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1. 英文文章

1.1 SCI文章


[1]      Bai Yang , Hua Zheng, Zhiyun Ouyang, Changwei Zhuang, Bo Jiang.Modeling hydrological ecosystem services and tradeoffs: a case study in Baiyangdian watershed, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2013, 70: 709-718

[2]      Chen FaLin, Zheng Hua, Zhang Kai, Ouyang Zhiyun, Lan Jun, Li Huailin, Shi Qian.Changes in soil microbial community structure and metabolic activity following conversion from native Pinus massoniana plantations to exotic Eucalyptus plantations.Forest Ecology and Management. 201329165-72

[3]      Chen FaLin, Zheng Hua, Zhang Kai, Ouyang Zhiyun, Li Huailin, Wu Bing, Shi Qian.Soil microbial community structure and function responses to successive planting of Eucalyptus. Journal of Environmental Sciences.201325(10)2102-2111

[4]      Chen FaLin, Zheng Hua, Zhang Kai, Ouyang Zhiyun, Wu Bing, Shi Qian, Li Huailin. Non-linear impacts of Eucalyptus plantation stand age on soil microbial metabolic diversity. Journal of Soils and Sediments.201313(5)887-894

[5]      Chen Liding , Lei Yang, Wei Wei, Ziting Wang, Baoru Mo, Guojun Cai.Towards Sustainable Integrated Watershed Ecosystem Management: A Case Study in Dingxi on the Loess Plateau, China.Environmental Management.201351:126–137

[6]      Chen Weiping, Jian Xu, Sidan Lu, Wentao Jiao, Laosheng Wu,Andrew C. Chang.Fates and transport of PPCPs in soil receiving reclaimed water irrigation. Chemosphere. 2013,93: 2621-2630

[7]      Chen Weiping ,Sidan Lu,Chi Peng,Wentao Jiao,Meie Wang.Accumulation of Cd in agricultural soil under long-term reclaimed water irrigation.Environmental Pollution. 2013, 178:294-299

[8]      Chen Weiping ,Sidan Lu,Neng Pan,Wentao Jiao.Impacts of long-term reclaimed water irrigation on soil salinity accumulation in urban green land in Beijing.Water Resources Research.2013,49:1-10

[9]      Chen YL, Chen BD, Hu YJ, Li T, Zhang X, Hao ZP, Wang YS.Direct and indirect influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on abundance and community structure of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and ammonia oxidizing archaea in soil microcosms.Pedobiologia.2013,56: 205-212

[10] Chen YL, Xu ZW, Hu HW, Hu YJ, Hao ZP, Jiang Y, Chen BD.Responses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to nitrogen fertilization and precipitation increment in a temperate typical steppe.Applied Soil Ecology. 2013,68: 36-45.

[11] Dai Y, Di HJ, Cameron KC, He JZ.Effects of nitrogen application rate and a nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide on ammonia oxidizers and N2O emissions in a grazed pasture soil. Science of the Total Environment.2013,465: 125-135

[12] Dong Rencai , Mingfang Tang, Kang Zhou, Siyuan Li & Gang Wu.Study on the modified quadrat sampling method for urban ecosystem network monitoring.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.2013203):210-215

[13] Duan GL, Liu WJ, Chen XP, Hu Y and Zhu YG. Association of arsenic with nutrient elements in rice plants.Metallomics. 2013, 5: 784-792.

[14] Fan Yupeng ,Weiping Chen,Wentao Jiao,Andrew C.Chang.Cost-benefit analysis of reclaimed wastewater reuses in Beijing.Desalination and Water Treatment.2013:1-10

[15] Feng, X., Fu, B., Lu, N., Zeng, Y. & Wu, B. How ecological restoration alters ecosystem services:  an analysis of carbon sequestration in China’s Loess Plateau. Sci. Rep. 2013, 3, 2846; DOI:10.1038/srep02846.

[16] Fu Bojie, Wang Shuai, Su Changhong, Forsius M.Linking ecosystem processes and ecosystem services.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.2013,5, 4-10

[17] Fu BojieForsius MLiu Jian.Ecosystem services: climate change and policy impacts Editorial overview.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.2013,5, 1-3

[18] Gao Guangyao , Bojie Fu, Hongbin Zhan, Ying Ma.Contaminant transport in soil with depth-dependent reaction coefficients and time-dependent boundary conditions.Water Research.2013,47, 2507-2522.

