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[1]           Xu Weihua, Stuart L. Pimm, Ao Du, Yang Su, Fan Xinyue, An Li, Liu Jianguo, and Ouyang Zhiyun*. Transforming Protected Area Management in China. Trends in ecology & evolution. 2019,34(9):762-766. IF:15. 236

[2]           Fu Bojie*, Wang Shuai, Zhang Junze, Hou Zengqian, Li Jinghai*. Unravelling the Complexity in Achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. National Science Review 2019,6(3): 386-388. IF:13. 222

[3]           Lü Yihe, Hu Jian, Fu Bojie*, Paul Harris, Wu Lianhai, Tong Xiaolin, Bai Yingfei, Alexis J.  Comber. A framework for the regional critical zone classification: the case of the Chinese Loess Plateau. National Science Review 2019,6(1):14-18. IF:13. 222

[4]           Luo Ying, Lü Yihe*, Fu Bojie, Harris Paul, Wu Lianhai and Comber Alexis. When multi-functional landscape meets critical zone science: advancing multi-disciplinary research for sustainable human well-being. National Science Review 2019,6:349-358. IF:13. 222

[5]           Lu Yonglong*, Zhang Yueqing, Cao Xianghui, Wang Chenchen, Wang Yichao, Zhang Meng, Robert C. Ferrier, Alan Jenkins, Yuan Jingjing, Mark J Bailey, Chen Deliang, Li Hong, Ernst Ulrich von Weizs?cker, Zhang Zhongxiang. Forty years of reform and opening up: China’s progress toward a sustainable path. Science Advances. 2019,5: eaau9413. IF:12. 804

[6]           Wang Xin, Cao Lei*, Fox Anthony D., Fuller Richard, Grifn Larry, Mitchell Carl, Zhao Yunlin, Moon Oun-Kyong, Cabot David, Xu Zhenggang, Batbayar Nyambayar, K?lzsch Andrea, Jeugd P.  van der Henk, Madsen Jesper, Chen Liding & Nathan Ran*. Stochastic simulations reveal few green wave surfing populations among spring migrating herbivorous waterfowl. Nature Communications. 2019,10,1,1-12. IF:11. 878

[7]           Zhou Weiqi*, T. A. Pickett, B. Fisher. Cities are hungry for actionable ecological knowledge. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment . 2019,17(3):135-135. IF:10. 935

[8]           Zhao Zhibo, He Jizheng, Stefan Geisen, Han Lili, Wang Juntao, Shen Jupei, Wei Wenxue, Fang Yunting, Li Peipei, Zhang Limei*. Protist communities are more sensitive to nitrogen fertilization than other microorganisms in diverse agricultural soils. Microbiome. 2019,7:33. IF:10. 465

[9]           Han Lijian, Zhou Weiqi*, Zhao Xiuling, Li Weifeng, Qian Yuguo. The comparison between ground operation-measured and remotely sensed fine particulate matter (PM2. 5) data: A case to validate the Dalhousie PM2. 5 product in China. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine. 2019,7(3):20-28. IF:9. 656

[10]       Zheng Xiaoqi, Lu Yonglong *, Yuan Jingjing, Yvette Baninla, Zhang Sheng, Nils Chr.  Stenseth**, Dag O. Hesseng, Michael Obersteiner, Chen Deliang. Drivers of change in China's energy-related CO2 emissions. PNAS. 2019,doi. org/10. 1073/pnas. 1908513117. IF:9. 58

[11]       Zheng Hua*, Wang Lijuan, Peng Wenjuan. Realizing the values of natural capital for inclusive, sustainable development: informing China’s new ecological development strategies. PNAS (Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences). 2019, 116(17): 8623-8628. IF:9. 58

[12]       Ren Yanjiao, Lü Yihe*, Comber Alexis, Fu Bojie, Harris Paul, Wu Lianhai. Spatially explicit simulation of land use/land cover changes: Current coverage and future prospects. Earth-Science Reviews. 2019,190:398-415. IF:9. 53

[13]       Xu Weihua, Fan Xinyue, Ma Jungai, Stuart L. Pimm, Kong Lingqiao, Zeng Yuan, Li Xiaosong, Xiao Yi, Zheng Hua, Liu Jianguo, Wu Bingfang, An Li, Zhang Lu, Wang Xiaoke, and Ouyang Zhiyun*. Hidden Loss of Wetlands in China. Current Biology. 2019,29(18):3065-3071. IF:9. 193

[14]       Liu Zhaoyang*, Lu Yonglong**, Song Xin, Kevin Jones, Andrew J. Sweetman, Andrew C. Johnson, Zhang Meng, Lu Xiaotian, Su Chao. Multiple crop bioaccumulation and human exposure of perfluoroalkyl substances around a mega fluorochemical industrial park, China: Implication for planting optimization and food safety . Environment International 2019,127: 671-684. IF:7. 943

[15]       Wang Pei, Zhang Meng, Lu Yonglong?, Meng Jing, Li Qifeng, Lu Xiaotian. Removal of perfluoalkyl acids (PFAAs) through fluorochemical industrial and domestic wastewater treatment plants and bioaccumulation in aquatic plants in river and artificial wetland. Environment International. 2019,129:76-85. IF:7. 943

[16]       Ye Mao, Sun Mingming, Huang Dan, Zhang Zhongyun, Zhang Hui, Zhang Shengtian, Hu Feng, Jiang Xin*, Jiao Wentao*. A review of bacteriophage therapy for pathogenic bacteria inactivation in the soil environment. Environment International. 2019,8,129:488-496. IF:7. 943

[17]       Li Jianye, Liu Shuguang, Fu Bojie*, Wang Jian. Dissolved carbon fluxes in a vegetation restoration area of an eroding landscape. Water Research. 2019,152:106-116. IF:7. 913

[18]       Liao Yunjie, Zhao Hongtao, Jiang Yan, Ma Yukun, Luo Xi, Li Xuyong*. An innovative method based on cloud model learning to identify high-risk pollution intervals of storm-flow on an urban catchment scale. Water Research. 2019, 165(15), 115007. IF:7. 913

[19]       Qi Lin, Ge Yuan*, Xia Tian, He Jizheng, Shen Congcong, Wang Jianlei, and Liu Yongjun. Rare earth oxide nanoparticles promote soil microbial antibiotic resistance by selectively enriching antibiotic resistance genes. Environmental Science Nano 2019,6,456-466. IF:7. 704

[20]       Yi XY, Yuan HY, Chen Z, Duan Guilan*, Zhu Yongguan. Coupling metabolisms of arsenic and iron with humic substances through microorganisms in paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019,373:591-599. IF:7. 65

[21]       Yue Yan, Shen Congcong, Ge Yuan*. Biochar accelerates the removal of tetracyclines and their intermediates by altering soil properties. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019,380,120821. IF:7. 65

[22]       Li XiaoMing, Chen QingLin, He Chen, Shi Quan, Chen SongCan, Brian J. Reid, Zhu YongGuan*, Sun Guoxin. Organic carbon amendments affect the chemodiversity of soil dissolved organic matter and its associations with soil microbial communities. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53(1): 50-59. IF:7. 149

[23]       Yvette Baninla?, Zhang Meng?, Lu Yonglong?*, Liang Ruoyu?, Zhang Qian?, Zhou Yunqiao?, Kifayatullah Khan. A transitional perspective of global and regional mineral material flows. Resources, Conservation and Recycling . 2019,140: 91-101. IF:7. 044

[24]       Cheng Xian, Chen Liding, Sun Ranhao*, Jing Yongcai. Identification of regional water resource stress based on water quantity and quality: a case study in a rapid urbanization region of China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 209: 216-223. IF: 6.395

[25]       Ding Ning, Liu Jingru*, Kong Zike, Yan Li, Yang Jianxin. Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of Chinese urban household consumption based on process life cycle assessment: Exploring the critical influencing factors. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 210:898-906. IF:6. 395

[26]       Liu Bojie, Zhang Lu, Lu Fei*, Deng Lei, Zhao Hong, Luo Yunjian, Liu Xiuping, Zhang Kerong, Wang Xiaoke, Liu Weiwei, Wang Xueyan, Yuan Yafei. Greenhouse gas emissions and net carbon sequestration of the Beijing-Tianjin Sand Source Control Project in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 225: 163-172. IF:6. 395

[27]       Shi Xiaoqing*, Li Xiaonuo. A symbiosis based life cycle management approach for sustainable resource flows of industrial ecosystem. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019,226:324-335. IF:6. 395

[28]       Sun Ranhao, Lü Yihe, Yang Xiaojun, Chen Liding*. Understanding the variability of urban heat islands from local background climate and urbanization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019.208: 743-752. IF:6. 395

[29]       Yang Yanying, Zheng Hua, Kong Lingqiao, Huang Binbin, Xu Weihua, Ouyang Zhiyun*. Mapping ecosystem service bundles to detect the high-value and low -value ecosystem service areas to inform land use management. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 225,11-17. IF:6. 395

