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吕永龙,博士,研究员,博士生导师,发展中国家科学院(TWAS)院士,欧洲科学院(AE)外籍院士,国家有突出贡献中青年专家。现任国际环境问题科学委员会(SCOPE)前主席,太平洋科学协会(PSA)主席,联合国环境规划署(UNEP)国际专家组(IRP)成员,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)科学顾问,中国生态学学会副理事长,中国可持续发展研究会常务理事兼生态环境专业委员会主任委员, 中国科技大学、中国人民大学兼职教授等。Science Advances副主编,美国生态学会与中国生态学会合办国际刊物Ecosystem Health and Sustainability创刊主编,创建国际期刊Environmental DevelopmentTransdisciplinary Journal of SCOPE并担任副主编,《生态学报》责任副主编,并担任多个国内外核心刊物编委。

长期从事区域生态风险与环境管理、持久性有毒污染物的生态效应与调控对策、系统生态与可持续发展等方面的研究工作。先后主持或参与负责承担了40余项国家各类科技计划和国际合作项目。在国内外核心刊物上发表论文240多篇,其中ScienceNatureSCI收录140多篇,发表中英文专著16部。40多次担任ICSU(国际科学联合会)UNEP(联合国环境规划署)SCOPE(国际环境问题科学委员会)UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)UNDP(联合国开发计划署)TWAS(发展中国家科学院)IAC(国际科学院委员会)等国际著名机构的论坛或专门委员会专家。长期参与国家和中科院科技发展规划、科技能力建设计划、高技术产业化规划、国际合作战略与规划的研究制定与实施工作。入选国家百千万人才工程,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。先后获中国科学院科技进步二、三等奖各1次、BHP Billiton导师科研奖、中国科学院朱李月华优秀导师奖、国家科技进步二等奖、SCOPE杰出成就奖、绿色设计国际贡献奖、中国科学院科技促进发展奖等。


1981年起, 先后就学于安徽农业大学、 中国农业大学和中国人民大学,攻读农业工程学士、系统工程硕士和资源与环境经济学博士学位。







1. 中国科学院国际伙伴计划:全球海岸带开发的生态环境效应(GECD)(2020-2024)





[1]   Meng Zhang, Pei Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Xiaotian Lu, Anqi Zhang, Zhaoyang Liu, Yueqing Zhang, Kifayatullah Khan, Suriyanarayanan Sarvajayakesavalu, 2020. Bioaccumulation and human exposure of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in vegetables from the largest vegetable production base of China, Environment International, 135:1-11.

[2]   Yonglong Lu*, Yueqing Zhang, Xianghui Cao, Chenchen Wang, Yichao Wang, Meng Zhang, Robert C. Ferrier, Alan Jenkins, Jingjing Yuan, Mark J Bailey, Deliang Chen, Hanqin Tian, Hong Li, Ernst Ulrich von Weizs?cker, Zhongxiang Zhang, 2019. Forty years of reform and opening up: China’s progress toward a sustainable path, Science Advances, 5: eaau9413.

[3]   Xiaoqi Zheng, Yonglong Lu*, Jingjing Yuan, Yvette Baninla, Sheng Zhang, Nils Chr. Stenseth**, Dag O. Hesseng, Hanqin Tiana, Michael Obersteiner, Deliang Chen, 2019. Drivers of change in China's energy-related CO2 emissions, PNAS, doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1908513117

[4]   Zhaoyang Liu*, Yonglong Lu**, Xin Song, Kevin Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, Andrew C. Johnson, Meng Zhang, Xiaotian Lu, Chao Su, 2019. Multiple crop bioaccumulation and human exposure of perfluoroalkyl substances around a mega fluorochemical industrial park, China: Implication for planting optimization and food safety, Environment International, 127: 671-684.

[5]   Pei Wang, Meng Zhang, Yonglong Lu*, Jing Meng, Qifeng Li, Xiaotian Lu, 2019. Removal of perfluoalkyl acids (PFAAs) through fluorochemical industrial and domestic wastewater treatment plants and bioaccumulation in aquatic plants in river and artificial wetland, Environment International, 129:76-85.

[6]   Yvette Baninla?, Meng Zhang?, Yonglong Lu?*, Ruoyu Liang?, Qian Zhang?, Yunqiao Zhou?, Kifayatullah Khan, 2019. A transitional perspective of global and regional mineral material flows, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 140: 91-101.

