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[1]      Bai, Y. L., R. S. Wang.Water eco-service assessment and compensation in a coal mining region - A case study in the Mentougou District in Beijing.Ecological Complexity.2011, 8(2): 144-152.

[2]      Bai, Yang,Zhuang, Changwei ,Ouyang, Zhiyun ,Zheng, Hua ,Jiang, Bo.Spatial characteristics between biodiversity and ecosystem services in a human-dominated watershed.ECOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY.2011,82):177-183

[3]      Chang Ruiying, Bojie Fu, Guohua Liu, Shuguang Liu..Soil carbon sequestration potential for ‘Grain for Green’ project in Loess Plateau, China.Environmental Management .2011,48:1158–1172

[4]      Chang, H. F., F. Li, et al..Urban landscape pattern design from the viewpoint of networks: A case study of Changzhou city in Southeast China.Ecological Complexity.2011,8(1): 51-59.

[5]      CHEN Bo ,Jian-xin YANG,Zhi-yun OUYANG..Life Cycle Assessment of Internal Recycling Options of Steel Slag in Chinese Iron and Steel Industry..Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International..2011,18(7):33-40.

[6]      Chen Chunli, Tieyu Wang, Jonathan E Naile, Jing Li, Jing Geng, Cencen Bi, Wenyou Hu, Xiang Zhang, Jong Seong Khim, Yan Feng, John P. Giesy, Yonglong Lu*.Perfluorinated compounds in aquatic products from Bohai Bay, Tianjin, China.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment.2011,17(6):1279-1291

[7]      Chen Chunli, Tieyu Wang, Jong Seong Khim, Wei Luo, Wentao Jiao, Yonglong Lu*, Jonathan E Naile, Wenyou Hu, Xiang Zhang, Jing Geng, Cencen Bi, Jing Li, John P. Giesy.Perfluorinated compounds in water and sediment from coastal regions of northern Bohai Sea, China.Chemistry and Ecology.2011,27(2):165-176

[8]      Chen Liding, Qi Xin, Zhang Xinyu, Li Qi, Zhang Yanyan.Effect of Agricultural Land Use Changes on Soil Nutrient Use Efficiency in An Agricultural Area.Chinese Geographical Sciences.2011,214:392402

[9]      Chen X, Zhang LM, Shen JP, Wei WX, He JZ.Abundance and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in an acid paddy Soil.Biology and Fertility of Soils.2011,47: 323-331

[10]  Deng Hongbing  , Tianxing Liu & Jingzhu Zhao.Strategic measures for an integrated approach to sustainable development in Lijiang City.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.2011186):559-562

[11]  Deng Hongbing; Peng Zheng; Tianxing Liu; Xin Liu.Forest Ecosystem Services and Eco-Compensation Mechanisms in China.Environmental Management.2011, 48:1079–1085

[12]  Deng, H ; Guo, GX ; Zhu, YG.Pyrene effects on methanotroph community and methane oxidation rate, tested by dose-response experiment and resistance and resilience experiment .JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS.2011, 11(2): 312-321

[13]  Dong Rencai, Hong Xu, Yaqing Gou, Xiao Fu & Gang Wu.Analysis of land-use scenarios for urban sustainable
development: a case study of Lijiang City.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.2011

[14]  Feng Xiaoming, Zhao YingShi.Grazing intensity monitoring in Northern China steppe:
Integrating CENTURY model and MODIS data.Ecological Indicators.2011,11:175-182

[15]  FENG Yun,Keming MA, Yuxin ZHANG, Madhur ANand,Kate HE.Species abundance-diatribution relationship:the differences among oak(Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.) forest layers..POLISH JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY..2011,59(1):55-62.