[30]       Zhang Zhan, Sun Xin, Ding Ning, Yang Jianxin*. Life cycle environmental assessment of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 227, 932-941. IF:6. 395

[31]       Gao Zhen, Hou Ying, Chen Weiping*. Enhanced sensitivity of the urban heat island effect to summer temperatures induced by urban expansion. Environmental Research Letters. 2019,14,094005. IF:6. 192

[32]       Han Lijian, Zhou Weiqi*, Pickett S. T. A. , Li Weifeng, Qian Yuguo. Risks and causes of population exposure to cumulative fine particulate (PM2. 5) pollution in China. Earth’s Future. 2019,7(6):615-622. IF:5. 781

[33]       Cai Yimin, Xu Weibiao, Wang Meie, Chen Weiping*, Li Xuzhi, Li Yonghui, Cai Yaohui. Mechanisms and uncertainties of Zn supply on regulating rice Cd uptake. Environmental Pollution. 2019, 253: 959-965. IF:5. 714

[34]       Jiang Rong, Wang Meie*, Chen Weiping, Li Xuzhi, Balseiro-Romero Maria, Baveye Philipphe. Ecological risk of combined pollution on soil ecosystem functions: Insight from the functional sensitivity and stability . Environmental Pollution.  2019, 255, 113184. IF:5. 714

[35]       Ju Hui, Zhu Dong, Qiao Min*. Effects of polyethylene microplastics on the gut microbial community, reproduction and avoidance behaviors of the soil springtail, Folsomia candida.  Environmental Pollution . 2019, 247: 890-897. IF:5. 714

[36]       Peng JinLong, Shang Bong, Xu YanSen, Feng ZhaoZhong*, H?kan Pleijel, Vicent Calatayud. Ozone exposure- and flux-yield response relationships for maize. Environmental Pollution. 2019,252:1-7. IF:5. 714

[37]       Yang YP, Wang P, Yan HJ, Zhang HM, Cheng WD, Duan GL*, Zhu YG. NH4H2PO4-extractable arsenic provides a reliable predictor for arsenic accumulation and speciation in pepper fruits (Capsicum annum L. ). Environmental Pollution. 2019,251, 651-658. IF:5. 714

[38]       Li Pin, Zhou Huimin, Xu Yansen, Shang Bo, Feng Zhaozhong*. The effects of elevated ozone on the accumulation and allocation of poplar biomass depend strongly on water and nitrogen availability. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,665: 929-936. IF:5. 589

[39]       Liu Yuanxin, Lü Yihe*, Fu Bojie, Harris Paul, Wu Lianhai. Quantifying the spatio-temporal drivers of planned vegetation restoration on ecosystem services at a regional scale. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,(650):10291040. IF:5. 589

[40]       Luo Ying, Lü Yihe*, Fu Bojie, Zhang Qiuju, Li Ting, Hu Weiyin and Comber Alexis. Half century change of interactions among ecosystem services driven by ecological restoration: Quantification and policy implications at a watershed scale in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Science of the Total Environment 2019,651: 2546-2557. IF:5. 589

[41]       Pan jingjin, Ding ning, Yang jianxin*. Changes of urban nitrogen metabolism in the Beijing megacity of China, 2000–2016. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 666: 1048-1057. IF:5. 589

[42]       Shang Bo, Xu Yansen, Dai Llulu, Yuan Xiangyang, Feng Zhaozhong*. Elevated ozone reduced leaf nitrogen allocation to photosynthesis in poplar. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,657, 169-178. IF:5. 589

[43]       Sun Yaoqin, Wang Jiang, Shen Congcong, He Jizheng, Ge Yuan*. Plant evenness modulates the effect of plant richness on soil bacterial diversity. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,662,8-14. IF:5. 589

[44]       Tang Jianfeng*, Wang Wendong, Yang Lei, Cao Changli, Li Xinhu. Variation in quantity and chemical composition of soil dissolved organic matter in a peri-urban critical zone observatory watershed in Eastern China. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,688: 622-631. IF:5. 589

[45]       Tian Yunyu, Zhou Weiqi*. How do CO2 emissions and efficiencies vary in Chinese cities? Spatial variation and driving factors in 2007. Science of The Total Environment. 2019,675:439-452. IF:5. 589

[46]       Wang Chenchen, Li Qifeng, Lu Yonglong*, Wang Tieyu, Kifayatullah Khan, Wang Pei, Meng Jing, Zhou Yunqiao, Baninla Yvette, Sarvajayakesavalu Suriyanarayanan. Simulating transport, flux, and ecological risk of perfluorooctanoate in a river affected by a major fluorochemical manufacturer in northern China . Science of the Total Environment. 2019,657: 792-803. IF:5. 589

[47]       Wang Chenchen, Lu Yonglong*, Li Qifeng, Cao Xianghui, Zhang Meng , Zhou Yunqiao, Song Shuai, Wang Pei, Lu Xiaotian, Baninla Yvette, Liu Zhaoyang. Assessing the contribution of atmospheric transport and tourism activities to the occurrence of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in an Alpine Nature Reserve. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,697:133851. IF:5. 589

[48]       Wang Jiali, Zhou Weiqi*, Pickett Steward T. A. , Yu Wenjuan,Li Weifeng . A multiscale analysis of urbanization effects on ecosystem services supply in an urban megaregion. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,662:824-833. IF:5. 589

[49]       Wang Jian, Lv Nan*, Fu Bojie. Inter-comparison of stable isotope mixing models for determining plant water source partitioning. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, (666):685-693. IF:5. 589

[50]       Wang Jichen, Wang Jianlei, Rhodes Geoff, He Ji-Zheng, Ge Yuan*. Adaptive responses of comammox Nitrospira and canonical ammonia oxidizers to long-term fertilizations: Implications for the relative contributions of different monia oxidizers to soil nitrogen cycling. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,668,224-233. IF:5. 589

[51]       Wang Xuming, Wang Xiaoke*, Su Yuebo, Zhang Hongxing. Land pavement depresses photosynthesis in urban trees especially under drought stress. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 653, 120-130. IF:5. 589

[52]       Wei Wei*, Feng Xinran, Yang Lei, Feng Tianjiao, Chen Die. The effects of terracing and vegetation on soil moisture retention in a dry hilly catchment in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,647:1323-1332. IF:5. 589

[53]       Wen Zhi, Zheng Hua*, Smith Jeffrey, Zhao He, Liu Lei, Ouyang Zhiyun. Functional diversity overrides community-weighted mean traits in linking land-use intensity to hydrological ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment. 2019,682: 583-590. IF:5. 589

[54]       Xian Chaofan, Zhang Xiaoling, Zhang Jingjing, Fan Yupeng, Zheng Hua, Salzman James, Ouyang Zhiyun*. Recent patterns of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen emissions with urbanization in China: Dynamics, major problems, and potential solutions. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,15(656): 1071-1081. IF:5. 589

[55]       Xu Yansen, Feng Zhaozhong*, Shang Bo, Dai Lulu, Uddling Johan, Tarvainen Lasse. Mesophyll conductance limitation of photosynthesis in poplar under elevated ozone. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,657,136-145. IF:5. 589

[56]       Yu Yang, Chen Liding*, Feng Tianjiao, Daryanto, Stefani. Quantifying the effects of precipitation, vegetation, and landpreparation techniques on runoff and soil erosion in a Loess watershed of China. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,652:755-764. IF:5. 589

[57]       Zhang Anqi, Wang Pei, Lu Yonglong*, Zhang Meng, Zhou Yunqiao, Wang Yichao, Zhang Sheng. Occurrence and health risk of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in seafood from Yellow Sea, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,665:1026-1034. IF:5. 589

[58]       Zhou Xue, Qiao Min*, Su JianQiang, Wang Yin, Cao ZhiHong, Cheng WangDa, Zhu YongGuan. Turning pig manure into biochar can effectively mitigate antibiotic resistance genes as organic fertilizer. Science of The Total Environment . 2019, 649: 902-908. IF:5. 589

[59]       Wang Lijuan, Zheng Hua*, Wen Zhi, Liu Lei, Brian E. Robinsond, Li Ruonan, Cong Lie, Kong Lingqiao. Ecosystem service synergies/trade-offs informing the supply-demand match of ecosystem services: Framework and application. Ecosystem Services. 2019,37(2019):100939. IF:5. 572

[60]       Hu Yajun, Veresoglou Stavros D. , Tedersoo Leho, Xu Tianle, Ge Tida, Liu Lei, Chen Yongliang, Hao Zhipeng, Su Yirong, Rillig Matthias C. , Chen Baodong*. Contrasting latitudinal diversity and co-occurrence patterns of soil fungi and plants in forest ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry . 2019,131:100-110. IF:5. 29