[19] Gao, Hong; Ouyang, Zhiyun; Chen, Shengbin. Role of culturally protected forests in biodiversity conservation in Southeast China.Biodiversity and conservation.2013, 22(2): 531-544

[20] Han Lijian ,Atsushi Tsunekawa,Mitsuru Tsubo,Weiqi Zhou.An enhanced dust index for Asian dust detection with MODIS images.International Journal of Remote Sensing.2013,34(19):6484-6495

[21] Han Lijian ,Atsushi Tsunekawab,Mitsuru Tsubo.Shifting of frozen ground boundary in response to temperature variations at northern China and Mongolia, 2000–2007.International Journal of Climatology.2013,33(7):1844-1848

[22] He Guizhen , Bettina Bluemling, Arthur P. J. Mol, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu.Comparing centralized and decentralized bio-energy systems in rural China.Energy Policy.2013,63:34-43

[23] He Guizhen , Arthur P.J. Mol, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu.Public participation and trust in nuclear power development in China.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2013, 23(C): 1-11

[24] He Guizhen, Lei Zhang, Author Mol, Yonglong Lu, Jianguo Liu.Revising China's Environmental Law. Science.2013,341:133

[25] Hou, Peiqiang; Ren, Yufen; Zhang, Qianqian.Temporal and spatial variations of water quality in a trans-urban river in Beijing , China.Fresenius environmental bulletin.2013, 22: 561-572

[26] Hu HW, Zhang LM, Dai Y, Di HJ, He JZ.pH-dependent distribution of soil ammonia oxidizers across a large geographical scale as revealed by high-throughput pyrosequencing. Journal of Soils and Sediments.2013,13 (8): 1439-1449

[27] Hu HW, Zhang LM, Yuan CL, He JZ.Contrasting Euryarchaeota communities between upland and paddy soils exhibited similar pH-impacted biogeographic patterns.Soil Biology & Biochemistry.2013,64: 18-27

[28] Hu YJ, Rillig MC, Xiang D, Hao ZP, Chen BD.Changes of AM fungal abundance along environmental gradients in the arid and semi-arid grasslands of northern China.PLoS ONE. 2013,8(2): e57593

[29] Ji Yuhe, Liding Chen, and Ranhao Sun.TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF WATER SUPPLY STRESS IN THE HAIHE RIVER BASIN, NORTHERN CHINA.Journal of the American Water Resources Association.2012,485):999-1007

[30] Jia Yan , Guo-Xin Sun, Hai Huang and Yong-Guan Zhu.Biogas slurry application elevated arsenic accumulation in rice plant through increased arsenic release and methylation in paddy soil.Plant Soil.2013, 365:387-396

[31] Jiang Yan, Li Xuyong, Huang Congchao, Wu Xianing.Application of particle swarm optimization based on CHKS smoothing function for solving nonlinear bilevel programming problem.Applied Mathematics and Computation.2013, 219: 4332-4339

[32] Jiang Yan, Li Xuyong, Huang Congchao.Automatic calibration a hydrological model using a master–slave swarms shuffling evolution algorithm based on self-adaptive particle swarm optimization.Expert Systems with Applications.201340752-757

[33] Jiao Wentao ,Tieyu Wang,Jong Seong Khim,Wei Luo,Wenyou Hu,Jonathan E. Naile,John P. Giesy,Yonglong Lu.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils along the coastal and estuarine areas of the northern Bohai and Yellow Seas, China.Environ Monit Assess. 2013,185: 8185- 8195

[34] Jorrit Gosens, Yonglong Lu, Guizhen He, Bettina Bluemling, Theo A.M. Beckers. Sustainability effects of household-scale biogas in rural China.Energy Policy.2013, 54(c): 273-287

[35] Jorrit Gosens, Yonglong Lu. From Lagging to Leading? Technological Innovation Systems in Emerging Economies and the Case of Chinese Wind Power. Energy Policy.2013, 60(c): 234- 250

[36] Li Feng, Ye Yaping, Song Bowen, Wang Rusong, Tao Yu. Assessing the changes in land use and ecosystem services in Changzhou municipality, Peoples’ Republic of China, 1991-2006.Ecological Indicators.2013

[37] Li Haiqian , Yonglong Lu, Li Li.PCDD/Fs emission, risk characterization and reduction in China’s secondary copper production industry.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering.2013,7(4): 589-597

[38] Li Haiqian , Yonglong Lu, Wei Luo, Jorrit Gosens, Li Li. Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans emissions in a primary copper smelter in China.Chemistry and Ecology.2013,29(3):234-245

