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[1]      Chen Chunli,Yonglong Lu,Xiang Zhang,Jing Geng,Tieyu Wang,Yajuan Shi,Wenyou Hu,Jing Li .A review of spatial and temporal assessment of PFOS and PFOA contamination in China.Chemistry and Ecology.2009,25(3):163-177.

[2]      Chen Liding, Tian Huiying, Fu Bojie, Zhao Xinfeng. .Development of a New Index for Integrating Landscape Patterns with Ecological Processes at a Watershed Scale..Chinese Geographical Sciences  .2009,19(1):37-45.

[3]      Chen Weiping, LaoshengWu, Andrew C. Chang, Zhenan Hou.Assessing the effect of long-term crop cultivation on distribution of Cd in the root zone .Ecological Modelling.2009,220:1836-1843.

[4]      Chen Weiping, Lianqing Li, Andrew C. Chang, Laosheng Wu, Rufus L. Chaney,Richard Smith, Husein Ajwa.Characterizing the solid–solution partitioning coefficient and plant uptake factor of As, Cd, and Pb in California croplands.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.2009,129: 212–220.

[5]      Chen Weiping, Lianqing Li, Andrew C. Chang,Laosheng Wu,Soon-Ik Kwon,and Rick Bottoms.Cadmium Uptake by Lettuce in Fields Treated with Cadmium-Spiked Phosphorus Fertilizers.Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2009,40: 1124–1137.

[6]      Chen Zhan, Xiaoke Wang, Zhaozhong Feng, Qin Xiao, Xiaonan Duan.Impact of elevated O3 on soil microbial community function under wheat crop.Water, air and soil pollution.2009,198:189-198.

[7]      Chen,Q.,Tan K.,Zhu C.,Li R.,.Development and application of a two-dimensional water quality model for the Daqinghe River Mouth of the Dianchi Lake .Journal of Environmental Sciences.2009,21:313-318.

[8]      Chen,Q.,Ye,F.,Li.,W.,.Cellular automata based ecological and ecohydraulics modeling. Journal of Hydroinformatics.2009,11(3-4):252-265.

[9]      DONG Ren-cai, LIU Ming, ZHAO Jing-zhu.Study on Variation of Forestland in Lugu Lake Scenery District Based on Technique of Spatial Data Mining.Proceedings of the sixth international conference on fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery: Vol.5. Los Alamitos: the IEEE Computer Society.2009: 215-219.

[10]  Duan, X.N., Wang, X.K., Ouyang, Z.Y..Influence of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) on CH4 Production and Transport in Wetlands: Results from Single-Plant Laboratory Experiments.WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION.2009,197 (1-4): 185-191.

[11]  Feng, Z.Z., Kobayashi, K., Wang, X.K., Feng, Z.W..A meta-analysis of responses of wheat yield formation to elevated ozone concentration .CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN.2009,54 (2): 249-255.

[12]  Fu Bojie, Wang Yafeng, LvYihe, He Chansheng, Chen Liding, Song Chengjun.The effects of land-use combinations on soil erosion: a case study in the loess plateau of China. .Progress in Physical Geography,.2009,33(6):793-804.

[13]  Han Jingyi, Arthur P.J. Mol, Yonglong Lu, Lei Zhang.Onshore wind power development in China: Challenges behind a successful story.Energy Policy.2009,37(8):2941-2951.

[14]  He Guizhen, Lei Zhang, Yonglong Lu.Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit in Large-scale Public Infrastructure Construction: The Case of Qinghai-Tibet Railway.Environmental Management.2009,44(3):579-589.

[15]  He Guizhen, Yonglong Lu, Lei Zhang.Risk management: lessons learned from the snow crisis in China.China Environment Series.2009,10:143-150.

[16]  He JZ, Ge Y, Xu ZH, Chen CR.Linking soil bacterial diversity to ecosystem multifunctionality using backward-elimination boosted tree analysis.Journal of Soils and Sediments.2009, 9: 547-554.