[61]       Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Li Shoujuan, Sun Long. Bioaccumulation of antibiotics in crops under long-term manure application: Occurrence, biomass response and human exposure. Chemosphere. 2019,219: 882-895. IF:5. 108

[62]       Wang Linhua, Yen Haw, E Xinhui, Chen Liding, Wang Yafeng*. Dissolved organic carbon driven by rainfall events from a semi-arid catchment during concentrated rainfall season
in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2019,23, 3141–3153. IF:4. 936

[63]       Ding Ning, Pan Jingjin, Liu Jingru*, Yang Jianxin. An optimization method for energy structures based on life cycle assessment and its application to the power grid in China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2019, 238: 18-24. IF:4. 865

[64]       Song Shuai, Lu Yonglong*, Wang Tieyu, Zhang Sheng, Andrew Sweetman, Yvette Baninla, Shi Yajuan, Liu Zhaoyang, Meng Jing, Geng Jing. Urban-rural gradients of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils at a regional scale: Quantification and prediction. Journal of Environmental Management. 2019,249: 109406. IF:4. 865

[65]       Sun Ranhao, Li Fen, Chen Liding*. A demand index for recreational ecosystem services associated with urban parks in Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2019,251. IF:4. 865

[66]       Li Pin*, Shen Congcong, Jiang Lai, Feng Zhaozhong, Fang Jingyun. Difference in soil bacterial community composition depends on forest type rather than nitrogen and phosphorus additions in tropical montane rainforests. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2019,55: 313-323. IF:4. 829

[67]       Sun Long, Carey Manus, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Li Shoujuan, Zhao Fangkai, Zhu Yongguan, Meharg Caroline, Meharg Andrew A. Source identification of trace elements in peri-urban soils in eastern China. Exposure and Health. 2019,11(3): 195-207. IF:4. 532

[68]       Cao Xianghui, Lu Yonglong*, Wang Chenchen, Zhang Meng, Yuan Jingjing, Zhang Anqi, Song Shuai, Yvette Baninla, Kifayatullah Khan, Wang Yichao. Hydrogeochemistry and quality of surface water and groundwater in the drinking water source area of an urbanizing region. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019,186(30):109628. IF:4. 527

[69]       Cao Xianghui, Wang Chenchen, Lu Yonglong*, Zhang Meng, Kifayatullah Khan, Song Shuai, Wang Pei, Wang Cong. Occurrence, sources and health risk of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in soil, water and sediment from a drinking water source area. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019,174: 208-217. IF:4. 527

[70]       Shao Xiuqing, He Jiao, Liang Ruoyu, Lu Yonglong, Shi Yajuan*, Wang Yu**, Zheng Xiaoqi, Zhang Sheng, Wang Ting. Mortality, growth and metabolic responses by H-1-NMR-based metabolomics of earthworms to sodium selenite exposure in soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019,181, 69-77. IF:4. 527

[71]       Li Ting, Lü Yihe*, Fu Bojie, Hu Weiyin, Comber Alexis J. Bundling ecosystem services for detecting their interactions driven by large-scale vegetation restoration: enhanced services while depressed synergies. Ecological Indicators. 2019,99,4,332-342. IF:4. 49

[72]       Li Weifeng, Zhou Weiqi*, Han Lijian, Qian Yuguo. Uneven urban-region sprawl of China’s megaregions and the spatial relevancy in a multi-scale approach. Ecological Indicators. 2019,97:194-203. IF:4. 49

[73]       Zhou Weiqi*,Jiao Min,Yu Wenjuan,Wang Jia. Urban sprawl in a megaregion: A multiple spatial and temporal perspective. Ecological Indicators. 2019,96:54-66. IF:4. 49

[74]       Jiang Yan*, Liu Changming, Hao Shaonan, Zhao Hongtao, Li Xuyong. A framework to develop a watershed pollution load model for semiarid and semihumid areas. Journal of Hydrology. 2019,579. IF:4. 405

[75]       Sun Long, Yen Haw, Chen Liding, Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei*. Distribution of agricultural land regulates stream water isotopes over multipe spatial scale in a subtropical forested watershed. Journal of Hydrology. 2019,579: 124206. IF:4. 405

[76]       Tian Yunyu, Zhou Weiqi*, Qian Yuguo, Zheng Zhong, Yan Jingli. The effect of urban 2D and 3D morphology on air temperature in residential neighborhoods. Landscape Ecology. 2019,34 (5): 1161-1178. IF:4. 349

[77]       Wang Jing, Zhou Weiqi*, Wang Jia, Qian Yuguo. From quantity to quality: Enhanced understanding of the changes in urban greenspace. Landscape Ecology. 2019,34:1145-1160. IF:4. 349

[78]       Xiong Muqi, Sun Ranhao*, Chen Liding. A global comparison of soil erosion associated with land use and climate type. Geoderma. 2019,343:31-39. IF:4. 336

[79]       Xiong Muqi, Sun Ranhao*, Chen Liding. Global analysis of support practices in USLE-based soil erosion modeling. Progress in Physical Geography. 2019,43(3): 391-409. IF:4. 329

[80]       Han Wangya, Liu Guohua*, Su Xukun, Wu Xing, Chen Li. Assessment of potential land degradation and recommendations for management in the south subtropical region, Southwest China. Land Degradation & Development. 2019,30:979-990. IF:4. 275

[81]       Li Jiaxing, Liu Qinglong, Feng Xiaoming*, Shi Weiyue, Fu Bojie, Lü Yihe, Liu Yu. The synergistic effects of afforestation and the construction of check-dams on sediment trapping: Four decades of evolution on the Loess Plateau, China. Land Degradation & Development. 2019,30(6):622-635. IF:4. 275

[82]       Wei Fangli, Wang Shuai*, Fu Bojie, Wa Lixin, Liu Yi Y, Li Yan. African dryland ecosystem changes controlled by soil water. Land Degradation & Development. 2019,30(13), 1564-1573. IF:4. 275

[83]       Shen JP , Li ZM , Hu HW , Zeng J , Zhang LM , Du S , He JZ*. Distribution and succession feature of antibiotic resistance genes along a soil development chronosequence in Urumqi No. 1 Glacier of China. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019,10:1569. IF:4. 259

[84]       Wei Fangli, Wang Shuai*, Fu Bojie, Liu Yanxu. Representation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in East Africa's protected area network. Ambio. 2019,1,13. IF:4. 186

[85]       Chen Yongzhe, Feng Xiaoming*, Fu Bojie, Shi Weiyue, Yin lichang, Lv Yihe. Recent Global Cropland Water Consumption constrained by observations. Water Resources Research. 2019,55(5):37083738. IF:4. 142

[86]       Jia Tianxia, Zhang Xueqi and Dong Rencai*. Long-Term Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Cyanobacteria Blooms Using MODIS on Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in Taihu Lake. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 1708. IF:4. 118

[87]       Wang Jia, Zhou Weiqi*, Wang Jing. Time-Series Analysis Reveals Intensified Urban Heat Island Effects but without Significant Urban Warming. Remote Sensing. 2019,11: 2229. IF:4. 118

[88]       Zhao Yinbing, Sun Ranhao*, Ni Zhongyun. Identification of Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Vegetation Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Megacity Region. Remote Sensing. 2019,11: 1224. IF:4. 118

[89]       Li Li*, Wang Xiaoke, William J. Manning. Effects of elevated CO2 on leaf senescence, leaf nitrogen resorption, and late-season photosynthesis in Tilia americana L. Frontiers in plant science. 2019,10(1217):1-9. IF:4. 106

[90]       Ding Longjun, Cui Huiling, Nie Sanan, Long Xien, Duan Guilan, Zhu Yongguan*. Microbiomes inhabiting rice roots and rhizosphere. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2019, 95(5): fiz040. IF:4. 098

[91]       Han LL, Wang Q , Shen JP, Hong D , Wang JT, Wei WX , Fang YT , Zhang LM *,He  JZ . Multiple factors drive the abundance and diversity of diazotrophic community in typical farmland soils of China. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2019,95:fiz113. IF:4. 098

[92]       Wang Rui, Xu Shengjun, Sun Haishu, Feng Shugeng, Jiang Cancan, Zhou Sining, Wu Shimin, Zhuang Guoqiang, Chen Baodong, Bai Zhihui, Zhuang Xuliang*. Complex regulatory network allows Myriophyllum aquaticum to thrive under high-concentration ammonia toxicity. Scientific Reports. 2019,9:4801. IF:4. 011

[93]       Su Xukun, Han Wangya, Liu Guohua*, Zhang Yong, Lu Huiting. Substantial gaps between the protection of biodiversity hotspots in alpine grasslands and the effectiveness of protected areas on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2019,278:15-23. IF:3. 954

[94]       Wang Jian, Fu Bojie, Lv Nan*, Wang Shuai, Zhang Li. Water use characteristics of native and exotic shrub species in the semi-arid Loess Plateau using an isotope technique. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2019, (276):55-63. IF:3. 954

