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1. 英文文章

1.1 SCI文章


[1]      Bai Yang, Zhiyun Ouyang, Hua Zheng, Xiaoma Li, Changwei Zhuang, Bo Jiang.Modeling soil conservation, water conservation and their tradeoffs: A case study in Beijing.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2012, 24:419-426

[2]      Cao P, Zhang LM, Shen JP, Zheng YM, Di HJ, He JZ.Distribution and diversity of archaeal communities in selected Chinese soils.FEMS Microbiology Ecology.2012,80: 146–158

[3]      Chang Ruiying, Bojie Fu*, Guohua Liu, Xueling Yao, Shuai Wang.Effects of soil physicochemical properties and stand age on fine root biomass and vertical distribution of plantation forests in the Loess Plateau of China.Ecological Research.2012. 27827-836

[4]      Chang Ruiying, Bojie Fu, Guohua Liu*, Shuai Wang, Xueling Yao.The effects of afforestation on soil organic and inorganic carbonA case study of the Loess Plateau of China.Catena.2012. 95: 145-152.

[5]      Chen Liding*, Huiying Tianb, Xinyu Zhangc, Xiaoming Fenga and Wanhong Yang.Public attitudes and perceptions to the West-to-East Pipeline Project and ecosystem management in large project construction.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.2012,19(3): 219-228

[6]      Feng Xiaoming, Sun Ge, Fu Bojie, Su Changhong, Liu Yan, Lamparski Halinka.Regional effects of vegetation restoration on water yield across the Loess Plateau, China.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.2012,16,2617-2628

[7]      Gao Guangyao, Fu Bojie, Lü Yihe,Liu Yu, Wang Shuai, Zhou Ji..Coupling the modified SCS-CN and RUSLE models to simulate hydrological effects of restoring vegetation in the Loess Plateau of China.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.201216(7)2347-2364

[8]      Gao Guangyao, Zhan Hongbin, Feng Shaoyuan, Fu Bojie, Huang Guanhua.A mobile-immobile model with an asymptotic scale-dependent dispersion function.Journal of Hydrology.2012424-425,172-183

[9]      He Guizhen, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu*.Trust and Credibility in Governing China’s Risk Society.Environmental Science and Technology.2012,4614):7442-7443

[10]  He JZ, Hu HW, Zhang LM.Current insights into the autotrophic thaumarchaeal ammonia oxidation in acidic soils.Soil Biology & Biochemistry.2012,55:146-154

[11]  Hou Peiqiang, Yufen Ren, Qianqian Zhang, Fei Lu, Zhiyun Ouyang, Xiaoke Wang. Nitrogen and phosphorus in atmospheric deposition and roof runoff.Polish Journal of Environmental Studies.2012,216):1621-1627

[12]  Huang Jinlou*,Wang Haihua.Dynamic mechanism and adaptive ecological management of the coastal mudflat wetland complex ecological system in Yancheng,China.Disaster Advances.2012,5s1:201-

[13]  Huang Jinlou, Cong Xin, Gu Qingbao*.Factors influencing the dechlorination of organo-chlorine pesticides in soils of a contaminated site by zero-valent iron.Disaster Advances.2012,5s1:105-108

[14]  Huang Yilong, Chen Liding, Fu Bojie, Huang Zhilin, Gong Jie and Lu Xixi .Effect of land use and topography on spatial variability of soil moisture in a gully catchment of the Loess Plateau, China. Ecohydrology. 2012, 5(6):826-833.

[15]  Jiao Wentao, Tieyu Wang, Jong Seong Khim, Wei Luo, Wenyou Hu, Jonathan E Naile, John Giesy, Yonglong Lu*.PAHs in surface sediments from coastal and estuarine areas of the Northern Bohai and Yellow Seas, China.Environmental Geochemistry and Health.2012,344):445-56

[16]  Jiao Wentao, Weiping Chen, Andrew C. Chang,Albert L. Page.Environmental risks of trace elements associated with long-term phosphate fertilizers applications: A review. Environmental Pollution. 2012,168:44-53

[17]  LI Huixia, LIU Guohua, FU Bojie.Estimation of Regional Evapotranspiration in Alpine Area and Its Response to Land Use Change: A Case Study in Three-River Headwaters Region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China.Chinese Geographical Science.2012224):437-449