[39] Li Huixia , Guohua Liu, Bojie Fu .Spatial variations of rain-use efficiency along a climate gradient on the Tibetan Plateau: A satellite-based analysis,, 34:21, 7487-7503.International Journal of mRemote Sensing.2013,34(21), 7487–7503

[40] Li Li, Christian Binz, Yonglong Lu, Bernhard Truffer, Yajuan Shi. Institutional trajectory for diffusing on-site wastewater treatment in urban China.Water Science and Technology.2013,68(5):1180-1187

[41] Li Li, Yonglong Lu,Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, Wei Luo, Jorrit Gosens, Peng Chen, Haiqian Li.Integrated technology selection for energy conservation and PAHs control in iron and steel industry: Methodology and case study.Energy Policy.2013,54(c):194-203

[42] Li Qiushuang , Yonglong Lu, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, Kun Ni, Li Xu, Shijie Liu, Lin Wang, Qinli Xiong, John. P Giesy.Combined effects of cadmium and fluoranthene on germination, growth and photosynthesis of soybean seedlings.Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2013,25(9):1936-1946

[43] Li T, Hu YJ, Hao ZP, Li H , Chen BD .Aquaporin genes GintAQPF1 and GintAQPF2 from Glomus intraradices contribute to plant drought tolerance.Plant Behavior & Signaling. 2013,8(5) : e24030

[44] Li T, Hu YJ, Hao ZP, Li H, Wang YS, Chen BD.First cloning and characterization of two functional aquaporin genes from an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices.New Phytologist.2013,197: 617–630

[45] Li X, He JZ, Liu YR, Zheng YM.Effects of super absorbent polymers on soil microbial properties and Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis) growth.Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2013,13(4): 711-719

[46] Li Xiaoma, Zhou Weiqi, Ouyang Zhiyun.Forty years of urban expansion in Beijing: What is the relative importance of physical, socioeconomic, and neighborhood factors? Applied Geography. 2013, 38: 1-10

[47] Li Xiaoma, Zhou Weiqi, Ouyang Zhiyun.Relationship between land surface temperature and spatial pattern of greenspace: What are the effects of spatial resolution? Landscape and Urban Planning.2013,114: 1-8.

[48] Liu Min, Wang Rusong, Huang Jinlou. .Effects of in situ biological treatments on heavy metal release of urban river sediment.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering.2013, 11.

[49] Liu Min, Zhou Chuanbin, Wang Rusong. Assessment of LID-BMPs for Urban Runoff Control in Newly Developing Zones: the Case of Yanming Lake Residential District, China, .DISASTER ADVANCES .2013,6(9):3-10.

[50] LIU Yu, FU BoJie, LÜ YiHe, GAO GuangYao, WANG Shuai, ZHOU Ji.Linking vegetation cover patterns to hydrological responses using two process-based pattern indices at the plot scale. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences.2013,56(11), 1888–1898

[51] Lu N. , J. Liski, R. Y. Chang, A. Akujärvi, X. Wu1, T. T. Jin4, Y. F. Wang, and B. J. Fu.Soil organic carbon dynamics of black locust plantations in the middle Loess Plateau area of China. Biogeosciences. 2013,10, 7053–7063

[52] Lu Nan , Ge Sun, Xiaoming Feng, Bojie Fu.Water yield responses to climate change and variability across the North–South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC).Journal of Hydrology. 2013, 481, 96–105

[53] Lü Yihe, Xiaoming Feng, Liding Chen, Bojie Fu.Scaling effects of landscape metrics: a comparison of two methods.Physical Geography.2013,34(1), 40-49

[54] Luo Wei , Yonglong Lu, Tieyu Wang, Peiru Kong, Wentao Jiao, Wenyou Hu, Junmei Jia, Jonathan E. Naile, Jong Seong Khim, John P.Giesy.Environmental concentrations and bioaccumulations of cadmium and zinc in coastal watersheds along the Chinese Northern Bohai and Yellow Seas.Environmental toxicology and chemistry.2013,32(4):831-840

[55] Meng Jing ,Tieyu Wang,Pei Wang,John P. Giesy,Yonglong Lu .Perfluorinated compounds and Organochlorine pesticides in soils around Huaihe River: a heavily contaminated watershed in Central China.Environmental science and pollution research.2013,20(6):3965-74

[56] Ni Kun , Yonglong Lu, Tieyu Wang, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Jorrit Gosens, Li Xu, Qiushuang Li, Lin Wang, Shijie Liu.A review of human exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in China.International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2013,216(6): 607-623