[95]       Sun Long, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Li Shoujuan, Zhao Fangkai, Sun Shiqiang. Tracing the soil water response to autumn rainfall in different land uses at multi-day timescale in a subtropical zone. Catena. 2019,180: 355-364. IF:3. 851

[96]       Zhu Yan, Wang Yafeng*, Chen Liding. Responses of ground-active arthropods to black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L. ) afforestation in the Loess Plateau of China. Catena. 2019,183:104233. IF:3. 851

[97]       Hao Zhipeng*, Xie Wei, Chen Baodong. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis affects plant immunity to viral infection and accumulation. Viruses . 2019,11(6):534. IF:3. 811

[98]       Shi Xuewei, Gong Cheng, Zhang Lu, Hu Jian, Ouyang Zhiyun, Xiao Yi*. Which Species Should We Focus on? Umbrella Species Assessment in Southwest China. Biology. 2019, 8(2): 42. IF:3.8

[99]       Guo AN, Ding LJ, Tang Z, Zhao ZQ, Duan GL*. Microbial response to CaCO3 application in an acid soil in southern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2019,79, 321-329. IF:3. 556

[100]    Liu yali, Du jianqing, Hu panpan, Ma mingzhu, Hu dan*. Microtopographic modification conserves urban wetland water quality by increasing the dissolved oxygen in the wet season. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2019,87:71-81. IF:3. 556

[101]    Lu Xiaotian, Lu Yonglong*, Chen Deliang, Su Chao, Song Shuai, Wang Tieyu, Liang Ruoyu, Zhang Meng, Kifayatullah Khan. Climate change induced eutrophication of cold-water lake in an ecologically fragile nature reserve. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2019,75:359-369. IF:3. 556

[102]    Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Xiang Qian, Li Shoujuan, Sun Long, Yu Xinwei, Fang Li. Soil contamination with antibiotics in a typical peri-urban area in eastern China: Seasonal variation, risk assessment, and microbial responses. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2019,79: 200-212. IF:3. 556

[103]    Zheng Hua*, Wang Lijuan, Wu Tong. Coordinating ecosystem service trade-offs to achieve win-wins: a review of the approaches. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2019, 82: 103-112. IF:3. 556

[104]    Wang Yun, Zheng Hua, Chen Falin, Zeng Jing, Ouyang Zhiyun*. Forest restoration approaches affect soil compositions of lignin, substituted fatty acids, and lignin degradation-associated genes. Applied Soil Ecology. 2019,138: 213-219. IF:3. 445

[105]    Zhang Mengmeng, Wang Shuai*, Gao Guangyao, Fu Bojie, Ye Zhaoxia, Shen Qin. Exploring responses of lake area to river regulation and implications for lake restoration in arid regions. Ecological Engineering. 2019,128:18-26. IF:3. 4

[106]    Xie Wei, Hao Zhipeng*, Yu Meng, Wu Zhaoxiang, Zhao Aihua, Li Jinglong, Zhang Xin, Chen Baodong*. Improved phosphorus nutrition by arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis as a key factor facilitating glycyrrhizin and liquiritin accumulation in Glycyrrhiza uralensis. Plant and Soil. 2019,439:243-257. IF:3. 259

[107]    Wang Jiajia, Long Huaiyu*, Huang Yuanfang, Wang Xiangling, Cai Bin, Liu Wei. Effects of different irrigation management parameters on cumulative water supply under negative pressure irrigation. Agriculture water management. 2019,224(105743):1-10. IF:3. 182

[108]    Shang Bo, Yuan Xiangyang, Li Pin, Xu Yansen, Feng Zhaozhong*. Effects of elevated ozone and water deficit on poplar saplings: Changes in carbon and nitrogen stocks and their allocation to different organs. Forest Ecology and Management. 2019,441, 89-98. IF:3. 126

[109]    Su Yuebo, Wang Xiaoke*, Wang Xuming, Cui Bowen, Sun Xu. Leaf and male cone phenophases of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. ) along a rural-urban gradient in Beijing, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2019, 42: 61-71. IF:3. 043

[110]    Cheng Xian, Chen Liding, Sun Ranhao*. Modeling the non-point source pollution risks by combing pollutant sources, precipitation, and landscape structure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019,26(12):11856–11863. IF:2. 914

[111]    Li Shoujuan, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Zhao Fangkai, Sun Long. Spatial distribution of heavy metal concentrations in peri-urban soils in eastern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019,26(2): 1615-1627. IF:2. 914

[112]    Wang HongYan , Chen Peng , Zhu YongGuan , Cen Kuang , Sun GuoXin*. Simultaneous adsorption and immobilization of As and Cd by birnessite-loaded biochar in water and soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019, 26:8575–8584. IF:2. 914

[113]    Mao S, Shen Y, Deng H*, Wu G. Distribution pattern of traditional ecological knowledge on plant utilization among major minority peoples in Guizhou, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 2019,26(1):37-44. IF:2. 811

[114]    Fang Weiwei, Lu Nan*, Liu Jianbo, Jiao Lei, Zhang Yu, Wang Mengyu, Fu Bojie. Canopy transpiration and stand water balance between two contrasting hydrological years in three typical shrub communities on the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. Ecohydrology. 2019,12:e2064. IF:2. 79

[115]    Fu Xiao, Jia Tianxia, Zhang Xueqi, Li Shanlin, Zhang Yonglin*. Do street-level scene perceptions affect housing prices in Chinese megacities? An analysis using open access datasets and deep learning. Plos One 2019,5: 1-18. IF:2. 776

[116]    Qi Yulin, Chen Cungen, Chen Liding*. Plant root-shoot biomass allocation over diverse biomes: A global synthesis. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2019,18. IF:2. 751

[117]    Zhang Lu, Ouyang Zhiyun*. Focusing on rapid urbanization areas can control the rapid loss of migratory water bird habitats in China. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2019, 20: e00801. IF:2. 751

[118]    Wang Cong, Fu Bojie*, Zhang Lu, Xu Zhihong. Soil moisture-plant interactions: an ecohydrological review. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2019,19(1), 1-9. IF:2. 699

[119]    Yu DT , He JZ , Zhang LM , Han LL *. Viral metagenomics analysis and eight novel viral genomes identified from the Dushanzi mud volcanic soil in Xinjiang, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2019,19:81-90. IF:2. 699

[120]    Yuan CL , Zhang LM , Wang JT , Hu HW ,Shen JP , Cao P , He JZ*. Distributions and environmental drivers of archaea and bacteria in paddy soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2019, 19:23-27. IF:2. 699

[121]    Wang Yun, Zheng Hua, Chen Falin, Yang Yunfeng, Zeng Jing, Joy D. Van Nostrand, Zhou Jizhong, Ouyang Zhiyun*. Artificial reforestation produces less diverse soil nitrogen-cycling genes than natural restoration. Ecosphere. 2019, 10(1):1-10. IF:2.67

[122]    Zhou Xue, Qiao Min*, Su Jian Qiang, Zhu YongGuan. High-throughput characterization of antibiotic resistome in soil amended with commercial organic fertilizers. Journal of Soils and Sediments . 2019, 19(2):641-651. IF:2. 669

[123]    An An, Cao Lei*, Jia Qiang, Wang Xin, Zhu Qin, Zhang Junjian, Ye Xueqin, Gao Dali. Changing Abundance and Distribution of the Wintering Swan Goose Anser Cygnoides in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Floodplain: An Investigation Combining a Field Survey with Satellite Telemetry. Sustainability. 2019,11,5,1–15. IF:2. 592

[124]    Cao Chen, Lu Xiaohan, Li Xuyong*. Risk Assessment and Pressure Response Analysis of the Water Footprint of Agriculture and Livestock: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in China. Sustainability. 2019,11(13):3693. IF:2. 592

[125]    Han Wangya, Lu Huiting, Liu Guohua*, Wang Jingsheng, Su Xukun*. Quantifying Degradation Classifications on Alpine Grassland in the Lhasa River Basin, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Sustainability. 2019,11,7067. IF:2. 592

[126]    Han Baolong, Meng Nan, Zhang Jiatian ,Cai Wenbo ,Wu Tong ,Kong Lingqiao , Ouyang Zhiyun*. Assessment and Management of Pressure on Water Quality Protection along the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Sustainability. 2019, 11 (11):3087-3087. IF:2. 592

[127]    Peng Wenjia, Brian E. Robinson, Zheng Hua*, Li Cong , Wang Fengchun , Li Ruonan. Telecoupled Sustainable Livelihoods in an Era of Rural–Urban Dynamics: The Case of China. Sustainability. 2019,11(9): 2716-2713. IF:2. 592

[128]    Yang Yanying, Zheng Hua, Xu Weihua, Zhang Lu, Ouyang Zhiyun*. Temporal changes in multiple ecosystem services and their bundles responding to urbanization and ecological restoration in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei metropolitan area. Sustainability. 2019, 11(7), 2079. IF:2. 592