[18]  Li Xiaoma, Zhou Weiqi, Ouyang Zhiyun, Xu Weihua, Zheng Hua.Spatial pattern of greenspace affects land surface temperature: evidence from the heavily urbanized Beijing metropolitan area, China.Landscape Ecology.2012,27(6), 887-898

[19]  Li Zongshan, Guohua Liu*, Qi-Bin Zhang, Chanjuan Hu, Shuzheng Huo, Xingliang Liu,Fei He.Anomalous temperature-growth response of Abies faxoniana to sustained freezing stress along elevational gradients in China’s Western Sichuan Province.Trees-Structure and Fuctions.2012,26(4): 1373-1388

[20]  Liang Di, Bojie Fu, Yihe Lü, Yu Liu, Guangyao Gao, Yifeng Li, Zhaoxia Li.Effects of retired steepland afforestation on soil properties:A case study in the Loess Plateau of China A case study in the Loess Plateau of China.Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-soil and Plant Science .2012, 62,547-555

[21]  Liu YR, He JZ, Zhang LM, Zheng YM.Effects of long-term fertilization on the diversity of bacterial mercuric reductase gene in a Chinese upland soil.Journal of Basic Microbiology.2012,52: 35–42

[22]  Liu YR, Zheng YM, He JZ.Toxicity of profenofos to the springtail, Folsomia candida, and ammonia-oxidizers in two agricultural soils.Ecotoxicology.2012,21(4): 1126-1134

[23]  Liu Yu, Bojie Fu, Yihe Lü,Zhiwang, Guangyao Gao.Hydrological responses and soil erosion potential of abandoned cropland in the Loess Plateau, China.Geomorphology. 2012,138,404-414

[24]  Long XE, Chen CR, Xu ZH, He JZ.Abundance and community structure of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea in a Sweden boreal forest soil under 19-year fertilization and 12-year warming. Journal of Soils and Sediments.2012,12(7):1124-1133

[25]  Long XE, Chen CR, Xu ZH, Oren R, He JZ. Abundance and community structure of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea in a temperate forest ecosystem under ten-years elevated CO2.Soil Biology & Biochemistry.2012,46: 163-171

[26]  Lü Yihe, Bojie Fu, Xiaoming Feng, Yuan Zeng, Yu Liu, Ruiying Chang, Ge Sun, Bingfang Wu.A Policy-Driven Large Scale Ecological Restoration:Quantifying Ecosystem Services Changes in the Loess Plateau of China.Plos One.2012,7(2):e31782.

[27]  Lü Yihe, Ranhao Sun, Bojie Fu, Yafeng Wang.Carbon retention by check dams: Regional scale estimation.Ecological Engineering.2012, 44:139-146

[28]  Lü Yihe, Shuguang Liu, Bojie Fu.Ecosystem Service: From Virtual Reality to Ground Truth.Environmental Science & Technology.2012,46: 2492-2493

[29]  Luo Wei, Tieyu Wang, Wentao Jiao, Wenyou Hu, Jonathan E Naile, Jong Seong Khim, John P. Giesy, Yonglong Lu*.Mercury in coastal watersheds along the Chinese Northern Bohai and Yellow Seas.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2012,215-216:199-207

[30]  Luo Yunjian, Xiaoke Wang, Xiaoquan Zhang, Trevor H. Booth, Fei lu.China’s forests: Forest type and climatic effects.Forest Ecology and Management.2012,269: 19-25

[31]  Peng, Chi;Ouyang, Zhiyun;Wang, Meie;Chen, Weiping;Jiao, Wentao.Vegetative cover and PAHs accumulation in soils of urban green space.Environmental Pollution.2012,161(0): 36-42.

[32]  Qiao M, Chen WD, Su JQ,Zhang B, Zhang C.Fate of tetracyclines in swine manure of three selected swine farms in China.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2012,24(6):1047-1052

[33]  Qin Jing , Ping Liu, Gang Wu.Variations in Phosphorus Speciation in Response to Simulated Riparian Zone Enhancement with Red Mud to Treat Reclaimed Water.Clean-Soil, Air, Water.2012, 40(12): 1334-1340

[34]  Qin Jing , Ping Liu, Jianchang Liu, Gang Wu, Huafeng Wang, Yongzhi L.Changes in plant diversity and soil properties resulting from Eucalyptus plantations in southwestern Yunnan, China.Disaster Advances.2012, 5(1): 112-115