[16]  Feng Zhaozhong, Junfeng Niu, Weiwei Zhang, Xiaoke Wang, Fangfang Yao, Yuan Tian.Effects of ozone exposure on sub-tropical evergreen Cinnamomum camphora seedlings grown in different nitrogen loads.Trees.2011,25:617-625

[17]  Fu Bojie , Yu Liu, Yihe Lu, Chansheng He, Yuan Zeng, Bingfang Wu.Assessing the soil erosion control service of ecosystems change in the Loess
Plateau of China.Ecological Complexity.2011,8:284-293

[18]  Fu Bo-Jie, Chang-Hong Su ,Yong-Ping Wei,
Ian R. Willett, Yi-He Lu, Guo-Hua Liu.Double counting in ecosystem services valuation:
causes and countermeasures.Ecological Research.2011,26(1):1-14

[19]  FU Bojie, LIANG Di, LU Nan.Landscape Ecology: Coupling of pattern, process, and scale.Chinese Geographical Science.2011,21(4) 385–391

[20]  Geng Jing, Yonglong Lu*, Bingnan Ren, Tieyu Wang, Chunli Chen .Knowledge, attitude and practices toward dioxins in China’s waste incineration industry and coking industry .International Journal of Environment and Pollution.2011,45(4):385-402

[21]  GUO Lei, MA Keming.Seasonal Dynamics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Water and Sediment of A Multi-level Ditch System in Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China..Chinese Geographical Science..2011,21(4):437-445.

[22]  Guo, GX ; Deng, H ; Qiao, M ; Mu, YJ ; Zhu, YG. .Effect of pyrene on denitrification activity and abundance and composition of denitrifying community in an agricultural soil..ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION.2011, 159(7): 1886-1895

[23]  Han Yuguo, Xuyong Li, and Zhe Nan.Net Anthropogenic Phosphorus Accumulation in the Beijing Metropolitan Region.Ecosystems.2011, 14: 445–457

[24]  He Guizhen *, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu*, Arthur P.J. Mol..Managing major chemical accidents in China: towards effective risk information.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2011,187(1-3):171-181

[25]  Jin Tiantian, Fu Bojie, Liu Guohua, Wang Zhi, .Hydrologic feasibility of artificial forestation in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.2011, 15: 2519-2530

[26]  Jin Tiantian, Liu Guohua, Ding Xiaohui, Yang Lei, .Assessing the adaptability of planted trees using leaf functional traits - a case study with Robinia pseudoacacia in the Loess Plateau, Shaanxi, China. Chinese geographical science.2011, 21(3): 290-303

[27]  Jin, J. S., R. S. Wang, et al.Conjugate ecological restoration approach with a case study in Mentougou district, Beijing..Ecological Complexity.2011,8(2): 161-170.

[28]  Li Jing, Yonglong Lu*, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang,Guang Wang, Wei Luo,Wentao Jiao,Chunli Chen,Yan Feng.Environmental pollution by persistent toxic substances and health risk in an industrial area of China.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2011,23(8):1359-1367

[29]  Li Zongshan, Guohua Liu*, Bojie Fu, Jinlong Zhang.The potential influence of seasonal climate variables on the net primary production of forests in eastern China. Environmental Management.2011, 48(6):1173–1181

[30]  Liang Ji, Qingchun Yang, Licai Liu, Xuyong Li.Modeling and performance evaluation of shallow ground water heat pumps in Beijing plain, China.Energy and Buildings.2011, 43: 3131–3138

[31]  Liu Shuang, Fan Zhang, Jian Chen, Guoxin Sun..Arsenic removal from contaminated soil via biovolatilization by genetically engineered bacteria under laboratory conditions..Journal of Environmental Sciences .2011, 23(9) 1544–1550

[32]  Lu Fei, Le Yang, Xiaoke Wang, Xiaonan Duan, Yujing Mu, Wenzhi Song, Feixiang Zheng, Junfeng Niu, Lei Tong, Hua Zheng, Yongjuan Zhou, Jiangxiao Qiu, Zhiyun Ouyang.Preliminary report on methane emissions from the Three Gorges Reservoir in the summer drainage period.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2011,2312):2029-2033

[33]  Lü Yihe,Fu Bojie, Wei Wei, Yu Xiubo, Sun Ranhao .Major Ecosystems in China: Dynamics and Challenges for Sustainable Management.Environmental Management.2011,48(1): 13-27

[34]  Meng Liang & Min Qiao & Hans Peter H. Arp..Phytoremediation efficiency of a PAH-contaminated industrial soil using ryegrass, white clover, and celery as mono- and mixed cultures..JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS.2011, 11:482–490

[35]  Meng, L ; Zhu, YG. .Pyrene Biodegradation in an Industrial Soil Exposed to Simulated Rhizodeposition: How Does It Affect Functional Microbial Abundance? .ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.2011, 45(4): 1579-1585

