重要著作 与成果 | 论文 1. Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Arthur P.J. Mol., Yonglong Lu, Jianguo Liu, 2013. Revising China’s Environmental Law. Science, 341 (6142), 133. 2. Guizhen He*, Chunci Chen, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu, 2018. Public perception and attitude towards chemical industry park in Dalian, Bohai Rim. Environmental Pollution, 235, 825-835. 3. Guizhen He*, Ingrid J.C. Boas, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu, 2018. What drives public acceptance of chemical industrial park policy and project in China? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 138: 1-12. 4. Guizhen He*, Ingrid Boas, Arthur P.J. Mol, Y.L. Lu, 2017. E-participation for Environmental Sustainability in Transitional Urban China. Sustainability Science, 2017, 12(2): 187-202. 5. Guizhen He, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu*. Wasted cities in urbanizing China. Environmental Development, 2016, 18: 2-13. 6. Guizhen He*, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu, 2016. Public Protests against the Beijing-Shenyang High-speed Railway in China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 43: 1-16. 7. Lei Zhang, Guizhen He*, Arthur P.J. Mol, 2015. China's new environmental protection law: A game changer? Environmental Development, 13: 1-3. 8. Guizhen He*, Arthur P.J. Mol, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu, 2015. Environmental risks of high-speed railway in China: Public participation, perception and trust. Environmental Development, 14: 37-52. 9. Guizhen He*, Arthur P.J. Mol, Lei Zhang, Yong-long Lu, 2014. Nuclear power in China after Fukushima: understanding public knowledge, attitudes and trust. Journal of risk research, 17(4): 435-451. 10. Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Arthur P.J. Mol, Tieyu Wang, Yonglong Lu, 2014. Why small and medium chemical companies continue to pose severe environmental risks in rural China. Environmental Pollution, 185C:158-167. 11. Guizhen He, Arthur P.J. Mol, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu, 2013. Public participation and trust in nuclear power development in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 23: 1-11. 12. Guizhen He, Bettina Bluemling, Arthur P.J. Mol, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu, 2013. Comparing centralized and decentralized bio-energy systems in rural China. Energy Policy, 63: 34-43. 13. Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Arthur P.J. Mol & Yonglong Lu, 2013. Profiling the environmental risk management of Chinese local environmental agencies. Journal of Risk Research, 16(10): 1259-1275. 14. Lei Zhang, Guizhen He*, Arthur P.J. Mol. Yonglong Lu, 2013. Public perceptions of environmental risk in China. Journal of Risk Research, 16(2): 195 - 209. 15. Lei Zhang, Guizhen He, Arthur P.J. Mol, Xiao Zhu, 2013. Power politics in the revision of China’s Environmental Protection Law. Environmental Politics, 22(6): 1029–1035. 16. Guizhen He, Arthur P.J. Mol, Lei Zhang, Yong-long Lu, 2012. Nuclear power in China after Fukushima: understanding public knowledge, attitudes and trust, Journal of risk research, DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2012.726251 17. Guizhen He, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu, 2012. Trust and Credibility in Governing China’s Risk Society, Environmental Science and Technology, 46(14): 7442-43. 18. Guizhen He, Yong-long Lu, Arthur P.J. Mol, Theo Beckers. 2012. Changes and challenges: China’s environmental management in transition. Environmental Development, 3: 25-38. 19. Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu, Arthur P.J. Mol. 2011. Managing major chemical accidents in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187 (1-3): 171-181. 20. Lei Zhang, Arthur P.J. Mol, Guizhen He*, Yonglong Lu, 2010. An implementation assessment of China’s environmental information disclosure decree. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(10): 1649-1656. 21. Guizhen He, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu. 2009. Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit in Large-scale Public Infrastructure Construction: The Case of Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Environmental Management, 44(3): 579-589. 22. Guizhen He, Yonglong Lu, Lei Zhang. Risk management: what does the snow crisis in China tell us? In Jennifer L. Turner(ed), China Environment Series 10, Woodrow Wilson International Center, USA, 2009. 23. Dong Guo*, Guizhen He, Zi Lian, 2017. Environmental risk perception and public trust—from planning to operation for China's high-speed railway. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(9): 696-706. 24. Hua Ma*, Guizhen He, 2016. Effects of the Post-Olympics Driving Restrictions on Air Quality in Beijing. Sustainability, 8(9): 902. 25. Lei Zhang, Arthur P.J. Mol*, Guizhen He, 2016. Transparency and information disclosure in China’s environmental governance. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 18: 17-24. 26. Arthur P.J. Mol, Guizhen He, Lei Zhang. Information Disclosure in Environmental Risk Management: developments in China. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2011, 40(3): 163-192. 27. Yan Feng, Arthur P. J. Mol, Yonglong Lu*, Guizhen He, C. S. A. van Koppen, 2014. Environmental pollution liability insurance in China: compulsory or voluntary? Journal of Cleaner Production, 70: 211-219. 28. Yan Feng, Arthur P. J. Mol, Yonglong Lu*, Guizhen He, C. S. A. van Koppen, 2014. Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance in China: In Need of Strong Government Backing. AMBIO, 43(5): 687-702. 29. Gosens, J., Lu, Y.L*, He, G.Z., Bluemling, B., Beckers, T.A.M, 2013. Sustainability effects of household-scale biogas in rural China. Energy Policy, 54, 273-287. 30. 陈春赐,贺桂珍*,吕永龙. 基于公众视角的中小化工企业环境风险研究. 生态毒理学报,2017, 12(3): 22-28. 31. 贺桂珍,吕永龙. 新建核电站风险信息沟通实证研究. 环境科学, 2013, 34(3):1218-1224. 32. 贺桂珍,吕永龙. 风险地图-环境风险管理的有效新工具. 生态毒理学报,2012,7(1): 1-9. 33. 贺桂珍,吕永龙,张磊,Arthur P.J. Mol,冯嫣. 中国政府环境信息公开实施效果评价. 环境科学, 2011, 32(11): 3137-3144. 34. 吕永龙,王铁宇,贺桂珍,任鸿昌,韩竞一.《关于缓解环渤海地区环境超载严峻形势的对策建议》,2008年2月提交并获得温家宝总理批示,本人是报告执笔人. 35. 吕永龙,贺桂珍. 《关注城市垃圾焚烧中的民意诉求问题》, 2011年1月20日已被国务院办公厅采纳. 本人是执笔人. 专著 1. 吕永龙,贺桂珍主编.中国环境百科全书-环境管理学. 北京:中国环境出版社,2017. 2. 吕永龙,贺桂珍主编. 现代环境管理学. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2009. 主要科技奖励 1. 2018年,中国科学院科技促进发展奖,一等奖,个人排名第4 2. 2013年,SCOPE-Zhongyu Environmental Awards for Young Scientists,Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment,国际奖 |