[17]  Hu Dan, Ru-Song Wang, Kam-Peng Lei, Feng Li, Zhen Wang, Ben-Nan Wang. Expanding ecological appropriation approach: Solar space method and a case study in Yangzhou city, East China.Ecological Complexity .2009,6: 473–483.

[18]  Hu Wenyou, Yonglong Lu, Guang Wang, Tieyu Wang, Wei Luo, Yajuan Shi, Xiang Zhang, Wentao Jiao.Organochlorine Pesticides in Soils around Watersheds of Beijing Reservoirs: A Case Study in Guanting and Miyun Reservoirs.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.2009,82(6):694-700.

[19]  Huang Jinlou, Rusong Wang, Feng Li, Wenrui Yang, Chuanbin Zhou, Jiasheng Jin and Yao Shi.Simulation of thermal effects due to different amounts of urban vegetation within the built-up area of Beijing, China.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.2009,16(1): 67–76.

[20]  Jia Junsong, Hongbing Deng, Jing Duan, Jingzhu Zhao.Analysis of the major drivers of the ecological footprint using the STIRPAT model and the PLS method A case study in Henan Province, China.Ecological Economics.200968 ):2818–2824.

[21]  Jiao Wentao, Yonglong Lu ,Tieyu Wang, Jing Li, Jingyi Han, Guang Wang,Wenyou Hu.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils around Guanting Reservoir, Beijing, China.Chemistry and Ecology.2009,25(1):39-48.

[22]  Jiao Wentao, Yonglong Lu, Jing Li, Jingyi Han, Tieyu Wang, Wei Luo, Yajuan Shi, Guang Wang.Identification of sources of elevated concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an industrial area in Tianjin, China.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.2009,158(1-4):581-592.

[23]  Li Dong, Rusong Wang,.Hybrid Emergy-LCA (HEML) based metabolic evaluation of urban residential areas: The case of Beijing, China.Ecological Complexity. 2009,6(4):484-493.

[24]  Li Dong-Mei, Liu Zeng-Hui, Shao Hong-Bo and Wu Gang. Improving the eco-environment in the western-China by applying local tree species: Lssues and implications for global arid areas. African Journal of Biotechnology .2009, Vol.8(20),5430-5435.

[25]  Li F, Zheng Y-M, He J-Z.Microbes influence the fractionation of arsenic in paddy soils with different fertilization regimes..Science of the Total Environment.2009, 407(8): 2631-2640.

[26]  Li Feng, Xusheng Liu, Dan Hu, Rusong Wang, Wenrui Yang, Dong Li , Dan Zhao. Measurement indicators and an evaluation approach for assessing urban sustainable development: A case study for China’s Jining City.Landscape and Urban Planning. 2009,90:134–142.

[27]  Li,W.,Chen.Q.,Mao,J.,. Development of 1 D and 2D coupled model to simulate urban inundation:an application to Beijing Olympic Village.Chinese science bulletin.2009,54(9): 1613-1621.

[28]  Liu Jingru, Rusong Wang and Jian-xin Yang.Environment consumption patterns of Chinese urban households and their policy implications.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology.2009,16(1):9-14.

[29]  liu Xiaoli,Qiuwen Chen,Zhaoxia Zeng.Soybean residues sequestration affected by different tillage practices and the impacts on soil microbial characteristics and enzymatic activities.Acta Ecologica Sinica.2009,29(4):249-253.

[30]  Liu XZ, Zhang LM, Prosser JI, He JZ.Abundance and community structure of sulfate reducing prokaryotes in a paddy soil of southern China under different fertilization regimes.Soil Biology & Biochemistry.2009, 41: 687-694.

[31]  Lu Fei, Xiaoke Wang, Bing Han, Zhiyun Ouyang, Xiaonan Duan, Hua Zheng, Hong Miao.Soil carbon sequestration by nitrogen fertilizer application, straw return and no-tillage in China's cropland.Global Change Biology.2009,15(2):281-305.

