙勇. 海绵城市源头工程设施运行维护管理技术体系研究. 中国给水排水, 2021, 37: 42-50. 33. 苏静君, 赵洪涛*, 焦茹媛, 房志达, 杨晓晶, 李叙勇. 基于R语言的非点源颗粒态磷指数构建及应用—以丘陵红壤区小流域为例. 中国环境科学, 2021, 41 (4): 1868-1877. 34. 房志达, 王淑萍, 苏静君, 胡炼, 赵洪涛*, 李叙勇. 红壤丘陵区典型小流域不同下垫面非点源磷输出特征. 环境工程学报, 2021, 15 (5): 1724-1734. 35. 房志达, 苏静君, 赵洪涛*, 胡炼, 李叙勇. 红壤丘陵区小流域典型土地利用的面源氮磷输出特征. 环境科学, 2021, 42(11): 5394-5404. 36. 李佳, 谢文霞, 姜智绘, 单溪环, 廖云杰, 赵洪涛*, 李叙勇. 海绵城市地块汇水区颗粒污染物的传输. 环境科学,2020, 41: 237-247. 37. 姜智绘, 廖云杰, 谢文霞, 李佳, 房志达, 赵洪涛*, 李叙勇. 透水/不透水格局特征对汇水单元径流污染的影响. 环境科学, 2020, 41: 255-261. 38. 房金秀, 谢文霞, 朱玉玺, 沈雷, 马玉坤, 李佳, 姜智绘, 赵洪涛*, 李叙勇. 合流制面源污染传输过程与污染源解析. 环境科学, 2019, 40: 2705-2714. 39. 宫曼莉, 马玉坤, 赵江, 佘年, 赵洪涛*, 李叙勇. 雨水花园施工过程的场地污染特征研究. 中国给水排水, 2018, 34(9): 128-133. 40. 宫曼莉, 左俊杰, 赵洪涛*, 任心欣, 罗茜, 廖云杰, 李叙勇. 透水路面-生物滞留池组合对城市面源污染的调控评估. 环境科学, 2018, 39(9): 4096-4104. 41. 贺文彦, 谢文霞, 赵敏华, 赵江, 王永进, 赵洪涛*, 李叙勇. 海绵城市试点区域内面源污染发生过程及其对水体污染负荷贡献评估. 环境科学学报, 2018, 38(4) 1586-1597. 42. 江倩, 谢文霞, 尹澄清, 李叙勇, 赵洪涛*. 城市道路下垫面粗糙度对街尘累积分布与污染特征的影响. 环境科学学报, 2018, 37(12): 4693-4704. 43. 邹常亮, 谢文霞, 赵全升, 李叙勇, 赵洪涛*. 下垫面高度梯度对城市灰尘分布特性及其重金属污染的影响,环境科学学报,2017, 37(2): 729-736. 44. 赵洪涛, 李叙勇*, 尹澄清. 街尘与城市降雨径流污染的关系—研究现状与展望. 生态学报, 2012, 32(24): 8001-8007. 45. 赵洪涛, 李叙勇, 王为东, 陈梅雪, 尹澄清*. 城镇街尘污染与平原河网水体的源-汇效应研究. 环境科学学报, 2010, 30(6): 1295-1301. 46. 何小艳, 顾培, 李叙勇, 赵洪涛*. 北京市城乡环境梯度下街尘中重金属污染特征. 环境科学, 2013, 34(1): 338-344. 47. 何小艳, 赵洪涛*, 李叙勇, 连宾, 王小梅. 不同粒径地表街尘中重金属在径流冲刷中的迁移转化. 环境科学, 2012, 33(3): 810-816. 48. 王小梅, 赵洪涛, 李叙勇*, 段文标, 何小艳. 北京地区城乡街尘中铅污染分异特征研究. 土壤, 2018, 43(2): 232-238. 49. 王小梅, 赵洪涛, 李叙勇*. 北京城市街尘中重金属污染物粒径效应与径流污染特征的响应. 生态毒理学报, 2010, 5(5): 426-432. 50. 罗茜, 李叙勇*, 赵洪涛, 张汪寿, 吴昊. 雨水收集系统结合自循环系统下的景观湖体氮磷特征. 环境工程学报, 2017, 11(3): 1615-1620. 51. 单溪环, 谢文霞*, 廖云杰, 房志达, 杨晓晶, 苏静君, 赵洪涛, 李叙勇. 不透水地表粗糙度对城市面源颗粒物的累积和冲刷影响. 环境科学, 2021, 42(11): 5394-5404. 52. 沙梦乔, 柴娜, 赵洪涛, 刘春井, 丁文超, 谢文霞*. 互花米草入侵对胶州湾湿地土壤磷赋存形态的影响. 环境科学, 2021, 42(11): 5414-5423. 53. 邵志平, 徐圣君, 秦玉, 焦茹媛, 赵洪涛, 严岩, 尹澄清, 刘俊新,王东升, 杨敏, 庄绪亮*. 基于水资源可持续发展与水生态文明建设的义乌“五水共治”新模式. 环境工程学报, 2021, 15 (4): 1149-1156. 54. 尹澄清*, 苏胜利, 张荣斌, 王为东, 周春东, 刘俊新, 赵洪涛. 以河网作为城市水源的污染问题和湿地净化. 环境科学学报, 2010, 30 (8):1583-1586. 55. 赵洪涛. 城镇道路街尘污染特征. 尹澄清 等著: 城市面源污染的控制原理和技术. 中国建筑工业出版社,北京,68-71页,2009. |