[35]  Shen JP, Zhang LM, Di HJ, He JZ.A review of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in Chinese soils.Frontiers in Microbiology.2012,3:1-7

[36]  Shi Yao, Chuanbin Zhou, Rusong Wang, Wanying Xu.Measuring China’s regional ecological development through “EcoDP”.Ecological Indicators.201215 (2012)253–262

[37]  SHI Yao1, WANG RuSong1*, HUANG JinLou1* & YANG WenRui2.An Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Chinese Terrestrial Ecosystem Service Functions. Chinese Science Bulletin.2012, 57(17):2120-2131

[38]  Song Zhiyuan, Zhiyun Ouyang, Weihua Xu.The role of fairness norms the household-based natural forest conservation: The case of Wolong, China.Ecological Economics.2012, 84: 164-171

[39]  SU Changhong, Bojie Fu, Chansheng He, Yihe Lü.Variation of ecosystem services and human activities: A case study in the Yanhe Watershed of China.Acta Oecologica.2012,44,46-67

[40]  SU Changhong, Bojie Fu, Yongping Wei, Yihe Lü, Guohua Liu, Daolong Wang, Kebiao Mao. Xiaoming Feng..Ecosystem management based on ecosystem services and human activities: a case study in Yanhe Watershed.Sustainability Science.2012,7(1):17-32.

[41]  Sun Ranhao, Ailian Chen, Liding Chen, Yihe Lv.Cooling effects of wetlands in urban region: the case of Beijing.Ecological Indicators.201220: 57-64

[42]  Sun Ranhao, Liding Chen.How can urban water bodies be designed for climate adaptation?.Landscape and Urban Planning.2012105: 27-33

[43]  Wang Hua, Xiaoke Wang, Ping Zhao, et al..Transpiration rates of urban trees, Aesculus chinensis.Journal of Environmental Science.2012,7(24): 1278–1287

[44]  Wang Hua,Weiqi Zhou,Xiaoke Wang,Fuyuan Gao,Hua Zheng,Lei Tong,Zhiyun Ouyang.Ozone uptake by adult urban trees based on sap flow measurement.Environmental Pollution.2012,162: 275-286

[45]  Wang Meie, Bernd Markert,Weiping Chen, Chi Peng,Zhiyun Ouyang.Identification of heavy metal pollutants using multivariate analysis and effects of land uses on their accumulation in urban soils in Beijing, China.Environ Monit Assess.2012184:5889–5897

[46]  Wang Meie,Yanying Bai, Weiping Chen, Bernd Markert,Chi Peng, Zhiyun Ouyang a.A GIS technology based potential eco-risk assessment of metals in urban soils in Beijing, China.Environmental Pollution.2012161235-242

[47]  Wang Shuai, Fu Bojie, Gao Guangyao, Yao Xueling, Zhou Ji. .Soil moisture and evapotranspiration of different land cover types in the Loess Plateau, China.Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci..2012, 16, 2883–2892,

[48]  Wang Shufang; Wang, Xiaoke; Ouyang, Zhiyun.Effects of land use, climate, topography and soil properties on regional soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in the Upstream Watershed of Miyun Reservoir, North China.Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2012,24(3):387-395

[49]  Wang Tieyu, Jong Seong Khim, Chunli Chen, Jonathan E Naile, Yonglong Lu*, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Jin Soon Park, Wei Luo, Wentao Jiao, Wenyou Hu, John P. Giesy.Perfluorinated compounds in surface waters from Northern China: Comparison to level of industrialization.Environment International.2012,4237-46

[50]  Wang Tieyu, Yonglong Lu*, Chunli Chen, Jonathan E Naile, Jong Seong Khim, John P. Giesy.Perfluorinated compounds in a coastal industrial area of Tianjin, China.Environmental Geochemistry and Health.2012,34,(3):301-11

[51]  Wang Xiaoke* , Qianqian Zhang, Feixiang Zheng, Qiwei Zheng, Fangfang Yao, Zhan Chen, Weiwei Zhang,Peiqiang Hou, Zhaozhong Feng, Wenzhi Song, Zongwei Feng, Fei Lu.Effects of elevated O3 concentration on winter wheat and rice yields in the Yangtze River Delta, China.Environmental Pollution.2012171118-125

