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学士: 1994.9 ~ 1998.7;山西大学环境科学系

硕士: 1998.9 ~ 2001.7;南开大学环境科学系

博士:2001.9 ~ 2005.8;加州大学Riverside分校



2007.7~2009.7Research Scientist,加州大学水资源中心





  1. 国家科技重大专项子课题(2014ZX07201-011-005饮马河流域下游村屯面源污染控制与管理适用技术集成与工程示范2014/01-2016/12;
  2. 国家科技重大专项课题(15ZX07206-006)“流域不同景观单元污染物迁移模式模拟研究”,2015/01-2017/12;
  3. 国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFC0505702)“城市化的区域生态环境效应及影响机制”,2017/07-2020/12;
  4. 国家自然基金面上项目“区域农田土壤重金属环境承载力评价方法与质量预警研究”,2020/01-2023/12
  5. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目“城市化区域硬化地表胁迫生态风险模拟与评价方法研究”,2018/01-2018/12;
  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“区域土壤重金属污染演变过程与空间变异模型模拟”,2012/01-2015/12;
  7. 国家自然基金面上项目“城市绿地再生水灌溉生态风险评价与调控措施研究”,2013/01-2016/12
  8. 科技部国家重点实验室自主申请项目“城市化区域生态风险评价的关键问题及方法研究”,2009/01-2012/12
  9. 国家科技支撑计划“社区水资源利用和面源污染控制技术集成与示范”,2012/01-2015/12
  10. 全国生态环境十年(2000-2010年)变化遥感调查与评估专项课题全国土壤营养库空间特征与评估,2012/01-2013/12
  11. 中科院STS项目“长江流域水环境污染风险评估与预测” 2015/01-2015/12
  12. 中国科学院项目“区域土壤污染过程与生态风险”,2011/01-2015/12
  13. 环保部环境规划院项目“土壤环境承载力评价方法研究”,2017/05-2018/03
  14. 企业委托项目农田重金属污染治理修复技术合作协议2020/01/2025/01;
  15. 企业委托项目“中国江苏省常州市华润国际社区B地块堆土处置工程效果评估”,2019/12-2020/12;
  16. 企业委托项目湖南华容县芦竹种植环境影响可行性论证报告2019/11-2019/12;
  17. 企业委托项目“土壤污染防治与生态修复工程技术研发中心合作共建协议书”,2018/09-2020/03;
  18. 企业委托项目“原长沙铬盐厂污染整体治理项目全程技术咨询与顾问服务”,2018/01-2022/12;
  19. 企业委托项目新疆星塔矿业厂区周边土壤重金属污染调查与风险评估2018/01-2018/02;
  20. 企业委托项目“环保管家与土壤污染修复技术服务”,2017/03-2022/02;
  21. 中央专项资金项目“韶关市翁源县铁龙林场重金属污染土壤修复示范工程EPC总承包”,2016/07-2018/12
  22. 地方委托项目“湖南省攸县稻田重金属污染修复治理工程示范项目”,2014/01-2016/12.



陈卫平,彭驰,Soil Trace Element ModelProfile Distribution),2014.02.19,中国,2014SR019954

陈卫平,彭驰,Soil Trace Element ModelSingle Layer),2014.02.19,中国,2014SR019712

陈卫平,李艳玲,焦文涛,王美娥. 用于降低冬小麦镉污染的钝化拮抗调控剂及其制备方法(登记号:3672695


Peter S. Hooda, Trace Elements in soils (Assessing long-term fate of trace elements in biosolids amendment soils, in “Trace elements in soils”), A John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Publication, 2010.

Wesley W.Wallender,Ph.D.,P.E.,and Kenneth.K. Tanji, Sc.D., Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management,Second Edition (Deficiencies and toxicities of trace elements) ,Amercian Society of Civil Engineers, 2015. 