[32]  Lu Tao, Ma Keming, Fu Bojie, et al..Diversity and composition of wetland communities along an agricultural drainage ditch density gradient..Polish journal of ecology.2009, 57: 113-123.

[33]  Lu Tao, Ma Keming, Zhang YX, Ni HW, Fu Bojie.Species similarity-distance relationship in wetlands: effects of disturbance intensity.Polish journal of ecology.2009, 57 (4).

[34]  Luo Wei, Yonglong Lu, Bin Wang, Xiaojuan Tong, Guang Wang, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, John P. Giesy..Distribution and Sources of Mercury in Soils from Former Industrialized Urban Areas of Beijing, China..Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2009,158(1-4):507-517.

[35]  Luo Wei, Yonglong Lu, Xiaojuan Tong, Bin Wang, Guang Wang, Yajuan Shi, Tieyu Wang, Jonathan Naile, John P. Giesy.Distribution of Copper, Cadmium, and Lead in Soils from Former Industrialized Urban Areas of Beijing, China.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.2009,82(3):378-383.

[36]  Ma Hua ,Yonglong Lu,Ying Xing,Guizhen He,Yamei Sun.Rural Households’ Attitude and Economic Strategies Toward the Conversion of Cropland to Forest and Grassland Program (CCFG): A Case Study in Qira, China.Environmental Management.2009,43(6):1039-1047.

[37]  Meng YT, Zheng YM, Zhang LM, He JZ.Biogenic Mn oxides for effective adsorption of Cd from aquatic environment.Environmental Pollution.2009(157):2577-2583.

[38]  NIU Dong, WANG Silong, OUYANG Zhiyun, Comparisons of carbon storages in Cunninghamia lanceolata and Michelia macclurei plantations during a 22-year period in southern China, Journal of Environmental Sciences , 2009,21: 801–805.

[39]  Pang Junzhu, Wang Xiaoke, Mu Yujing, Ouyang Zhiyun, Liu Wenzhao.Nitrous oxide emissions from an apple orchard soil in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China .Biology and Fertility of Soil.2009,461):37-44.

[40]  Qi Jian, Ma Keming, Zhangyuxin. Leaf-trait relationships of Quercus liaotungensis along an altitudinal gradient in Dongling Mountain, Beijing. Ecological Research. 2009,24(6):1243-1250.

[41]  Qu laiye, Ma Keming, Xuxiaoniu, Wanglihua, Sasa Kaichiro. Effects of post-fire conditions on soil respiration in boreal forests with special reference to Northeast China forests.Frontiers of Biology in China.2009,4(2):180-186.

[42]  Shi Yajuan, Yonglong Lu, Tieyu Wang, Guang Wang, Wei Luo.Comparison of Organochlorine Pesticides Occurrence, Origin, and Character in Agricultural and Industrial Soils in Beijing.Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2009,57(3):447-455.

[43]  Shi Zhihua, Chen Liding, Cai Chongfa, li Zhaoxia.Effects of long-term fertilization and mulch on soil fertility in contour hedgerow systems: A case study on steeplands from the Three Gorges Area, China,.Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst  D.2009,8439-48.

[44]  Shi Zhihua, Chen Liding, Fang Nufang, Qin Defu, Cai Chongfa.Research on the SCS-CN initial abstraction ratio using rainfall-runoff event analysis in the Three Gorges Area, China.Catena.2009,77(1):1-7.

[45]  Shi Zhihua, Chen Liding, Hao Junping, Wang Tianwei, Cai Chongfa.The effects of land use change on environmental quality in the red soil hilly region, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.2009,150: 295-306.

[46]  Sun GX, Williams PN, Zhu YG, Deacon C, Carey AM, Raab A, Feldmann J and Meharg AA..Survey of arsenic and its speciation in rice products such as breakfast cereals, rice crackers and Japanese rice condiments..ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL.2009, 35(3): 473-475.

[47]  Wang Guang, Yonglong Lu, Jing Li, Tieyu Wang, Jingyi Han, Wei Luo, Yajuan Shi, Wentao Jiao.Regional differences and sources of organochlorine pesticides in soils surrounding chemical industrial parks.Environmental monitoring and assessment.2009,152(1-4):259-269.