[7]   Shuai Song, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Sheng Zhang, Andrew Sweetman, Yvette Baninla, Yajuan Shi, Zhaoyang Liu, Jing Meng, Jing Geng, 2019. Urban-rural gradients of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils at a regional scale: Quantification and prediction. Journal of Environmental Management, 249: 109406.

[8]   Yonglong Lu*, Jingjing Yuan, Xiaotian Lu, Chao Su, Yueqing Zhang, chenchen wang, Xianghui Cao, Qifeng Li, Jilan Su, Venugopalan Ittekkot, Angus Garbutt, Simon Bush, Stephen Fletcher, Tonny Wagey, Anatolii Kachur, Neville Sweijd, 2018. Major threats of pollution and climate change to global coastal ecosystems and enhanced management for sustainability, Environmental Pollution, 239: 670-680.

[9]   Hongqiao Su, Yajuan Shi, Yonglong Lu*, Pei Wang, Meng Zhang, Andrew Sweetman, Kevin Jones, Andrew Johnson, 2017. Home produced eggs: An important pathway of human exposure to perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) around a fluorochemical industrial park in China, Environment International, 101:1-6.

[10] Zhaoyang Liu, Yonglong Lu*, Yajuan Shi, Pei Wang, Kevin Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, Andrew C. Johnson, Meng Zhang, Yunqiao Zhou, Xiaotian Lu, Chao Su, Suriyanarayanan Sarvajayakesavaluc, Kifayatullah Khan, 2017. Crop bioaccumulation and human exposure of perfluoroalkyl acids through multi-media transport from a mega fluorochemical industrial park, China, Environment International, 106:37-47.

[11] Yonglong Lu, Jingjing Yuan, Martin Visbeck, Steve Fletcher, Guizhen He, 2016. Rate oceans’ capital to help achieve SDGs, Nature, 537:34.

[12] Michael Obersteiner*, Brian Walsh*, Stefan Frank, Petr Havlík, Matthew Cantele, Junguo Liu, Amanda Palazzo, Mario Herrero, Yonglong Lu, Aline Mosnier, Hugo Valin, Keywan Riahi, Florian Kraxner,Steffen Fritz, Detlef van Vuuren, 2016. Assessing the land resource–food price nexus of the Sustainable Development Goals, Science Advances, 2: e1501499.

[13] Hongqiao Su, Yonglong Lu*, Pei Wang, Yajuan Shi, Qifeng Li, Yunqiao Zhou, Andrew C. Johnson, 2016. Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in indoor and outdoor dusts around a mega fluorochemical industrial park in China: Implications for human exposure, Environment International, 94:667-673.

[14] Yajuan Shi, Ruoshi Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Shuai Song, Andrew C. Johnson, Andrew Sweetman, Kevin Jones, 2016. Regional multi-compartment ecological risk assessment: Establishing cadmium pollution risk in the northern Bohai Rim, China, Environment International, 94: 283-291.

[15] Zhaoyang Liu, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Pei Wang, Qifeng Li, Andrew C. Johnson, Suriyanarayanan Sarvajayakesavalu, Andrew J. Sweetman, 2016. Risk assessment and source identification of perfluoroalkyl acids in surface and ground water Spatial distribution around a mega-fluorochemical industrial park, China, Environment International, 91:69-77.

[16] Pei Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Jing Meng, Qifeng Li, Zhaoyun Zhu, Yajun Sun, Ruoshi Wang, John P. Giesy, 2016. Shifts in production of peruoroalkyl acids affect emissions and concentrations in the environment of the Xiaoqing River Basin, China, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 307: 55-63.

[17] Yonglong Lu*, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Martin Visbeck, Anne-Sophie Stevance, 2015. Five priorities for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Nature, 520:433.

[18] Yonglong Lu*, Alan Jenkins*, Robert C. Ferrier, Mark Bailey, Iain J. Gordon, Shuai Song, Jikun Huang, Shaofeng Jia, Fusuo Zhang, Xuejun Liu, Zhaozhong Feng, Zhibin Zhang, 2015. Addressing China’s Grand Challenge of Achieving Food Security Whilst Ensuring Environmental Sustainability, Science Advances, 1, e1400039.

[19] Yonglong Lu*, Ruoshi Wang, Yueqing Zhang, Hongqiao Su, Pei Wang, Alan Jenkins, Rober C. Ferrier, Mark Bailey, Geoff Squire, 2015. Ecosystem health towards sustainability, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 1(1):3-17.

[20] Yonglong Lu, David Inouye, Shirong Liu, 2015. A new platform for ecologists to link science with plicy, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 1(1):1-2.

