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生态学学科发展前沿讲座:Climate Change and Air Quality: Interactions with Forest Health

       题目:Climate Change and Air Quality: Interactions with Forest Health 

  报告人:Elena Paoletti博士 




Dr.Elena Paoletti

  Dr. Elena Paoletti is Research Director at Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, National Research Council, Italy. She is a plant ecophysiologist and works in particular with the impacts of air pollution and climate change on plant ecosystems. She coordinates the IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Research Group 7.01.00 “Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems” and Task Force on Climate Change and Forest Health, is Vice President of SISEF (Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology), Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Forest Institute (EFI), invited professor in Japan and China, invited speaker or chairperson at several scientific meetings, member of the organizing/scientific committee of 45 meetings. She is an associate editor of Science of the Total Environment, Scientific Reports, Helyionand iForest. Principal investigator in 18 scientific projects, she is at present coordinating the LIFE15 project entitled MOTTLES ‘Monitoring ozone injury for setting new critical Levels’ (2016-2020). She is author of around 200 papers, of which 136 are issued in Scopus with 32 as h-index (Google Scholar). 


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