[36]  Meng, XY; Wang, LH ; Duan, GL ; Sun, GX ; Wu, HL ; Chu, CC ; Ling, HQ ; Rosen, BP ;Zhu YG.Arsenic biotransformation and volatilization in transgenic rice..NEW PHYTOLOGIS.2011, 191(1): 49-56

[37]  Niu Junfeng, Weiwei Zhang, Zhaozhong Feng,  Xiaoke Wang, Yuan Tian.Impact of elevated O3 on visible foliar symptom, growth and biomass of Cinnamomum camphora seedlings under different nitrogen loads.Journal of Environmental monitoring.2011,13:2873-2879

[38]  Peng Chi,陈卫平,廖晓兰,王美娥,欧阳志云,焦文涛,白杨.Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Soils of Beijing: Status, Sources, Distribution and potential risk.ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION.2011159(3): 802-808

[39]  Qiao Min · Chao Cai · Yizong Huang ·Yunxia Liu · Aijun Lin · Yuanming Zheng.Characterization of soil heavy metal contamination and potential health risk in metropolitan region of northern China..ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT.2011, 172:353–365

[40]  Qiao, M ; Zheng, YM ; Zhu, YG. .Material flow analysis of phosphorus through food consumption in two megacities in northern China.CHEMOSPHERE.2011, 84(6): 773-778

[41]  Quan, Jia ,Ouyang, Zhiyun ,Xu, Weihua
,Miao, Hong.Assessment of the effectiveness of nature reserve management in China.BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION.2011,20

[42]  Shen XY, Zhang LM, Shen JP, Li LH, Yuan CL, He JZ.Nitrogen loading levels affect abundance and composition of soil ammonia oxidizing prokaryotes in semiarid temperate grassland.Journal of Soils and Sediments.2011,11(3): 1243–1252

[43]  Shi Xiaoqing, Hai Zhuge..Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience..Cyber Physical Socio Ecology..2011,23(9):972-984.

[44]  SU Changhong, FU Bojie, LU Yihe, LU Nan, ZENG Yuan, HE Anna, Halina LAMPARSK,.Land Use Change and Anthropogenic Driving Forces: A Case Study in Yanhe River Basin.Chin. Geogra. Sci..2011:21(5):587-599

[45]  Sun Guo-Xin, Xin-Jun Wang, Qin-Hong Hu..Using stable lead isotopes to trace heavy metal contamination sources in sediments of Xiangjiang and Lishui Rivers in China..ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION.2011,159(12)3406-3410

[46]  Sun Ranhao, Chen Liding, Fu Bojie.Predicting monthly precipitation with multivariate regression methods using geographic and topographic information.Physical Geography.2011,323:269285

[47]  Tong Lei, Xiaoke Wang, Chunmei Geng, Wei Wang, Fei Lu, Wenzhi Song, Hongjie Liu, Baohui Yin, Lihua Sui, Qiong Wang.Diurnal and phenological variations of O3 and CO2 fluxes of rice canopy exposed to different O3 concentrations.Atmospheric Environment.201145(31)5621-5631

[48]  Wang Hua-Feng , Marı´a Vanessa Lencinas , Cynthia Ross Friedman, Xiao-Ke Wang , Jiang-Xiao Qiu.Understory plant diversity assessment of Eucalyptus plantations over three vegetation types in Yunnan, China.New Forests.2011,42:101-116

[49]  Wang Hua-Feng • Jordi Lo´pez-Pujol • Laura A. Meyerson •Jiang-Xiao Qiu • Xiao-Ke Wang • Zhi-Yun Ouyang.Biological invasions in rapidly urbanizing areas: a case study of Beijing, China.Biodivers Conserv.2011,20:2483_2509

[50]  Wang Huiliang, Xuyong Li and Ying Xie.Hydrochemical evaluation of surface water quality and pollution source apportionment in the Luan River basin, China.Water Science and Technology.2011, 64(1): 2119-2125

[51]  Wang Meie & Bernd Markert &Wenming Shen & Weiping Chen & Chi Peng & Zhiyun Ouyang.Microbial biomass carbon and enzyme activities of urban soils in Beijing.Environmental Science and Pollution Research .2011,18:958–967