[129]    Zhang Mengmeng, Wang Shuai, Fu Bojie*, Wei Xiaohua, Wang Cong, Song Shuang. Structure Disentanglement and Effect Analysis of the Arid Riverscape Social-Ecological System Using a Network Approach. Sustainability. 2019,11-5159. IF:2. 592

[130]    Zhao Hui, Li Xuyong*, Jiang Yan. Response of Nitrogen Losses to Excessive Nitrogen
Fertilizer Application in Intensive Greenhouse Vegetable Production. Sustainability. 2019,11(6):1513. IF:2. 592

[131]    Li Tao, Qiu Sha, Mao Shuxin, Bao Rui and Deng Hongbing*. Evaluating Water Resource Accessibility in Southwest China. Water. 2019,11:1708. IF:2. 524

[132]    Dong Rencai* , Zhang Xueqi and Li Huanhuan. Constructing the Ecological Security Pattern for Sponge City: A Case Study in Zhengzhou, China. Water. 2019,11(2):287. IF:2. 524

[133]    Pan Ning, Wang Shuai*, Liu Yanxu, Zhao Wenwu, Fu Bojie. Global Surface Soil Moisture Dynamics in 1979-2016 Observed from ESA CCI SM Dataset. Water. 2019,11(5). IF:2. 524

[134]    Xie Shilin, Su Yuebo, Xu Weihua, Cai Wenbo, Wang Xiaoke, Lu Fei, Ouyang Zhiyun*. The effect of habitat changes along the urbanization gradient for breeding birds: an example from the Xiong’an New Area. Peer J. 2019,7(e7961). IF:2. 5

[135]    Sun Long, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Zhao Fangkai, Li Shoujuan. Short-term changing patterns of stem water isotopes in shallow soils underlain by fractured bedrock. Hydrology Research. 2019,50(2): 577-588. IF:2. 475

[136]    Zhao Qian, Yang Lei, Wang Xin, Bi Runcheng, Zhang Qindi*. Effects of two typical re-vegetation methods on soil moisture in semi-arid Loess Plateau, China. Hydrology Research. 2019,50(5): 1453-1462. IF:2. 475

[137]    Cheng Min, Huang Binbin, Kong Lingqiao, Ouyangzhiyun*. Ecosystem spatial changes and driving forces in the Bohai coastal zone. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019,16(4):536-551. IF:2. 468

[138]    Yu Weiwei, Hu Yinhong, Cui Bowen, Chen Yuanyuan, Wang Xiaoke*. The effects of pavement types on soil bacterial communities across different depths. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019, 16(10): 1805. IF:2. 468

[139]    Zhang Liyun, Zhen Quan, Cheng Min, Ouyang Zhiyun* . The Main Drivers of Wetland Changes in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 1. 2019,16(25):2619-2634. IF:2. 468

[140]    Chen Li, Han Wangya, Liu Dan, Liu Guohua*. How forest gaps shaped plant diversity along an elevational gradient in Wolong National Nature Reserve? Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2019,29(7): 1081-1097. IF:2. 347

[141]    Su Xukun, Han Wangya, Liu Guohua*. Potential priority areas and protection network for Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) in Southwest China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2019,29(7):1211-1227. IF:2. 347

[142]    Chen Liding*, Sun Ranhao, Lu Yihe. A conceptual model for a process-oriented landscape pattern analysis. Science China Earth Sciences 2019, IF:2. 258

[143]    Zhang Lu, Ouyang Zhiyun*. Exploring the Relationships between Key Ecological Indicators to Improve Natural Conservation Planning at Different Scales. Forests. 2019, 10(1):32. IF:2. 116

[144]    Zhang Qindi, Chen Liding*, Yang Lei. The Joint Effects of Precipitation Gradient and Afforestation on Soil Moisture across the Loess Plateau of China. Forests. 2019,10(3),285. IF:2. 116

[145]    Meng Fanjuan, Wang Xin, BATBAYAR Nyambayar, NATSAGDORJ Tseveenmyadag, DAVAASUREN Batmunkh,DAMBA Iderbat , Cao Lei*, and FOX Anthony D. Consistent habitat preference underpins the geographically divergent autumn migration of individual Mongolian common shelducks. Current Zoology. 2019,0,0,1-8. IF:2. 07

[146]    Han Lijian, Zhou Weiqi*, Li Weifeng, Qian Yuguo. Fine particulate (PM2. 5) dynamics ‘before and after China’s “Reform and Opening up” policy in Shenzhen. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2019,111:100-104. IF:1. 968

[147]    Qian Yuguo, Chen Yingyun, Lin Cong, Wang Weimin, Zhou Weiqi*. Revealing patterns of greenspace in urban areas resulting from three urban growth types. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2019,110:14-20. IF:1. 968

[148]    Qian Yuguo, Li Zhiqiang, Zhou Weiqi*, Chen Yingyun. Quantifying spatial pattern of urban greenspace from a gradient perspective of built-up age. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2019,111:78-85. IF:1. 968

[149]    Yu Wenjuan, Zhang Yujia, Zhou Weiqi*, Wang Weimin, Tang Rong. Urban expansion in Shenzhen since 1970s: A retrospect of change from a village to a megacity from the space. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2019,110:21-30. IF:1. 968

[150]    Zheng Zhong, Zhou Weiqi*, Yan Jingli, Qian Yuguo, Wang Jia, Li Weifeng. The higher, the cooler? Effects of building height on land surface temperatures in residential areas of Beijing of built-up age. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2019,110:149-156. IF:1. 968

[151]    Liu Jianbo, Gao Guangyao, Wang Shuai, Fu Bojie*. Combined effects of rainfall regime and plot length on runoff and soil loss in the Loess Plateau of China. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2019,109(3-4), 397-406. IF:1. 84

[152]    Chen Peng , Wang HongYan , Zheng RuiLun ,Zhang Bo and Sun GuoXin*. Long-term effects of biochar on rice production and stabilisation of cadmium and arsenic levels in contaminated paddy soils. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2019, 109(3-4), 415-420. IF:1. 84

[153]    Liang Haibin, Xue Yayong, Shi Jianwei, Li Zongshan*, Liu Guohua, Fu Bojie. Soil moisture dynamics under Caragana korshinskii shrubs of different ages in Wuzhai County on the Loess Plateau, China. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2019,109(3-4):387-396. IF:1. 84

[154]    Wang Cong, Wang Shuai, Fu Bojie*, Zhang Lu, Lu Nan, Jiao Lei. Stochastic soil moisture dynamic modelling: a case study in the Loess Plateau, China. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2019, 109(3-4): 437-444 . IF:1. 84

[155]    Zhang Kun, Lu Yihe*, Fu Bojie, Li Ting. The effects of restoration on vegetation trends: spatiotemporal variability and influencing factors. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2019,109(3-4), 473-481. IF:1. 84

[156]    Zhang Qindi, Li Zongshan, Yang Lei, Wu Xing, Zhang Jintun*. Separation of environmental effects on community variation of a larch forest in north China. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2019,109: 407-413. IF:1. 84

[157]    Hao Zhipeng, Xie Wei, Jiang Xuelian, Wu Zhaoxiang, Zhang Xin, Chen Baodong*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus improves rhizobium–Glycyrrhiza seedling symbiosis under drought stress. Agronomy. 2019,9(10):572. IF:1. 805

[158]    Wang Xuming, Wang Xiaoke*, Chen Yuanyuan, Greame P. Berlyn. Photosynthetic parameters of urban greening trees growing on paved land. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry. 2019, 12(4), 403-410. IF:1. 419

[159]    Fu Bojie*, Tian Tao, Liu Yanxu, Zhao Wenwu. New Developments and Perspectives in Physical Geography in China . Chinese Geographical Science. 2019,29(3), 363-371.  . IF:1. 333

[160]    Wang Liyan, Anna Herzberger, Zhang Liyun, Xiao Yi,Wang Yaqing, Xiao Yang,Liu Jianguo, Ouyang Zhiyun*. Spatial and temporal changes of arable land driven by urbanization and ecological restoration in China. Chinese Geographical Science 2019, 29(5): 809-819. IF:1. 333

[161]    Chen Quan, Lin Guangxuan, Ma Keming*, Chen Pimao. Determining the Unsuitability of Exotic Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) for Avifauna in a Mangrove Wetland Ecosystem. Journal of Coastal Research. 2019,35:177-185. IF:1. 053

[162]    Gu Dehai, Chai Yisheng, Gu Yanbing, Hou Jianhua*, Cao Lei*, Fox Anthony David. Annual migration routes, stopover patterns and diurnal activity of Eurasian Bitterns Botaurus stellaris wintering in China. Bird Study. 2019,66,1,43-52. IF:1. 008

[163]    Chen Yan, Zhang Yong*, Cao Lei*, de Boer Willem F. , Fox Anthony D. Wintering Swan Geese maximize energy intake through substrate foraging depth when feeding on buried Vallisneria natans tubers. Avian Research. 2019,10,6. IF:0. 818

[164]    Deng Xueqin, Zhao Qingshan, Fang Lei, Xu Zhenggang, Wang Xin, He Haoren, Cao Lei*, Fox Anthony David. Spring migration duration exceeds that of autumn migration in Far East Asian Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons). Avian Research. 2019,10,1,19. IF:0. 818

[165]    Meng Fanjuan, Li Hongbin, Wang Xin, Fang Lei, Li Xianghuang, Cao Lei* and Fox Anthony David. Size matters: wintering ducks stay longer and use fewer habitats on largest Chinese lakes. Avian Research. 2019,10,27,1-8. IF:0. 818


1.2 其他英文文章

[1]      Liu Bojie, Zhang Lu, Lu Fei*, Deng Lei, Zhao Hong, Luo Yunjian, Liu Xiuping, Zhang Kerong, Wang Xiaoke, Liu Weiwei, Wang Xueyan, Yuan Yafei. Methodology for accounting the net mitigation of China's ecological restoration projects (CANM-EP). MethodsX. 2019, 6: 1753-1773.