[48]  Wang Guang, Yonglong Lu, Tieyu Wang, Xiang Zhang, Jingyi Han, Wei Luo, Yajuan Shi, Jing Li, and Wentao Jiao.Factors Influencing the Spatial Distribution of Organochlorine Pesticides in Soils surrounding Chemical Industrial Parks.Journal of Environmental Quality.2009,38(1):180-187.

[49]  Wang Hua-Feng, Cynthia Ross Friedman, Zhi-Xin ZhuHai-Ning Qin, Early reproductive developmental anatomy in Decaisnea (Lardizabalaceae)and its systematic implications, Annals of Botany, 2009,104:1243-1253.

[50]  Wang Rusong, Li Feng, Yang Wenrui, Chang Hsiaofei..Eco-service enhancement in peri-urban area of coal mining city of Huaibei in East China..Acta Ecologica Sinica. 2009,1-9.

[51]  Wang XJ, Chen XP, Kappler A, Sun GX, Zhu YG. Arsenic binding to Fe(II) minerals produced by an iron(III)-reducing Aeromonas strain isolated from paddy soil. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY.2009,28 ( 11): 2255-2262.

[52]  Wang XZ, Xu WH, Ouyang ZY , Integrating population size analysis into habitat suitability assessment: implications for giant panda conservation in the Minshan Mountains, China, Ecological Research, 2009, 77):353-358.

[53]  Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Fu Bojie..Effects of rainfall change on water erosion processes in terrestrial ecosystems: a review.  .Progress in Physical Geography,.2009,33 (3): 307-318.

[54]  Wei Wei, Liding Chen, Bojie Fu, Yihe Lü, Jie Gong. Responses of water erosion to rainfall extremes and vegetation types in a loess semiarid hilly area, NW China.Hydrological Processes.2009,231780-1791.

[55]  Wei, YC; Ouyang, ZY; Miao, H, et al, Exotic Pinus carbaea causes soil quality to deteriorate on former abandoned land compared to an indigenous Podocarpus plantation in the tropical forest area of southern China , Journal of Forest  Research,2009, 14( 4 ) : 221-228.

[56]  Wu Gang, Fu Haiwei, Yu Deyong, Zhang Liang, Wang Yongxiang, Wang Hongchang,and Shao Hongbo. Measurenment of Ecological Capital of the Ecosystem Based on Remote Sensing Data. Research Journal of Chemistry And Environemt. 2009, 13(1)85-91.

[57]  Xu Shenlai.An approach to analyzing the intensity of the daytime surface urban heat island effect at a local scale.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.2009,151:289-300.

[58]  Xu Weihua, Rencai Dong, Xuezhi Wang, Zhiyun Ouyang, Zhiqi Li, Yi Xiao, Jindong Zhang..Impact of China’s May 12 earthquake on Giant Panda habitat in Wenchuan County.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing.2009,31-10.

[59]  Xu Weihua, Xuezhi Wang, Zhiyun Ouyang, Jindong Zhang, Zhiqi Li, Yi Xiao,  Hua Zheng.Conservation of giant panda habitat in South Minshan, China, after the May 2008 earthquake .Frontiers in ecology and the environment .2009,77):353-358.

[60]  Xu Xianli, Ma Keming*, Fu Bojie, Liu Wen, Song Chengjun.Soil and water erosion under different plant species in a semiarid river valley, SW China: the effects of plant morphology.Ecology Resesrch.2009,24:37–46.

[61]  YANG Wenrui, WANG Rusong, ZHOU Chuanbin, LI Feng.Distribution and health risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in industrial site soils: A case study of urban renewal in Beijing, China.Journal of Environmental Sciences.2009,21:366–372.

[62]  Zhang Li-Mei, Wang Mu, Prosser James I, Zheng Yuan-Ming, He Ji-Zheng.Altitude ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in soils of Mount Everest.FEMS Microbiology Ecology.2009, 70: 208-217.