[21] Yonglong Lu*, Shuai Song, Ruoshi Wang, Zhaoyang Liu, Jing Meng, Andrew J. Sweetman, Alan Jenkins, Robert C. Ferrier, Hong Li, Wei Luo, Tieyu Wang, 2015. Impacts of Soil and Water Pollution on Food Safety and Health Risks in China, Environment International, 77(11):5-15.

[22] Shijie Liu, Yonglong Lu*, Shuangwei Xie, Tieyu Wang, Kevin C. Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, 2015. Exploring the fate, transport and risk of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) in a coastal region of China using a multimedia model, Environment International, 85:15-26.

[23] Shijie Liu, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Shuangwei Xie, Kevin C. Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, 2014. Using gridded multimedia model to simulate spatial fate of Benzo[α]pyrene on regional scale, Environment International, 63C: 53-63.

[24] Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Author Mol, Yonglong Lu*, Jianguo Liu, 2013. Revising China's Environmental Law, Science, 341:133.

[25] Shuangwei Xie, Tieyu Wang*, Shijie Liu, Kevin C. Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, Yonglong Lu*, 2013. Industrial source identification and emission estimation of perfluorooctane sulfonate in China, Environmental International, 52:1-8.

[26] Shuangwei Xie, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Shijie Liu, Kevin Jones, Andy Sweetman, 2013. Estimation of PFOS emission from domestic sources in the eastern coastal region of China, Environment International, 59: 336-343.

[27] Tieyu Wang, Jong Seong Khim, Chunli Chen, Jonathan E Naile, Yonglong Lu*, Kurunthachalam Kannan, JinSoon Park, Wei Luo, Wentao Jiao, Wenyou Hu, John P. Giesy, 2012. Perfluorinated Compounds in Surface Waters from Northern China: Comparison to Level of Industrialization, Environment International, 42: 37-46.

[28] Guizhen He, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu*, 2012. Trust and Credibility in Governing China’s Risk Society, Environmental Science and Technology, 46(14): 7442-7443.

[29] Theo Beckers, Yonglong Lu, Natarajan Ishwaran, Joseph Alcamo, 2012. Environmental Development: A new voice for science and policy, Environmental Development, 1(1): 1-2.

[30] Guang Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Jingyi Han, Wei Luo, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, Yamei Sun, 2010. Hexachlorobenzene sources, levels and human exposure in the environment of China, Environment International, 36(1): 122-130.

[31] Tieyu Wang, Yonglong Lu*, Hong Zhang, Yajuan Shi, 2005. Contamination of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Relevant Management in China, Environment International, 31(6):813-821.

[32] Ying Xing, Yonglong Lu*, Richard W. Dawson, Yajuan Shi, Hong Zhang, Tieyu Wang, Wenbin Liu, Hongchang Ren, 2005. A Spatial Temporal Assessment of Pollution from PCBs in China, Chemosphere, 60 (6):731-739.


[1]   吕永龙,贺桂珍, 2017.中国环境百科全书-环境管理学, 北京:中国环境出版社.

[2]   Yonglong Lu, Jianji An, Haihua Gong (Eds), 2012. Science in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, A Sponsored Supplement to Science.

[3]   吕永龙,贺桂珍,2009.现代环境管理学,北京:中国人民大学出版社.

[4]   Yonglong Lu, John Giesy, Laura Holliday, 2007. Implementing the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.

[5]   Yonglong Lu, John Giesy, 2005. Science-based Decision Making to Reduce Persistent Organic Pollutants, Chemosphere. 60(6).

[6]   吕永龙,2003.环境技术创新及其产业化的政策机制,北京:气象出版社.

[7]   胡鞍钢,吕永龙,2001.能源与发展:全球化条件下的能源与环境政策,北京:中国计划出版社.

[8]   刘宗超,吕永龙,1999.中国地区发展战略与人力资源开发,北京:改革出版社.

[9]   黄顺基,吕永龙, 1999.中国经济可持续发展的战略框架,北京:改革出版社.

[10]  Yonglong Lu, David Norse, 1999. Urban Sustainability and Environmental Enhancement, Journal of Environmental Sciences. No.3.

[11]  吕永龙(主译),1996.环境管理(第一卷),北京:中国环境科学出版社.

[12]  吕永龙(主译),1996.环境管理(第二卷),北京:中国环境科学出版社.

[13]  吕永龙(主译),1996.环境管理(第三卷),北京:中国环境科学出版社.
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