[52]  Wang Shuai,Bo-Jie Fu, Chan-Sheng He, Ge Sun, Guang-Yao Gao.A comparative analysis of forest cover and catchment water yield relationships in northern China.Forest Ecology and Management.2011, 262:1189-1198

[53]  Wang Tieyu, Chunli Chen, Jonathan E Naile, Jong Seong Khim, John P. Giesy, Yonglong Lu*.Perfluorinated Compounds in Water, Sediment and Soil from Guanting Reservoir, China.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.2011,87(1):74-79

[54]  Wang Tieyu, Yonglong Lu*, Chunli Chen, Jonathan E Naile, Jong Seong Khim, Jin Soon Park, Wei Luo, Wentao Jiao, Wenyou Hu, John P. Giesy.Perfluorinated compounds in estuarine and coastal areas of north Bohai Sea, China.Marine Pollution Bulletin.2011,62(8):1905-1914

[55]  Wang Yafeng, Bojie Fu , Yihe Lü, Liding Chen.Effects of vegetation restoration on soil organic carbon sequestration at multiple scales in semi-arid Loess Plateau, China .Catena.2011,85:5866

[56]  Wang Yafeng, Bojie Fu, Liding Chen, Yihe Lü, Yang Gao.Check Dam in the Loess Plateau of China: Engineering for Environmental Services and Food Security.Environmental Science & Technology.2011,45:1029810299

[57]  Wang Yafeng, Shixiong Cao.Carbon Sequestration May Have Negative Impacts on Ecosystem Health.Environmental Science & Technology.2011,45:17591760

[58]  Wang Yun,Zhiyun Ouyang,Hua Zheng,Xiaoke Wang,Falin Chen,Jing Zeng.Carbon metabolism of soil microbial communities of restored forests in Southern China.Journal of Soils and Sediments(Springer).2011,11,789-799

[59]  Wang, Hua,Ouyang, Zhiyun,Wang, Xiaoke,Zheng, Hua,Ren, Yufen,Chen, Weiping.Water, heat, and airborne pollutants effects on transpiration of urban trees.ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION.2011159(8): 2127-2137

[60]  Wang, R. S., F. Li, et al..Understanding eco-complexity: Social-Economic-Natural Complex Ecosystem approach..Ecological Complexity.2011, 8(1): 15-29.

[61]  Wang, YC ; Qiao, M ; Liu, YX; Arp, HPH; Zhu, YG.Comparison of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon uptake pathways and risk assessment of vegetables from waste-water irrigated areas in northern China..JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING.2011, 13(2): 433-439

[62]  Xu Li, Wei Luo, Yonglong Lu*,Tieyu Wang, Chunli Chen, John P. Giesy, Yan Zhang, Jing Li, Jorrit Gosens.Status and fuzzy comprehensive assessment of metals and arsenic contamination in farmland soils along the Yanghe River, China.Chemistry and Ecology.2011,27(5):415-426

[63]  Yan Yan; Yajun Zhang; Bin Fan; Min Yang; Liang Cai; Xiao Fu; Xin Liu; Jingwei Hou.Estimation and spatial analysis of water pollution loads from towns in China.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.2011,183:219-225

[64]  Yang, W. R., F. Li, et al..Ecological benefits assessment and spatial modeling of urban ecosystem for controlling urban sprawl in Eastern Beijing, China..Ecological Complexity.2011, 8(2): 153-160.

[65]  Yi Lili,Wentao Jiao, Xiaoning Chen, Weiping Chen1.An overview of reclaimed water reuse in China.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2011,2310):1585-1593

[66]  Zhang Hongxing, Xiaoke Wang, Zongwei Feng, Junzhu Pang, Fei Lu, Zhiyun Ouyang, Hua Zheng, Wenzhao Liu, Dafeng Hui..Soil temperature and moisture sensitivities of soil CO2 efflux before and after tillage in a wheat field of Loess Plateau, China.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2011,23(1):79-86

[67]  Zhang Hongxing, Xiaoping Zhou, Fei Lu, Junzhu Pang, Zongwei Feng, Wenzhao Liu, Zhiyun Ouyang, Xiaoke Wang..Seasonal dynamics of soil CO2 efflux in a conventional tilled wheat field of the Loess Plateau, China..Ecological Research.2011,26:735-743