[63]  Zhang XH, Lin AJ, Gao YL, Reid RJ, Wong MH and Zhu YG.Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation increases copper binding capacity of root cell walls of Oryza sativa L. and reduces copper uptake..SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY.2009, 41(5): 930-935.

[64]  Zhang Xiang, Yonglong LU,Yajuan Shi,Chunli Chen, Zhi Yang, Yedan Li, Yan Feng,.Antioxidant and metabolic responses induced by cadmium and pyrene in the earthworm Eisenia fetida in two different systems: contact and soil tests.Chemistry and Ecology.2009,25(3):205-215.

[65]  Zhang, HF; Ouyang, ZY; Zheng, H, et al, Recent Climate Trends on the Northern Slopes of the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China, Journal of Moutain Science, 2009, 6(3):255-265.

[66]  Zheng Haifeng, Chen Liding, Han Xiaozeng. Response of Soybean Yield to Daytime Temperature Change during Seed Filling: A Long-Term Field Study in Northeast China.Plant Production Science.2009,12: 526―532.

[67]  Zheng Haifeng, Chen Liding, Han Xiaozheng .The effects of climate warming on soybean yields in a long-term fertilization experiment in Northeast China .Journal of Agricultural Sciences.2009,147: 569-580 .

[68]  Zheng Haifeng, Chen Liding, Han Xiaozheng, Zhao Xinfeng, Ma Yan.Classification and regression tree (CART) for analysis of soybean yield variability.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.2009,13298-105.

[69]  Zheng Xiaoxuan, Liu,Guohua Fu Bojie, Jin Tiantian, Liu Zhanfeng.Effects of biodiversity and plant community composition on productivity in semi-arid grasslands of Hulunbeir, Inner Mongolia, China.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, .2009,1–34.

[70]  Zhu YG , Elizabeth A.H. Pilon-Smits, Zhao FJ, Williams PN, Meharg AA..Selenium in higher plants: understanding mechanisms for biofortification and phytoremediation.TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE.2009, 14(8): 436-442.

[71]  Zhu Yongguan, Chen Baodong. Principles and Technologies for Remediation of Uranium-Contaminated Environments. Radioactivity in the Environment. 2009,14: 357-374.


[1]         陈梅梅,陈保冬,王新军,朱永官,王幼珊.不同磷水平土壤接种丛枝菌根真菌对植物生长和养分吸收的影响.生态学报.2009,294:1980-1986.

[2]         陈求稳,程忡尼,蔡德所,吴世勇.基于个体模型模拟鱼类对上游水库运行的生态响应.水利学报.2009,408):897-903.

[3]         戴宇,杨重法,郑袁明.土壤-植物系统中铬的环境行为及其毒性评价.环境科学,2009,30(11):3432-3440.

[4]         邓红兵,陈春娣,刘昕,吴钢.区域生态用地的概念及分类.生态学报.2009, 29(3)1519-1524.

[5]         冯嫣,吕永龙,焦文涛,王铁宇,汪光,史雅娟,罗维.北京市某废弃焦化厂不同车间土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征及风险评价.生态毒理学报.2009.4(3):399-407.

[6]         冯云, 马克明, 张育新, 祁建.北京东灵山地区辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)种群生活史特征与空间分布.生态学杂志.2009,28 (8):1443- 1448.

[7]         傅伯杰, 周国逸, 白永飞, 宋长春, 刘纪远, 张惠远, 吕一河, 郑华, 谢高地..中国主要陆地生态系统服务功能与生态安全.地球科学进展.2009,24(6):571-576 .

[8]         郭雷, 马克明, 张易.建三江地区不同土地利用类型的反硝化潜力.农业环境科学学报.2009,28(5):941-945.

[9]         郭雷,马克明,张易.三江平原建三江地区30年湿地景观退化评价.生态学报.2009,29(6):31263135.

[10]      和自兴,赵景柱.丽江市可持续性评价及民族文化的作用分析.云南民族大学学报:哲学社会科学版.2009, (4)5-7.