[52]  Wang Zong-shuang, Ting Wu, Guo-liang Shi, Xiao Fu, Ying-ze Tian, Yin-chang Feng, Xue-fang Wu, Gang Wu, Zhi-peng Bai, Wen-jie Zhang.Potential Source Analysis for PM10 and PM2.5 in Autumn in a Northern City in China. .Aerosol and Air Quality Research.2012, 12: 39-48

[53]  WeiWei, Chen Liding,Yang Lei.microtopography recreation benefits ecosystem restoration. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.2012, 46, 1087510876

[54]  WeiWei, Chen Liding,yanglei.Spatial Scale Effects of Water Erosion Dynamics: Complexities, Variabilities, and Uncertainties.Chin. Geogra. Sci..2012,22(2):127-143

[55]  Wu Gang , Ji-You Wu, Hong-Bo Shao.Hazardous heavy metal distribution in Dahuofang catchment, Fushun, Liaoning, an important industry city in China: a case study.Clean-Soil, Air, Water.2012,40(12): 1372–1375

[56]  Wu Gang ,Tao Liu, Mingfang Tang.Analysis of household energy consumption and related CO2 emissions in the deisregarded vilages of Lijiang City, China.International Journal of Sustainable Dvelopment and World Ecology.2012,19(6):500-505

[57]  Xu Yanda,Bojie Fu,Chansheng He,Guangyao Gao.Watershed discretization based on multiple factors and its application in the Chinese Loess Plateau.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.2012,16,59–68

[58]  Yang Le, Fei Lu, Xiaoke Wang, Xiaonan Duan, Wenzhi Song, Binfeng Sun, Shuai Chen,  Qianqian Zhang, Peiqiang Hou, Feixiang Zheng, Ye Zhang, Xiaoping Zhou, Yongjuan Zhou, Zhiyun Ouyang.Surface methane emissions from different land use types during various water levels in three major drawdown areas of the Three Gorges Reservoir. American Geophysical Union. 20121171-11.

[59]  Yang Lei, Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Jia Fuyan, Mo Baoru.Spatial variations of shallow and deep soil moisture in the semi-arid Loess Plateau, China.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.2012,16: 3199-3217

[60]  Yang Lei, Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Mo Baoru.Response of deep soil moisture to land use and afforestation in the semi-arid Loess Plateau, China.Journal of Hydrology.2012,475: 111-122

[61]  Yao Xueling, Bojie Fu, Yihe Lü, Ruiying Chang, Shuai Wang.The multi-scale spatial variance of soil moisture in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China.Journal of Soils and Sediments.2012, 5 (12): 694-703

[62]  Yuan Jiyou, Zhiyun Ouyang, Hua Zheng, Weihua Xu.Effects of different grassland restoration approaches on soil properties in the southeastern Horqin sandy land, northern China.Applied Soil Ecology.2012, 61:34-39

[63]  Yuan X, Ma KM*, Wang D.Partitioning the effects of environmental and spatial heterogeneity on distribution of plant diversity in the Yellow River Estuary..Science China- Life Science .2012,55(6): 542-550.

[64]  Zhang LM, Hu HW, Shen JP, He JZ.Ammonia-oxidizing archaea have more important role than ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in ammonia oxidation of strongly acidic soils.The ISME Journal.2012,6: 1032–1045

[65]  Zhang, S., Y. Zhang, and K. Ma. Different-sized oak trees are equally protected by the aphid-tending ants. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 2012 6(2):307-314.

[66]  Zhang S, Zhang YX, and Ma KM.Disruption of ant-aphid mutualism in canopy enhances the abundance of beetles on the forest floor. .PLoS ONE .2012,7(4):e35468

[67]  Zhang S, Zhang YX, and Ma KM.The ecological effects of the ant-hemipteran mutualism: a meta-analysis..Basic and Applied Ecology .2012,13(2):116-124

[68]  Zhang Weiwei, Zhaozhong Feng, Xiaoke Wang, Junfeng Niu.Responses of native broadleaved woody species to elevated ozone in subtropical China.Environmental Pollution. 2012,163(4): 149-157

[69]  Zhang Xiaochun, Weiping Chen, Chun Ma, Shuifen Zhan.Modeling the effect of humidity on the threshold friction velocity of coal particles.Atmospheric Environment.2012,(56): 154 - 160

[70]  Zhang Xin, M. Kalle Uroic, Wan-Ying Xie, Yong-Guan Zhu, Bao-Dong Chen, Steve P. McGrath, Jörg Feldmann, Fang-Jie Zhao.Phytochelatins play a key role in arsenic accumulation and tolerance in the aquatic macrophyte wolffia globosa.Environmental Pollution.2012,165:18-24

[71]  Zhao Dan, Feng Li, Rusong Wang ,Qingrui Yang & Hongshan Ni.Effect of soil sealing on the microbial biomass, N transformation and related enzyme activities at variousdepths of soils in urban area of Beijing, China.journal of soils and sediment.2012,(12):519-530.