  1. Xiaonuo Li,Andrew B. Cundy, Weiping Chen*, Rui Liu, Sidan Lv. Dynamic capacity modelling of soil environment carrying capacity,and developing a soil quality early warning framework for development land in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020. 257: 12540
  2. Yimin Cai, Weibiao Xu, Meie Wang, Weiping Chen*, Xuzhi Li, Yonghui Li, Yaohui. Mechanisms and uncertainties of Zn supply on regulating rice Cd uptake. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 253:959-965.
  3. Zhen Gao, Ying Hou, Weiping Chen*. Enhanced sensitivity of the urban heat island effect to summer temperatures induced by urban expansion. 2019, Environ. Res. Lett. 2019, 14: 094005
  4. Peng Kang, Weiping Chen*, Ying Hou, Yuanzheng Li. Spatial-temporal risk assessment of urbanization impacts on ecosystem services based on pressure-status - response framework. Scientific reports, 2019, 9: 16806
  5. Xuzhi Li, Meie Wang*, Weiping Chen*, Rong Jiang. Evaluation of combined toxicity of Siduron and cadmium on earthworm (Eisenia fetida) using Biomarker Response Index. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 646:893–901.
  6. Xuzhi Li, Meie Wang*, Weiping Chen*, Rong Jiang. Evaluation of combined toxicity of Siduron and cadmium on earthworm (Eisenia fetida) using Biomarker Response Index. Science of the Total Environment. 2019. 646: 893-901.
  7. Li Xiaonuo, Andrew B. Cundy, Weiping Chen*. Fuzzy synthetic evaluation of contaminated site management policy from the perspective of stakeholders: a case study from China. Journal of Cleaner Production.2018, 198: 1593-1601.
  8. T Xie, M Wang, W Chen *, Uwizeyimana H. Impacts of Urbanization Patterns on the earthworm communities in residential areas in Beijing. Science of the Total Environment     , 2018. 626:1261-1269
  9. T Xie, Wang M, Su C, W Chen *. Evaluation of the natural attenuation capacity of urban residential soils with ecosystem-service performance index (EPX) and entropy-weight methods. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 238: 222-229.
  10. Yang Yang, Andrew C. Chang, WangMeie, Weiping Chen*, Peng Chi. Assessing cadmium exposure risks of vegetables with plant uptake factor and soil property. Environmental Pollution.  2018, 238:263-269
  11. Herman U wizeyimana, Meie Wang, Weiping Chen*, Kifayatullah Khan. Ecotoxicological effects of binary mixtures of siduron and Cd on mRNA expression in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. 610–611: 657–665.
  12. Peng Kang, Weiping Chen*, Ying Hou, Yuanzheng Li. Linking ecosystem services and ecosystem health to ecological risk assessment: A case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. Science of the Total Environment. 2018.636: 1442-1454.
  13. Jiang Rong, Wang Meie*, Weiping Chen*. Ecological risk evaluation of combined pollution of herbicide siduron and heavy metals in soils. Science of The Total Environment. 2018, 626: 1047-1056.
  14. Hou Ying, Li Bo*, Müller Felix, Fu Qi, Weiping Chen. A conservation decision-making framework based on ecosystem service hotspot and interaction analyses on multiple scales. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 643: 277-291
  15. Jiang Rong, Wang Meie, Weiping Chen*, Li Xuzhi. Characterization of adsorption and desorption of lawn herbicide siduron in heavy metal contaminated soils. Chemosphere.2018, 204: 483-491.
  16. Yang Yang, Wang meie, Li yanling, Peng Chi, weiping Chen*. Evaluating the potential health risk of toxic trace elements in vegetables: Accounting for variations in soil factors. Science of The Total Environment. 2017. 58: 942-949
  17. Li, Xiaonuo, Jiao Wentao, Xiao Rongbo. Contaminated sites in China: Countermeasures of provincial governments. Journal of cleaner production. 2017. 147: 485-496.
  18. Wen Liu, Andrew Chang, Weiping Chen*, Weiqi Zhou, Qi Feng. A framework for the urban eco-metabolism model-Linking metabolic processes to spatial patterns. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017. 165:168-176
  19. Xian Yu, Wang Meie, Weiping Chen*. Quantitative assessment on soil enzyme activities of heavy metal contaminated soils with various soil properties. Chemosphere, 2015. 139: 604-608
  20. Wang Meie, Weiping Chen*, Peng Chi. Risk assessment of Cd polluted paddy soils in the industrial and township areas in Hunan;Southern China.Chemosphere. 2016.144: 346-351.
  21. Liu Rui, Wang Meie, Weiping Chen*, Peng Chi. Spatial pattern of heavy metals accumulation risk in urban soils of Beijing and its influencing factors. Environmental Pollution.2016. 210: 174-181.
  22. Peng Chi, Wang Meie, Weiping Chen*. Modeling cadmium contamination in paddy soils under long-term remediation measures: model development and stochastic simulations; Environmental Pollution. 2016. 216: 146-155.
  23. Yang Yang, Weiping Chen*, Wang Meie, Peng Chi. Regional accumulation characteristics of cadmium in vegetables: Influencing factors; transfer model and indication of soil threshold content. Environmental Pollution. 2016. 219:1036-1043.
  24. Weiping Chen*, Lu Sidan, Pan Neng, et al. Impact of reclaimed water irrigation on soil health in urban green areas. Chemosphere, 2015. 119: 654-661.
  25. Peng Chi, Wang Meie, Weiping Chen*, Andrew C. Chang. Mass balance-based regression modeling of PAHs accumulation in urban soils, role of urban development. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 197: 21-27.
  26. 谢武双,李贵杰,陈卫平* 韶关市翁源县铁龙林场土壤重金属修复,环境工程学报,2018129):2690-2698
  27. 陈卫平*,杨阳,谢天,王美娥, 彭驰,王若丹, 中国农田土壤重金属污染防治挑战与对策.,土壤学报,2018552):1-9
  28. 陈卫平*,谢天,李笑诺,王若丹,欧美发达国家场地土壤污染防治技术体系概述,土壤学报,2018553):527-542
  29. 陈卫平* 谢天,李笑诺,王若丹,中国土壤污染防治技术体系建设思考,土壤学报,2018553): 558-569.
  30. 陈卫平* 杨阳,谢天, 王美娥,彭驰,王若丹, 我国农田土壤重金属污染防治挑战与对策,土壤学报, 2018552):261-272
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