[11]      贺纪正, 沈菊培, 张丽梅.土壤中温泉古菌的研究进展.生态学报.2009, 29(9): 5047-5055.

[12]      贺纪正, 张丽梅.氨氧化微生物生态学与氮循环研究进展.生态学报.2009, 29(1):406-415.

[13]      贺纪正, 郑袁明, 曲久辉.土壤环境微界面过程与污染控制.环境科学学报.2009,29 (1): 21-27.

[14]      侯培强,王效科,郑飞翔,周小平,任玉芬,佟磊.我国城市面源污染特征的研究现状.给水排水.2009,35(增刊):188-193.

[15]      胡婵娟, 刘国华, 傅伯杰, 靳甜甜, 郭雷, 苏常红.黄土丘陵沟壑区典型人工林土壤CO2释放规律及其影响因子.生态学报.2009,29(9):4700-4709.

[16]      胡婵娟,傅伯杰, 刘国华,靳甜甜.黄土丘陵沟壑区植被恢复对土壤微生物生物量碳和氮的影响.应用生态学报.2009,201):45-50.

[17]      胡婵娟,傅伯杰,刘国华,靳甜甜,郭雷.黄土丘陵沟壑区坡面尺度上微生物的空间分布规律.水土保持学报.2009,23(3):148-152.

[18]      胡婵娟,傅伯杰,刘国华,刘宇.黄土丘陵沟壑区典型人工林土壤微生物功能多样性研究.生态学报.2009,29(2): 727-733.

[19]      黄志刚,欧阳志云,李锋瑞,郑华,王效科.基于集水区法的森林生态系统影响径流研究进展.世界林业研究.2009,22(3):36-41.

[20]      黄志刚,欧阳志云,李瑞峰,郑华,王效科,王中建,.南方丘陵区不同坡地利用方式土壤水分动态.生态学报.2009,296):3136-3146.

[21]      贾俊松,董仁才,邓红兵.用可持续发展能力指数评价水土保持治理效果的研究——以甲积峪流域为例.中国水土保持.2009, (5)33-35.

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[23]      焦文涛,吕永龙,王铁宇,李静,罗维,史雅娟.化工区土壤中多环芳烃的污染特征及其来源分析.环境科学.2009,30(4):1166-1172.

[24]      金圣圣, 贺纪正, 郑袁明, 孟佑婷, 张丽梅.生物氧化锰矿物对几种重金属的吸附作用.环境科学学报.2009,1132-139.

[25]      李栋,王如松,周传斌.基于LEAP的城市居住区能值评价与复合情景分析.中国科学院研究生院学报.2009,26(1):72-82.

[26]      李若男,陈求稳,蔡德所,王红梅.水库运行对下游河道水环境影响的一维-二维耦合水环境模型.水利学报.2009,407):769-775.

[27]      李伟峰.北京奥运村洪水淹没风险模型研究.科学通报.2009,543):321—328.

[28]      李晓光,苗鸿,郑华,欧阳志云,肖燚.机会成本法在确定生态补偿标准中的应用-以海南中部山区为例.生态学报.2009,29(9):4875-4883.

[29]      李晓光,苗鸿,郑华,欧阳志云.生态补偿标准确定的主要方法及其应用.生态学报.2009,298):4431-4440.

[30]      李远, 赵景柱, 董正举, 段靖, 严岩.建立生态补偿机制的关键步骤:从部门要素补偿到区域综合补偿.环境保护 .2009, (15)36-38.

[31]      刘峰,刘建昌,祁永新,董仁才,赵景柱, 左煜.黄河上游甲积峪小流域生态系统管理能力动态评价.生态学报.2009, 29(5)2675-2685.

[32]      刘静,苗鸿,郑华,欧阳志云,王效科,李晓光,江波.卧龙自然保护区与当地社区关系模式探讨.生态学报.2009,291):259-271.

[33]      刘孝利,陈求稳,曾昭霞,颜淼,吴文强.典型黑土区非点源污染控制途径研究.中国水土保持.2009,531-33.