[72]  Zhao Hong, Yizhong Lv, Xiaoke Wang, Hailin Zhang, Xueming Yang.Tillage impacts on the fractions and compositions of soil organic carbon.Geoderma.2012,189-190:397-403

[73]  Zhou Weiqi ,M. L. Cadenasso.Effects of patch characteristics and within patch heterogeneity on the accuracy of urban land cover estimates from visual interpretation.Landscape Ecology.2012,27(9):1291-1305

[74]  Zhou ZF, Zheng YM, Shen JP, Zhang LM, Liu YR, He JZ.Responses of activities, abundances and community structures of soil denitrifiers to short-term mercury stress.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2012,24(3): 369–375


1.2 SCI英文文章


[1]      Cheng Cuiyun, Ren Jingming, Wang Rusong,Liu Feng.Eco-efficiency assessment of farming activity in China.Advanced Materials Research.2012,(361-363 ):1776-1779

[2]      Li Bo , Jianxin Yang, Xiaolong Song, Bin Lu.Survey on disposal behaviour and awareness of mobile phones in Chinese university students.Procedia Environmental Sciences.2012 (16): 469-476

[3]      He Guizhen, Yonglong Lu*, Arthur P.J. Mol, Theo Beckers.Changes and challenges: China's environmental management in transition.Environmental Development.2012,325-38

[4]      Theo Beckers, Yonglong Lu, Natarajan Ishwaran, Joseph Alcamo.Environmental Development: A new voice for science and policy.Environmental Development.2012,11):1-2


2. 中文文章

[1]         白爱芹,曲来叶*,黄元元,王淼,王丽华.大兴安岭火烧迹地恢复初期土壤微生物群落特征研究. .生态学报.2012,32(15):4762-4771

[2]         毕岑岑,王铁宇*,吕永龙.环境基准向环境标准转换的机制探讨.环境科学.2012,3312):4422-4427

[3]         曹鹏, 沈菊培, 贺纪正.古菌细胞膜脂在古菌群落组成及其对环境响应研究中的应用. 应用生态学报.2012,23(9):  2609-2616

[4]         陈爱莲,孙然好,陈利顶.传统景观格局指数在城市热岛效应评价中的适用性.应用生态学报.2012,23(8): 2077-2086.

[5]         陈爱莲,孙然好,陈利顶.基于景观格局的城市热岛研究进展.生态学报.2012,32(14): 4553-4565.

[6]         陈翠良,杨建新,陈波,宋小龙,吕彬.炼铁技术可持续性评价与筛选及其影响因素研究.环境污染与防治.2012,34(6):86-92.

[7]         陈翠良,杨建新,吕彬,宋小龙.城市建筑废物产量估算与预测方法——以海南省为例.环境科学与技术.2012,35(11):173-179.

[8]         陈绍波, 邓红兵, 唐明方, 卢璐.基于虚拟水角度的云南农业水资源可持续利用.云南社会科学.2012, (2): 32-35

[9]         陈绍波, 卢璐, 邓红兵.云南省农林业循环经济发展及其在低碳发展模式中的作用.经济问题探索.2012(2): 82-84

[10]      陈帅,王效科*,逯非.城市与郊区森林土壤微生物群落特征差异研究.土壤通报.2012433):614-620

[11]      陈帅,王效科,逯非,冯兆忠.城市化对城区和郊区森林土壤氮循环的影响.土壤通报.2012434):842-848

[12]      陈卫平,张炜铃,潘能,焦文涛.再生水灌溉利用的生态风险研究进展.环境科学.2012,3312:40704080

[13]      仇江啸,王效科,逯非,欧阳志云,郑华.城市景观破碎化格局与城市化及社会经济发展水平的关系—以北京城区为例.生态学报.2012,32(9):2659-2669