[57] Ni Kun, Yonglong Lu, Tieyu Wang, Yajuan Shi, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Li Xu, Qiushuang Li, Shijie Liu.Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in China: Policies and recommendations for sound management of plastics from electronic wastes.Journal of Environmental Management. 2013,115:114-123

[58] Peng Chi , Zhiyun Ouyang, Meie Wang, Weiping Chen, Xiaoma Li,John C. Crittenden. Assessing the combined risks of PAHs and metals in urban soils by urbanization indicators. Environmental Pollution.2013,178:426-432

[59] Shen JP, Cao P, Hu HW, He JZ.Differential response of archaeal groups to land use change in an acidic red soil.Science of the Total Environment.2013,461-462: 742-749

[60] Shi Yajuan , Yonglong Lu, Fanqiao Meng, Feifan Guo, Xiaoqi Zheng.Occurrence of organic chlorinated pesticides and their ecological effects on soil protozoa in the agricultural soils of North Western Beijing, China.Ecotoxicology and environmental safety.2013,92123-128

[61] SONG Xiaolong, Jianxin YANG, Bin LU, Bo LI, Guangyuan ZENG.Identification and assessment of environmental burdens of Chinese copper production from a life cycle perspective. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2013, 1-9

[62] SONG Xiaolong , Jianxin YANG, Bin LU, Bo LI.Exploring the life cycle management of industrial solid waste in the case of copper slag.Waste Management & Research.2013, 31(6):625-633

[63] Su Changhong , Bojie Fu.Evolution of ecosystem services in the Chinese Loess Plateau under climatic and land use changes.Global and Planetary Change .2013,101, 119–128

[64] Sun Ranhao, Yihe Lü, Liding Chen,Liu Yang, Ailian Chen.Assessing the stability of annual temperatures for different urban functional zones.Building and Environment.201365:90-98

[65] Sun Ranhao, Zhaoming Wang, Liding Chen, and Wei Wang.Assessment OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY at Large Watershed Scale: Land-Use, Anthropogenic, and Administrative Impacts.Journal of the American Water Resources Association.201349:741-752

[66] Sun Ranhao,Liding Chen,Wenlin Chen,Yuhe Ji.Effect of Land-Use Patterns on Total Nitrogen Concentration in the Upstream Regions of the Haihe River Basin, China.Environmental Management.201351:45-58

[67] Tang Rongli, Ma Keming, Zhang Yuxin, Mao Qizheng.The Spatial Characteristics of Metals in Urban Street Dust of Beijing, China .Applied Geochemistry.2013,35088-98

[68] Tian Fei, GuoYu Qiu, YongHui Yang, YiHe Lü, Yujiu Xiong.Estimation of evapotranspiration and its partition based on an extended three-temperature model and MODIS products. Journal of Hydrology. 2013,498, 210–220

[69] Wang Hua-Feng , Jiang-Xiao Qiu, Jürgen Breuste, Cynthia Ross Friedman,.Variations of urban greennessacross urban structural units in Beijing. UrbanForestry&UrbanGreening. 2013,12: 554–561

[70] Wang Meie, ChiPeng, WeipingChen, BerndMarkert. Ecological risks of policy clicmusk in soils irrigated with reclaimed municipal wastewater.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2013,97:242-247

[71] WANG Miao, QU LaiYe, MA KeMing & YUAN Xiu.Soil microbial properties under different vegetation types on Mountain Han .Science China Life Science.2013,56(1): 1-10.

[72] Wang Pei , Tieyu Wang, John P. Giesy, Yonglong Lu.Perfluorinated Compounds in Soils from Liaodong Bay with Concentrated Fluorine Industry Parks in China.Chemosphere.2013, 91(6): 751-757

[73] Wang Shuai , Bojie Fu .Trade-offs between forest ecosystem services.Forest Policy and Economics .2013,26, 145–146

[74] Wang Shuai , Bojie Fu, Guangyao Gao, Yu Liu, Ji Zhou.Responses of soil moisture in different land cover types to rainfall events in a re-vegetation catchment area of the Loess Plateau, China.Catena .2013,101, 122–128

[75] Wang Shuai , Bojie Fu, Yongping Wei and Clive Lyle.Ecosystem services management: an integrated approach.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability .2013,5:11–15

[76] WANG Zong Shuang,CHEN Ren Jie,WU Ji Rao, KAN Hai Dong, WU Gang,and WU Xue Fang. Short-term Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality in a Heavily Polluted Chinese City.Biomed Environ Sci.201326(8): 671-674