[2]      Wu Songlin, Zhang Xin, Huang Longbin, Chen Baodong*. Arbuscular mycorrhiza and plant chromium tolerance. Soil Ecology Letters. 2019,(3-4):94-104.


2. 中文文章

[1]      博文静, 肖燚, 王莉雁, 王效科, 欧阳志云*. 生态资产核算及变化特征评估——以内蒙古兴安盟为例. 生态学报. 2019,39(15):5425-5432.

[2]      曹宸, 李叙勇*. 区县尺度下农牧业水足迹的 时空特征及其密度研究 ———以张家口市为例. 中国农村水利水电. 2019,0:124-131.

[3]      陈保冬* , 于萌, 郝志鹏, 谢伟, 张莘. 丛枝菌根真菌应用技术研究进展. 应用生态学报. 2019,30(3):1035-1046.

[4]      陈保冬*, 张莘, 伍松林, 李林凤. 丛枝菌根影响土壤-植物系统中重金属迁移、转化和累积过程的机制及其生态应用. 岩矿测试. 2019,38(1):607-631.

[5]      陈法霖, 张凯, 向丹, 吴爱平, 李有志, 邹冬生, 郑华*.桉树凋落物对土壤微生物群落的影响:基于控制实验研究. 土壤学报. 2019, 56(2): 432-442.

[6]      陈利顶*, 吕一河, 赵文武, 卫伟, 冯晓明. 区域生态学的特点、学科定位及其与相邻学科的关系. 生态学报. 2019,9(13):4593-4601.

[7]      陈盼, 施晓清*. 生态文明国内外研究述评. 生态学报. 2019,39(1):37873795.

[8]      陈心桐, 徐天乐, 李雪静, 赵爱花, 冯海艳, 陈保冬*. 我国北方自然生态系统土壤有机碳含量及其影响因素. 生态学杂志. 2019,38(4):1133-1140.

[9]      陈新闯, 李小倩, 吕一河*, 刘红晓, 郭建英. 区域尺度生态修复空间辨识研究进展与展望. 生态学报. 2019,39(23).

[10]  董天, 肖洋, 张路, 肖燚, 郑华, 欧阳志云*. 鄂尔多斯市生态系统格局和质量变化及驱动力. 生态学报. 2019, 39( 2) : 660-671.

[11]  董天, 张路, 肖燚, 郑华, 黄斌斌, 欧阳志云*. 鄂尔多斯市生态资产和生态系统生产总值评估. 生态学报. 2019, 39( 9) : 3062-3074.

[12]  冯棋, 杨磊*, 王晶, 石学圆, 汪亚峰. 黄土丘陵区植被恢复的土壤碳水效应研究. 生态学报. 2019,39(18): 6598-6609.

[13]  冯棋, 杨磊, 汪亚峰*. 拦截坝的典型分布与生态系统服务研究进展. 土壤通报. 2019,50(4): 1-10.

[14]  傅微, 吕一河*, 傅伯杰, 胡维银. 陕北黄土高原典型人类活动影响下景观生态风险评价. 生态与农村环境学报. 2019, 35 ( 3) : 290-299.

[15]  高晓龙, 程会强, 郑华, 欧阳志云*. 生态产品价值实现的政策工具探究. 生态学报. 2019, 39(23).

[16]  黄斌斌, 郑华*, 肖燚, 孔令桥, 欧阳志云, 王效科. 重点生态功能区生态资产保护成效及驱动力研究. 中国环境管理. 2019, 11(03):14-23.

[17]  焦文涛, 韩自玉*, 吕正勇, 马栋, 胡健, 田垚, 代子俊, 王静. 土壤电阻加热技术原位修复有机污染土壤的关键问题与展望. 环境工程学报. 2019, 13(09):2027-2036.

[18]  靖传宝, 周伟奇*, 钱雨果. 城市乔木树种多样性遥感反演方法研究. 生态学报. 2019, 39(22):8383-8391.

[19]  孔令桥, 王雅晴, 郑华, 肖燚, 徐卫华, 张路, 肖洋, 欧阳志云*. 流域生态空间与生态保护红线规划方法--以长江流域为例. 生态学报. 2019, 39(3):835-843.

[20]  孔子科, 刘晶茹*, 孙锌. 中国城镇家庭乘用车物质代谢分析. 资源科学. 2019, 41(4): 681-688.

[21]  李芳, 郝志鹏, 陈保冬*. 菌根植物适应低磷胁迫的分子机制. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2019,25(11):1989-1997.

[22]  李欢欢, 张雪琦, 张永霖, 董仁才*. 城市生态环境损害鉴定评估监测体系研究李. 生态学报. 2019, 39(17) : 6469-6476.

[23]  李嘉珣, 曹飞飞, 汪铭一, 吴钢*. 参照点位法下的参照状态在草原生态系统损害基线判定中的应用分析. 生态学报. 2019, 39(19):6966-6973.

[24]  李嘉珣, 曹飞飞, 吴钢*. 三种判定落叶阔叶混交林土壤损害基线的方法研究———以吉林省抚松县为例. 生态学报. 2019, 39( 17) : 6218-6226.

[25]  李品*, 木勒德尔·吐尔汗拜, 田地, 冯兆忠. 全球森林土壤微生物生物量的季节动态. 植物生态学报. 2019, 43(6): 532-542.

[26]  李守娟, 杨磊*, 陈利顶, 赵方凯, 孙龙. 长三角典型城郊农田土壤浙贝母重金属迁移特征研究. 江流域资源与环境. 2019,28(12): 3003-3013.

[27]  李婷, 罗颖, 吕一河*. 黄土高原不同尺度生态系统保护与修复模式及其生态效应. 环境生态学. 2019, 1(1): 80-83.

[28]  李宗善, 杨磊*, 王国梁, 侯建, 信忠宝, 刘国华, 傅伯杰. 黄土高原水土流失治理现状、问题及对策. 生态学报. 2019,39(20): 7398-7409.

[29]  刘雅莉, 杜剑卿, 李峰, 高海宁, 胡聃*. 微尺度下城市公园人造绿地土壤水分的时空分异格局及其驱动机制. 生态学报. 2019, 39(18):6794-6802.

[30]  刘怡娜, 孔令桥, 肖燚, 郑华*.长江流域景观格局与生态系统水质净化服务的关系. 生态学报. 2019, 39(3): 844-852.

[31]  吕一河*, 孙飞翔. 绿韵沉浮谐为本——黄土高原环境变迁的生态文明启示. 中国生态文明. 2019, (3):82-83.

[32]  吕永龙*, 曹祥会, 王尘辰. 实现可持续发展的城市系统转型. 生态学报. 2019, 39(4): 1125-1134.

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[34]  马仕君, 周传斌*, 杨光, 赵志岚, 刘懿颉. 城市生活垃圾填埋场的物质存量特征及其环境影响:以粤港澳大湾区为例. 环境科学. 2019, 40(11): 395-405.

[35]  邱莎, 曹飞飞, 唐明方, 邓红兵*. 能源对北京市城市碳循环的影响. 生态学报. 2019,  39( 18) : 6816-6825.

[36]  沈园, 李涛, 唐明方, 邓红兵*. 西南地区生物文化多样性空间格局定量研究. 生态学报. 2019, 39(7) : 2454-2461.

[37]  宋昌素, 肖燚, 博文静, 肖洋, 邹梓颖, 欧阳志云*. 生态资产评价方法研究——以青海省为例. 生态学报. 2019, 39(1): 9-23.

[38]  王朝, 李伟峰*, 韩立建. 京津冀城市群能源协同发展背景下能源生产结构变化. 生态学报. 2019, 39(4):1203-1211.