[68]  Zhang Jindong,Vanessa Hull ,Weihua Xu,Jianguo Liu, Zhiyun Ouyang,Jinyan Huang,Xuezhi Wang , Rengui Li.Impact of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake on biodiversity and giant panda habitat in Wolong Nature Reserve, China.Ecological Research.2011,26:523-531

[69]  Zhang Weiwei, Junfeng Niu,  Xiaoke Wang, Yuan Tian, Fangfang Yao, Zhaozhong Feng.Effects of ozone exposure on growth and photosynthesis of the seedlings of Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg, a native tree species of sub-tropical China.Photosynthetica.2011,49:29-36

[70]  Zhang Xin, Ying Hu, Yunxia Liu, Baodong Chen.Arsenic uptake, accumulation and phytofiltration by duckweed.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2011, 23(4) 601–606

[71]  Zhang Yuxin,Keming Ma,Madhur Anand,Bojie Fu.Multifractal pattern and process during a recent period of forest expansion in a temperate mountainous region of China.Ecological Informatics.2011,6:384-390

[72]  Zhang, YN ; Sun, GX ; Huang, Q ; Williams, PN ; Zhu, YG. .A cultural practice of drinking realgar wine leading to elevated urinary arsenic and its potential health risk.ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONA.2011,37(5): 889-892

[73]  Zhang, YN ; Sun, GX ;; Huang, Q ; Zhu, YG..Assessment of the solubility and bioaccessibility of arsenic in realgar wine using a simulated gastrointestinal system.SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT.2011, 409(12): 2357-2360

[74]  Zhao Hongtao, Xuyong Li, Xiaomei Wang.Heavy metal content of road-deposited sediment along the urban-rural gradient around Beijing and its potential contribution to runoff pollution..Environmental Science and Technology.2011, 45(17): 7120-7127.

[75]  Zhao Jingzhu & Yuan Li & Danyin Wang & Dong Xu.Tourism-induced deforestation outside Changbai Mountain
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[76]  Zheng Feixiang, Wang Xiaoke, Lu Fei, Hou Peiqiang, Zhang Weiwei, Duan Xiaonan, Zhou Xiaoping, Ai Yongping, Zheng Hua, Ouyang Zhiyun, Feng Zongwei.Effects of elevated ozone concentration on methane emission from a rice paddy in Yangtze River Delta, China.Global Change Biology.201117:898-910

[77]  Zheng, Hua ,Zhao, Xiaojie ,Zhao, Tongqian,Chen, Falin ,Xu, Weihua,Duan, Xiaonan ,Wang, Xiaoke ,Ouyang, Zhiyun.Spatial-temporal variations of methane emissions from the Ertan hydroelectric reservoir in southwest China.HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES.2011,2591391-1396

[78]  Zhou Chuanbin, Dan Hu,Rusong Wang, Jingru Liu.Exergetic assessment of municipal solid waste management system in south Beijing.Ecological Complexity.2011,82:171176

[79]  Zhou ZF, Zheng YM, Shen JP, Zhang LM, He JZ.Response of denitrification genes nirS, nirK and nosZ to irrigation water quality in a Chinese agricultural soil.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2011,18: 1644-1652

[80]  Bai Yang,Ouyang Zhiyun,Zheng Hua,Xu Weihua,Jiang Bo,Fang Yu.Evaluation of the forest ecosystem services in Haihe River Basin, China.Acta Ecologica Sinica.2011,317):2029-2039

[81]  JIANG Yan, WANG Xiugui, LIU Changming, WU Xianing.Modeling Influence of Reduced Irrigation on Water Balance by SWAP in Yonglian Test Area, Hetao Irrigation District.The Proceeding of the China Association for Science and Technology.2011,7(1):590-595

[82]  SONG Xiaolong, Jianxin YANG, Bo LI, et al..From Wastes to Resources: Life Cycle Environmental Benefits from the Recycling of Blast Furnace Slag.. Selected Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology. Scientific Research Publishing, USA. .2011:116-120.