[77] Wu Gang , Xin Du, Xuefang Wu, Xiao Fu, Shaofei Kong,Jianhua Chen, Zongshuang Wang, Zhipeng Bai.Chemical composition, mass closure and sources of atmospheric PM10 from industrial sites in Shenzhen, China.JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES.2013258):1626-1635

[78] Wu X, G. Liu, K. Butterbach-Bahl, B. Fu, X. Zheng, N. Brüggemann .Effects of land cover and soil properties on denitrification potential in soils of two semi-arid grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China.Journal of Arid Environments .2013,92, 98-101

[79] Xie Shuangwei , Tieyu Wang, Shijie Liu, Kevin C Jones, Andrew J Sweetman, Yonglong Lu. Industrial source identification and emission estimation of perfluorooctane sulfonate in China. Environment International.2013,52:1-8

[80] Xie Shuangwei, Yonglong Lu, Tieyu Wang, Shijie Liu, Kevin Jones, Andy Sweetman. Estimation of PFOS emission from domestic sources in the eastern coastal region of China. Environment International.2013,59: 336-343

[81] Xu Li , Tieyu Wang, Kun Ni, Shijie Liu, Pei Wang, Shuangwei Xie, Jing Meng, Xiaoqi Zheng, Yonglong Lu. Metals contamination along the watershed and estuarine areas of southern Bohai Sea, China.Marine Pollution Bulletin.2013,74(1):453-463

[82] Xu Li , Tieyu Wang, Wei Luo, Kun Ni, Shijie Liu, Lin Wang, Qiushuang Li, Yonglong Lu. Factors influencing the contents of metals and As in soils around the watershed of Guanting Reservoir, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences.2013,25(3):561-568

[83] Xu Y. D. , B. J. Fu, C. S. He.Assessing the hydrological effect of the check dams in the Loess Plateau, China, by model simulations.Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. .2013,17, 2185–2193

[84] Yan Yan, Jia Jia, Kang Zhou & Gang Wu.Study of regional water footprint of industrial sectors: the case of Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.2013206):542-548

[85] Yang Le , Fei Lu, Xiaoke Wang, Xiaonan Duan, Wenzhi Song, Binfeng Sun, Qianqian Zhang, Yongjuan Zhou.Spatial and seasonal variability of diffusive methane emissions from the Three Gorges Reservoir.Journal of geophysiacal research : Biogeosciences. 2013,118: 471- 481

[86] Yang, Le; Lu, Fei; Wang, Xiaoke.Spatial and seasonal variability of CO2 flux at the air-water interface of the Three Gorges Reservoir.Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2013, 25(11): 2229-2238

[87] Ying JY, Zhang LM, Wei WX, He JZ.Effects of land utilization patterns on soil microbial communities in an acid red soil based on DNA and PLFA analyses..Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2013,13:1223–1231

[88] Zhang Qianqian,Wang Xiaoke,Hou Peiqiang,Wan Wuxing,Ren Yufen,Ouyang Zhiyun,Yang Le.The temporal changes in road stormwater runoff quality and the implications to first flush control in Chongqing, China.Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2013,185(12): 9763-9775

[89] Zhang S , Y Zhang, K Ma.The Ecological Effects of Ant-Aphid Mutualism on Plants at a Large Spatial Scale.Sociobiology.2013,60(3): 236-241

[90] Zhang Si-Yu, Guo-Xin Sun, Xi-Xiang Yin, Christopher Rensing, Yong-Guan Zhu. Biomethylation and volatilization of arsenic by the marine microalgae Ostreococcus tauri. Chemosphere. 2013, 93: 47-53

[91] Zhang Xiaochun ,Weiping Chen,Chun Ma,Shuifen Zhan.Modeling particulate matter emissions during mineral loading process under weak wind simulation.Science of the Total Environment. 2013,449: 168-173

[92] Zhao Dan, Li Feng, Wang Rusong, Song Yingshi, Tao Yu..The influence of different types of urban land use on soil microbial biomass and functional diversity in Beijing, China.Soil use and management.2013, 29: 230-239

[93] Zhao Hongtao, Li Xuyong.Risk assessment of metals in road-deposited sediment along an urbanerural gradient.Environmental Pollution.2013174297-304

[94] Zhao Hongtao, Li Xuyong.Understanding the relationship between heavy metals in road-deposited sediments and washoff particles in urban stormwater using simulated rainfall. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2013, 246-247: 267-276.