[39]  王聪, 伍星, 傅伯杰*, 韩兴国, 陈亚宁, 王克林, 周华坤, 冯晓明, 李宗善. 重点脆弱生态区生态恢复模式现状与发展方向. 生态学报. 2019, 39(20):7333-7343.

[40]  王芳芳, 徐欢, 李婷, 伍星*. 放牧对草地土壤氮素循环关键过程的影响与机制研究进展. 应用生态学报. 2019, 30(10):3277-3284.

[41]  王慧芳, 林子雁, 肖燚, 卢慧婷, 章文, 詹云军, 严岩*. 基于生态系统服务潜在损失的滑坡灾害生态风险评价. 应用生态学报. 2019, 30( 10) : 35533562.

[42]  王嘉丽, 周伟奇*. 生态系统服务流研究进展. 生态学报. 2019, 39(12):4213-4222.

[43]  王效科*, 杨宁, 吴凡, 任玉芬, 王思远, 薄乖民, 蒋高明, 王玉宽, 孙玉军, 张路, 欧阳志云. 生态效益评价内容和评价指标筛选. 生态学报. 2019, 39(15):5442-5449.

[44]  王效科*, 杨宁, 吴凡, 任玉芬, 王思远, 薄乖民, 蒋高明, 王玉宽, 孙玉军, 张路, 欧阳志云, . 生态效益及其特性. 生态学报. 2019, 39(15):5433-5441.

[45]  王悦, 李锋*, 陈新闯, 胡印红, 胡盼盼, 杨建新. 典型社区家庭消费碳排放特征与影响因素———以北京市为例. 生态学报. 2019, 39(21):78407853.

[46]  王悦, 李锋*, 孙晓. 城市家庭消费碳排放研究进展. 资源科学. 2019, 41(07):12011212.

[47]  文志, 赵赫, 刘磊, 王丽娟, 欧阳志云, 郑华*, 李彦旻. 基于土地利用变化的热带植物群落功能性状与土壤质量的关系. 生态学报. 2019, 39(1):371380.

[48]  冼超凡, 潘雪莲, 甄泉, 韩宝龙, 姜亚琼, 周伟奇, 欧阳志云*. 城市生态系统污染氮足迹与灰水足迹综合评价. 环境科学学报. 2019, 39(03):985-995.

[49]  谢天, 侯鹰, 陈卫平, 王美娥, 吕斯丹, 李勖之. 城市化对土壤生态环境影响研究进展. 生态学报. 2019, 39(4):112.

[50]  杨光, 刘懿颉, 周传斌*. 生活垃圾资源化管理的国际实践及对我国的经验借鉴. 环境保护.  2019,12:56-61.

[51]  杨磊, 张子豪, 李宗善*. 黄土高原植被建设与土壤干燥化:问题与展望. 生态学报. 2019,38(20): 7382-7388.

[52]  杨伟光, 陈卫平, 杨阳*, 刘长峰, 马凌超. 新疆某矿冶区周边土壤重金属生物有效性与生态风险评价. 环境工程学报. 2019, 13(8):1930-1939.

[53]  杨晓娇, 王效科*. 中国城市化速度区域差异及其主要影响因素分析. 生态科学. 2019,  38(3):36-44.

[54]  杨晓娇, 王效科*. 中国城市生活资源消耗与污染排放的主要影响因素. 中国科学院大学学报. 2019, 36(5):626-636.

[55]  于伟伟, 陈媛媛, 汪旭明, 王效科*. 硬化地表对不同树种下土壤微生物群落结构和功能的影响. 生态学报. 2019, 39(10):3575-3585.

[56]  张红星, 韩立建, 任玉芬, 姚余辉, 孙旭, 王效科*, 周伟奇, 郑华. 北京城市与西北远郊地表臭氧浓度梯度移动监测研究. 生态学报. 2019, 39(18):6803-6815.

[57]  张路, 李炳章, 郭克疾, 刘峰, 宗嘎, 李昕宇, 吕永磊, 欧阳志云*. 西藏唐北地区湖泊动态及空间格局预测. 应用生态学报. 2019, (8):2793-2802.

[58]  张雪琦, 贾天下, 董仁才*. 基于光纤测温技术的城市地表温度精细化分析. 生态学报. 2019, 39(17) : 6500-6509.

[59]  赵银兵, 蔡婷婷, 孙然好*, 倪忠云, 张婷婷. 海绵城市研究进展综述:从水文过程到生态恢复. 生态学报. 2019,39(13),4638-4646.

[60]  郑颖, 逯非*, 杨师帅, 王效科, 刘晶茹. 城市能源消费CO2排放及其影响因素研究. 环境保护科学. 2019, 45(5): 85-94.


3. 联合发表文章(非第一单位)

[1]      Zhao Xiuling, Zhou Weiqi*, Han Lijian,Locke Dexter . Spatiotemporal variation in PM2. 5 concentrations and their relationship with socioeconomic factors in China's major cities. Environment International. 2019,133:105145. IF:7. 943

[2]      Veresoglou Stavros D*, Chen Baodong, Fischer Matthias M, Helgason Thorunn, Mamolos Andreas P, Rillig Matthias C, Roldán Antonio, Johnson David. Latitudinal constraints in responsiveness of plants to arbuscular mycorrhiza: The ‘sun-worshipper’ hypothesis. New Phytologist. 2019,224(2):552-556. IF:7. 299

[3]      Yang Yonggang, Guo Tingting, Jiao Wentao*. Destruction processes of mining on water environment in the mining area combining isotopic and hydrochemical tracer. Environmental Pollution. 2019,6,237:356-365. IF:5. 98

[4]      Veresoglou Stavros D, Liu Lei, Xu Tianle, Rillig Matthias C, Wang Meie, Wang Juntao, Chen Yongliang, Hu Yajun, Hao Zhipeng, Chen Baodong*. Biogeographical constraints in Glomeromycotinan distribution across forest habitats in China. Journal of Ecology . 2019,107:684–695. IF:5. 68

[5]      Huang Ganlin*,Zhou Weiqi,Qian Yuguo,Brendan Fisher. Breathing the same air? Socioeconomic disparities in PM2. 5 exposure and the potential benefits from air filtration. Science of The Total Environment. 2019,657:619-626. IF:5. 589

[6]      Feng Tianjiao, Chen Liding*, Artemi Cerdà, Yang Lei, Yu Yang. Combining land preparation and vegetation restoration for optimal soil eco-hydrological services in the Loess Plateau, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,657:535-547. IF:5. 589

[7]      Kremena Gocheva*, Lü Yihe*, Li Feng, Svetla Bratanova-Doncheva, Nesho Chipev. . Ecosystem restoration in Europe: Can analogies to Traditional Chinese Medicine facilitate the cross-policy harmonization on managing socio-ecological systems? Science of the Total Environment . 2019,657: 1553-1567. IF:5. 589

[8]      Li Xiaonuo, Bardos Paul*, Cundy Andrew B. , Harder Marie K. , Doick Kieron J. , Norrman Jenny, Williams Sarah, Chen Weiping . Using a Conceptual Site Model for Assessing the Sustainability of Brownfield Regeneration for a Soft Reuse: A Case Study of Port Sunlight River Park (U. K. ). Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 652: 810-821. IF:5. 589

[9]      Yuan Chuan, Gao Guangyao*, Fu Bojie, He Daming, Duan Xingwu, Wei Xiaohua. Temporally dependent effects of rainfall characteristics on inter and intra-event branch-scale stemflow variability in two xerophytic shrubs. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2019,23,4077-4095. IF:4. 936

[10]  Li Xiaoma*, Zhou Weiqi. Spatial patterns and driving factors of surface urban heat island intensity: A comparative study for two agriculture-dominated regions in China and the USA. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2019,48:101518. IF:4. 624

[11]  Liang Wei, Fu Bojie*, Wang Shuai, Zhang Weibin, Jin Zhao, Feng Xiaoming, Yan Jianwu, Liu Yu, Zhou Sha. Quantification of the ecosystem carrying capacity on China's Loess Plateau. Ecological Indicators. 2019, 101, 192-202. IF:4. 49

[12]  Zhou Ji, Fu Bojie*, Yan Dongchun, Lü Yihe, Wang Shuai, Gao Guangyao. Assessing the integrity of soil erosion in different patch covers in semi-arid environment. Journal of Hydrology. 2019,571:71-86. IF:4. 405

[13]  Jiao Lei, Lu Nan*, Fang Weiwei, Li Zongshan, Wang Jian, Zhao J. Determining the independent impact of soil water on forest transpiration: a case study of a black locust plantation in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology. 2019,572: 671-681. IF:4. 405

[14]  Xu Yanjie, Si Yali*, Wang Yingying, Zhang Yong, Herbert H. T. Prins, Cao Lei, Willem F.  de Boer. Loss of functional connectivity in migration networks induces population decline in migratory birds. Ecological Applications. 2019,29,7,e01960. IF:4. 378