[83]  Wang Hua,Ouyang Zhiyun,Zheng Hua,Ren Yufen,Gao Fuyuan.Magnolia liliiflora whole-tree sap flow in response to multiple environmental variables in Beijing.The Journal of Applied Ecology.2011,223):571-576

[84]  Zhuang Changwei,Ouyang Zhiyun,Xu Weihua.Landscape dynamics of Baiyangdian Lake from 1974 to 2007.Acta Ecologica Sinica.2011,313):839-848

[85]  Zhuang, Changwei ,Ouyang, Zhiyun,Xu, Weihua ,Bai, Yang ,Zhou, Weiqi ,Zheng, Hua ,Wang, Xiaoke.Impacts of human activities on the hydrology of Baiyangdian Lake, China.ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES.2011,627):1343-1350


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3. 联合发表文章(非第一单位):

[1]      Dai Fangzhou; Xu Dong; Deng Hongbing.Species composition and minimum sampling area of a Riparian mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest on Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve.Journal of Forestry Research.2011, 22(3): 471474

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[3]      Dong Zhengju, Yan Yan, Jing Duan, Xiao Fu, Qingrong Zhou,Xiang Huang, Xiangen Zhu, Jingzhu Zhao.Computing payment for ecosystem services in watersheds: An analysis of the Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Diversion in China.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2011, 23(12) :2005–2012

[4]      Fang Zhiguo,Ouyang Zhiyun.Enhanced role of Thermoanaerobacter in the production of cellulosic ethanol.Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae.2011,314):752-758

[5]      Jonathan E. Naile, Jong Seong Khim*, Tieyu Wang*, Yi Wan, Wei Luo, Wenyou Hu, Wentao Jiao, Jin Soon Park, Jongseong Ryu, Seongjin Hong, Paul D. Jones, Yonglong Lu, John P. Giesy.Sources and distribution of polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins and -dibenzofurans in soil and sediment from the Yellow Sea region of China and Korea .Environmental Pollution.2011,159(4):907-917

[6]      Shinsuke Haruta, Wentao Jiao, Weiping Chen, Andrew C. Chang,Jay Gan .Evaluating Henry’s law constant of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).Water Science & Technology.2011,648):1636-1641

[7]      Wang Xing-Biao , Chang-Qiao Chi , Yong Nie , Yue-Qin Tang , Yan Tan, Gang Wu, Xiao-Lei Wu.Degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons (C6–C40) and crude oil by a novel
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[8]      Wu Xing, Nicolas Brüggemann, Rainer Gasche, Hans Papen,Georg Willibald, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl.Long-term effects of clear-cutting and selective cutting on soil methane fluxes in a temperate spruce forest in southern Germany.Environmental Pollution.2011,159:2467-2475

[9]      Zhao Jingzhu; Dongming Xie; Danyin Wang;
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[10]  Zhao QG, He JZ, Yan XY, Zhang B, Zhang GL, Cai ZC.Progress in significant soil science fields of China over the last three decades: A review.Pedosphere.2011,21(1): 1-10

[11]  白永亮, 张浅, 王越, 黄少良, 严岩.基于我国能源政策变迁视角的地毯政策取向研究.前沿.2011, 19:104-108

[12]  代方舟, 吴迪,王丹寅,杜冲,刘鑫磊,易嗣宣,黄少良,王丽华,严岩.工业过程的碳足迹评价与应用初探.生态经济.2011, 10: 29-33

[13]  金国花,谢冬明,邓红兵,严岩,刘梅影,王钰.鄱阳湖水文特征
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[15]  庞军柱,王效科,牟玉静,欧阳志云,张红星,逯非,刘文兆.黄土高原冬小麦地N2 O 排放.Acta Ecologica Sinica.2011,317):1896-1903

[16]  苏慧敏,李叙勇,何丙辉,欧阳杨.不同土地利用方式下降雨对土壤微生物量和呼吸的影响.水土保持学报.2011,25(6),1-4

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[18]  吴迪,代方舟,,严岩 ,刘昕,付晓.煤电一体化开发对锡林郭勒盟环境经济的影响.生态学报.2011,3117:5055-5060

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[21]  张圣喜,陈法霖,郑华.土壤微生物群落结构对中亚热带三种典型阔叶树种凋落物分解过程的响应.生态学报.2011,31(11):3020-3026

[22]  张妍,崔骁勇*,罗维,时鹏,吕永龙.小白菜对猪粪中高CuZn的富集与转运.环境科学.2011,32(5):1482-1488


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