[95] Zhao Wenwu , Bojie Fu,Yang Qiu .An Upscaling Method for Cover-Management Factor and Its Application in the Loess Plateau of China.Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2013,10, 4752-4766

[96] Zhao X, Chen L, Zhang H.Nitrate and ammonia contaminations in drinking water and the affecting factors in Hailun, northeast China..Journal of Environmental Health.2013, 75(7): 28-34

[97] Zheng Hua , Brian E. Robinson, Yicheng Liang, Stephen Polasky, Dongchun Ma, Fengchun Wang, Mary Ruckelshaus, Zhiyun Ouyang, Gretchen C. Daily.Benefit, costs, and livelihood implications of a regional payment for ecosystem service program.PNAS(Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences).2013, 110(41): 16681-16686

[98] Zheng YM, Cao P, Fu B, Hughes JM, He JZ.Ecological drivers of biogeographic patterns of soil archaeal community.PLoS ONE.2013,8(5): e63375

[99] Zhou Weiqi .An Object-Based Approach for Urban Land Cover Classification: Integrating LiDAR Height and Intensity Data.IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter.201310(4): 928-931


1.2 SCI英文文章


[1]      Chen Weiping, Sidan Lu,Wentao Jiao,Meie Wang,Andrew C. Chang.Reclaimed water: A safe irrigation water source? Environmental Development.2013,8:74-83

[2]      He Guizhen, Lei Zhang, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu.Profiling the environmental risk management of Chinese local environmental agencies.Journal of Risk Research. 2013,16(10): 1259-1275

[3]      Li Zongshan , Guohua Liu, Bojie Fu, Qibing Zhang , Keping Ma, Neil Pederson.Growth-ring variations of alpine shrub Rhododendron przewalskii reflect regional climate signals in alpine environments at Miyaluo Town, western Sichuan of China. .Acta Ecologica Sinica. 2013,33: 23-31.


2. 中文文章

[1]      白爱芹, 傅伯杰, 曲来叶,王淼, 孙家宝.重度火烧迹地微地形对土壤微生物特性的影响 — —以坡度和坡向为例.生态学报.2013,33 ( 17 ) :5201- 5209

[2]      陈爱莲,孙然好,陈利顶.绿地格局对城市地表热环境的调节功能.生态学报. 2013.33(8): 2372-2380.

[3]      陈利顶,孙然好,刘海莲.城市景观格局演变的生态环境效应研究进展.生态学报.2013

[4]      陈卫平,吕斯丹,王美娥,焦文涛.再生水回灌对地下水水质影响研究进展.应用生态学报. 2013,24(5):1-10

[5]      成程,肖燚,欧阳志云,饶恩明.张家界武陵源风景区自然景观价值评估.生态学报. 2013,03: 771-779

[6]      戴斯迪;马克明;宝乐;张田;张地.北京城区公园及其邻近道路国槐叶面尘分布与重金属污染特征.环境科学学报.2013,33(1) :154- 162

[7]      董仁才,苟亚青,刘昕.基于市政综合监管信息的城市生态系统复杂性分析.生态学报. 2013338):2350-2357

[8]      杜鑫,  吴钢, 许东.基于ARMA模型的地表水水质预测方法研究.中国农学通报.20132932):221-224

[9]      段桂兰,张红梅,刘云霞,胡莹,程旺大.水稻基因类型与生长环境对精米中砷积累的影响.生态毒理学报.2013, 8(2): 156-162

[10] 傅慧敏,周益奇,王巧环.氢化物发生电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱同时测定土壤中十四种微量元素.环境化学.2013366):1094-1095

[11] 高光耀, 傅伯杰 , 吕一河, 刘宇, 王帅, 周继. 干旱半干旱区坡面覆被格局的水土流失效应研究进展.生态学报. 2013,33(1): 12-22.

[12] 高虹,欧阳志云,郑华,Bettina Bluemling.居民对文化林生态系统服务功能的认知与态度.生态学报.2013,03:756-763

[13] 贺桂珍,吕永龙.新建核电站风险信息沟通实证研究.环境科学.2013,34(3):1218-1224

[14] 贺纪正,曹鹏,郑袁明.代谢异速生长理论及其在微生物生态学领域的应用.生态学报. 2013,33(9): 2645-2655

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[16] 贺纪正,张丽梅.土壤氮素转化的关键微生物过程及机制.微生物学通报.2013,401):98-108

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[82] 姚亮,刘晶茹,王如松,尹科,.基于多区域投入产出( MRIO) 的中国区域居民消费碳足迹分析.环境科学学报.2013, 33( 7) : 2050-2058

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