[15]  Amy E. Frazier, Brett A. Bryan, Alexander Buyantuev, Chen Liding, Cristian Echeverria, Jia Peng, Liu Lumeng, Li Qin, Ouyang Zhiyun, Wu Jianguo. Ecological civilzation: perspectives from landscape ecology and landscape sustainability science. Landscape Ecology. 2019,34:1–8. IF:4. 349

[16]  Xiao Feiyan, Gao Guangyao*, Shen qin, Wang Xiaofeng, Ma Ying, Lv Yihe, Fu Bojie. Spatio-temporal characteristics and driving forces of landscape structure changes in the middle reach of the Heihe River Basin from 1990 to 2015. Landscape Ecology. 2019,34,755-770. IF:4. 349

[17]  Han Xiaoyang, Gao Guangyao*, Li Zongshan, Chang Ruiying, Jiao Lei, Fu Bojie. Effects of plantation age and precipitation gradient on soil " carbon and nitrogen changes following afforestation in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Land Degradation and Development. 2019,30,2298-2310. IF:4. 275

[18]  Yan Jingli, Zhou Weiqi, G. Darrel Jenerette*. Testing an energy exchange and microclimate cooling hypothesis for the effect of vegetation configuration on urban heat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2019,279:107666. IF:4. 189

[19]  Zhang Jianjun, Gao Guangyao*, Fu Bojie, Hoshin V. Gupta. Formulating an Elasticity Approach to Quantify the Effects of Climate Variability and Ecological Restoration on Sediment Discharge Change in the Loess Plateau, China. Water Resources Research. 2019,WR025840,1-19. IF:4. 142

[20]  Wang Cheng, Qin Haiming*, Zhao Kaiguang, Dong Pinliang, Yang Xuebo, Zhou Guoqing, Xi Xiaohuan. Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nighttime Lights in China. Remote Sensing. 2019,11(14):1712. IF:4. 118

[21]  Zhang Yong*, Anthony D. Fox, Cao Lei, Jia Qiang, Lu Changhu, Herbert H. T. Prins, Willem F. de Boer. Effects of ecological and anthropogenic factors on waterbird abundance at a Ramsar Site in the Yangtze River Floodplain. Ambio. 2019,48,3,293-303. IF:4. 103

[22]  Shen Congcong, Shi Yu, Fan Kunkun, He Jin-Sheng, Adams Jonathan, Ge Yuan*, and Chu Haiyan. Soil pH dominates elevational diversity pattern for bacteria in high elevation alkaline soils on the Tibetan Plateau. Fems Microbiology Ecology. 2019,95,fiz003. IF:4. 098

[23]  Wu Jianping, Liu Wenfei, Zhang Weixin, Shao Yuanhu, Duan Honglang, Chen Baodong, Wei Xiaohua, Fan Shoubao*. Long-term nitrogen addition changes soil microbial community and litter decomposition rate in a subtropical forest. Applied Soil Ecology . 2019,142:43-51. IF:3. 445

[24]  Li Xiaoma*, Zhou Weiqi. Optimizing urban greenspace spatial pattern to mitigate urban heat island effects: Extending understanding from local to the city scale. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2019,41:255-263. IF:3. 043

[25]  Pan Jingran,Wang Xiaolin, Cao Aixin, Zhao Guozhu*, Zhou Chuanbin*. Screening methane-oxidizing bacteria from municipal solid waste landfills and simulating their effects on methane and ammonia reduction. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019,11:1-10. IF:2. 941

[26]  Jia Qiang, Zhang Yong* , Cao Lei*. Response of Anatidae Abundance to Environmental Factors in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Floodplain, China. Sustainability. 2019,11,23,6814. IF:2. 592

[27]  Hu Jian, Lü Da, Sun Feixiang, Lü Yihe*, Chen Youjun and Zhou Qingping. Soil Hydrothermal Characteristics among Three Typical Vegetation Types: An Eco-Hydrological Analysis in the Qilian Mountains, China. Water. 2019, 11, 1277; doi:10. 3390/w11061277. IF:2. 524

[28]  Wu Zhifeng*, Dou Panfeng, Chen Liding. Comparative and combinative cooling effects of different spatial arrangements of buildings and trees on microclimate. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2019,2210-6707. IF:2. 22

[29]  Zhao Xiuling, Zhou Weiqi*, Han Lijian. Human activities and urban air pollution in Chinese mega city: An insight of ozone weekend effect in Beijing. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2019,110:109-116. IF:1. 968

[30]  Bao Qiongli, Ding Longjun*, Huang Yizong, Xiao Keqing. Effect of rice straw and/or nitrogen fertiliser inputs on methanogenic archaeal and denitrifying communities in a typical rice paddy soil. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2019, 109: 375-386. IF:1. 84

[31]  Wang Xiaofeng, Xiao Feiyan, Feng Xiaoming*, Fu Bojie, Zhou Zixiang, Chan Chang. Soil conservation on the Loess Plateau and the regional effect: impact of the 'Grain for Green' Project. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2019,109(3-4):461-471. IF:1. 84

[32]  Kevin A. Wood*, Cao Lei , Preben Clausen, Craig R. Ely, Leho Luiguj?e, Eileen C. Rees, Jeffrey Snyder, Diana V. Solovyeva, Rados?aw W?odarczyk. Current trends and future directions in swan research: insights from the 6th International Swan Symposium. Wildfowl. 2019,5,1-34. IF:1. 762

[33]  Wu Xutong, Wang Shuai, Fu Bojie*, Zhao Yan,Wei Yongping. Pathways from payments for ecosystem services program to socioeconomic outcomes. Ecosystem Services. 2019,101,005. IF:1. 354

[34]  Eileen C. Rees*, Cao Lei , Preben Clausen, Jonathan T. Coleman, John Cornely, Olafur Einarsson, Craig R. Ely, Richard T. Kingsford, Ming Ma, Carl D. Mitchell, Szabolcs Nagy, Tetsuo Shimada, Jeffrey Snyder, Diana V. Solovyeva, Wim Tijsen, Yerko A. Vilina, Rados?aw W?odarczyk, Kane Brides. Conservation status of the world’s swan populations, Cygnus sp. and Coscoroba sp. : a review of current trends and gaps in knowledge. Wildfowl. 2019,5,35-72. IF:0. 762

[35]  孙江宁, 汤姚楠*, 尚金玲. 2000年后中外生态城市建设比较及路径研究. 城市发展研究. 2019,1:110-115.

[36]  田垚, 杨永刚, 韩自玉胡健, 焦文涛*. 电阻加热条件优化及其对污染土壤中苯并(a)芘的去除. 环境工程学报. 2019, 13(10):2336-2346.

[37]  汪东川, 孙志超, 孙然好*, 陈俊合, 张威, 张仙, 王潇. 京津冀城市群生态系统服务价值的时空动态演变. 生态环境学报. 2019,28(7), 1285-1296.

[38]  王海邻, 曹雪莹, 任玉芬*, 贺玉晓, 刘玉飞, 王思琪, 王效科, 李紫鑫. 北京城市主干道降雨径流污染负荷分析. 环境科学学报. 2019, 39(6):1860-1867.

[39]  王海邻, 刘玉飞, 任玉芬*, 贺玉晓, 王思琪, 张红星, 王效科, 李紫鑫. 北京市河流秋季浮游动物群落特征分析. 环境科学. 2019, 20(8):3568-3576.

[40]  王鑫, 杨磊, 赵倩, 张钦弟*. 半干旱黄土小流域草地群落功能性状空间异质性及环境驱动. 草业科学. 2019, 36(9): 2201-2211.

[41]  王永鹏, 曹启民*, 覃姜薇, 周玉杰, 何俊龄, 张永北, 胡聃. 施肥对海水倒灌后土壤盐分时空分布的影响研究初报. 南方农业. 2019, 13(23):183-187.

[42]  王子婷, 杨磊, 李广*, 柴春山, 张洋东, 陈荣, 张继强. 半干旱黄土区苜蓿退化对坡面草本植物分布及多样性的影响. 生态学报. 2019,39(10): 3720-3729.

[43]  张盛, 吕永龙*, 苑晶晶, 贺桂珍, 郑晓奇. 持续城镇化对中国推进实施联合国可持续发展目标的作用. 生态学报. 2019, 39(4):1135-1143.

[44]  张毅, 贺桂珍, 吕永龙, 马艳飞, 宋帅*. 我国生态环境大数据建设方案实施及其公开效果评估. 生态学报. 2019, 39(4):1290-1299.

[45]  郑晓奇, 苑晶晶, 吕永龙*, 张安琪, 徐湘博, 宋帅, 张盛. 快速城镇化背景下环渤海地区生态系统服务价值变化. 环境污染与防治. 2019, 41(9): 1125-1131.

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