[14]      戴斯迪 马克明* 宝乐.北京城区行道树国槐叶面尘分布及重金属污染特征..生态学报.2012,32(16):5095-5102

[15]      丁小慧,宫立,王东波,伍星,刘国华.放牧对呼伦贝尔草地植物和土壤生态化学计量学特征的影响.生态学报.2012,32(15):4722~4730

[16]      丁小慧,罗淑政,刘金巍,李魁,刘国华.呼伦贝尔草地植物群落与土壤化学计量学特征沿经度梯度变化.生态学报.2012,32(11):3467~3476

[17]      董仁才,苟亚青,李思远,曹慧明.不同管理主体对泸沽湖流域生态系统影响的比较分析.生态学报.2012, 32(18): 5786-5794

[18]      杜婷婷,罗维*,李中和,吕永龙.湖泊生态系统服务功能价值评估-以太湖为例.中国人口·资源与环境.2012,2211):208-211

[19]      方瑜,欧阳志云**郑华,肖燚,牛俊峰,陈圣宾,逯非.中国人口分布的自然成因.应用生态学报.2012,23(12): 3488-3495

[20]      傅伯杰, 吕一河, 高光耀. 中国主要陆地生态系统服务与生态安全研究的重要进展. 自然杂志.2012, 34(5):261-272.

[21]      高虹,陈圣宾,欧阳志云.村落文化林与非文化林多尺度物种多样性加性分配.生态学报.20123221):6767-6775

[22]      苟亚青, 刘昕, 李思远, 董仁才.基于3S技术的青藏公路改建工程环境影响评价方法.中国环境科学.2012, 32(10): 1914~1920

[23]      郭二辉,孙然好,陈利顶.河岸带不同植被类型对土壤有机碳和全氮分布特征的影响.中国生态农业学报.2012,2010:13151321

[24]      何小艳, 赵洪涛, 李叙勇, 连宾, 王小梅.不同粒径地表街尘中重金属在径流冲刷中的迁移转化.环境科学.2012,3:810-816  

[25]      何永, 王如松,曹型荣.北京节水规划三十年.城市发展研究.2012,196):78-85

[26]      何永,王如松,阳文锐,郭睿,高雅.低碳城市规划中的技术界定与方法集成.建设科技. 201248-53.

[27]      贺桂珍,吕永龙*.风险地图-环境风险管理的有效新工具.生态毒理学报.2012,71):1-9

[28]      贺纪正, 袁超磊, 沈菊培, 张丽梅.土壤宏基因组学研究方法与进展.土壤学报.2012,49(1): 155-164

[29]      侯培强,任玉芬,王效科,欧阳志云,周小平.北京市城市降雨径流水质评价研究.环境科学.2012,331):71-74

[30]      胡莹,黄益宗,段桂兰,刘云霞.镉对不同生态型水稻的毒性及其在水稻体内迁移转运.生态毒理学报.20127(6):667-673

[31]      黄静 崔胜辉 李方一 邱全毅 马克明.厦门市土地利用变化下的生态敏感性研究.生态学报.2012,31(24):744107449.

[32]      黄元元,曲来叶*,曲秀春,杜淑芹.镜泊湖熔岩台地不同植被类型下土壤微生物群落特征研究.生态学报.2012,32(9):2827-2836

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3. 联合发表文章(非第一单位):

[1]      Stavros D. Veresoglou, Baodong Chen, Matthias C.Rilling.Arbuscular my corrhiza and soil nitrogen cycling.Soil Biology and Biochemistry.2012,4653-62

[2]      Zhao W. W., B. J. Fu, and L. D. Chen.A comparison between soil loss evaluation index and the C-factor of RUSLE: a case study in the Loess Plateau of China RUSLE: a case study in the Loess Plateau of China.Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.2012,16:2739–2748

[3]      Christian Binz*, Bernhard Truffer*, Li Li, Yajuan Shi, Yonglong Lu*.Conceptualizing leapfrogging with spatially coupled innovation systems:The case of onsite wastewater treatment in China.Technological Forecasting & Social Change.2012,791):155-171

[4]      孔红梅 刘天星 段靖 马克明.岷江干旱河谷灌木幼苗的土壤养分适应性研究..生态环境学报.2012,21(60:116-1023.

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