[34]      刘新展, 贺纪正, 张丽梅.水稻土中硫酸盐还原微生物研究进展.生态学报.2009(8): 4455-4463.

[35]      逯非,王效科,韩冰,欧阳志云,郑华.农田土壤固碳措施的温室气体泄漏和净减排潜力.生态学报.2009,29(9):4993-5006.

[36]      罗维,陈同斌,岳波,郑国砥,黄启飞,高定.微波炉快速测定城市污泥湿度的探讨.环境工程学报.2009,3(11):2057-2060.

[37]      罗云建,张小全,王效科,朱建华,侯振宏,张治军,森林生物量的估算方法及其研究进展,林业科学,200945(8)129-134

[38]      罗云建,张小全,王效科,朱建华,张治军,孙贵生,高峰,华北落叶松人工林生物量及其分配规律,北京林业大学学报,2009,31(1):14-19

[39]      马岩,陈利顶.基于生产潜力的海伦地区粮食生产资源利用系统分析.地理科学进展.2009,28(6):550-555.

[40]      孟佑婷, 郑袁明, 张丽梅, 贺纪正.环境中生物氧化锰的形成机制及其与重金属离子的相互作用.环境科学.2009,302):574-582.

[41]      欧阳志云,赵娟娟,桂振华,倪勇明,韩冰,庄长伟.中国城市的绿色发展评价.中国人口.资源与环境.2009,19(5):11-15.

[42]      欧阳志云,郑华.生态系统服务的生态学机制研究进展.生态学报.2009,29(11):6183-6188.

[43]      权佳,金羽,徐卫华,欧阳志云,白杨.铜鼓岭国家级自然保护区管理问题与对策研究.生态经济.2009,(4):104-107,142.

[44]      权佳,欧阳志云,徐卫华,苗鸿.中国自然保护区管理有效性的现状评价与对策.应用生态学报.2009,20(7):1745-1752.

[45]      权佳,欧阳志云,徐卫华.自然保护区管理快速评价和优先性确定方法及应用.生态学杂志.2009,28(6):1206-1212.

[46]      任景民,曹凤中,王如松.煤化工替代能源产业急需理性发展.环境与可持续发展.2009,(1):61-62.

[47]      任景明,曹凤中,王如松.区域限批是环境保护法运行机制软化的突破.环境与可持续发展.2009,5):16-18.

[48]      任景明,喻元秀, 王如松.我国农业环境问题及其防治对策.生态学杂志.2009,28 (7) : 1399- 1405.

[49]      任景明,喻元秀,王如松.中国农业政策环境影响初步分析.中国农学通报.2009,25(15):223-229.

[50]      荣冰凌, 孙宇飞, 邓红兵, 吴钢.流域水环境管理保护线与控制线及其规划方法.生态学报.2009, 29(2)924-930.

[51]      荣冰凌,陈春娣,邓红兵.城市绿色空间综合评价指标体系构建及应用.城市环境与城市生态.2009, 22(1)33-37.

[52]      史雅娟,吕永龙,王昕,张翔.林丹和呋喃丹对蚯蚓的存活、生长和繁殖能力的影响.生态毒理学报.2009,4(1):101-107.

[53]      宋成军,马克明,傅伯杰,曲来叶,刘杨.固氮类植物在陆地生态系统中的作用研究进展.生态学报.2009,23(3):148-152.

[54]      宋成军; 马克明; 傅伯杰; 曲来叶; 刘杨; 钟剑飞.岷江干旱河谷土壤水、氮和磷对小马鞍羊蹄甲幼苗生长的影响.应用生态学报.2009,20(8):1797-1804.

[55]      宋志远,欧阳志云,李智琦,刘静,徐卫华.公平规范与自然资源保护——在卧龙自然保护区的实验.生态学报.2009,291):240-250.

[56]      宋志远,欧阳志云,徐卫华.公平规范与自然资源保护——基于进化博弈的理论模型.生态学报.2009,291):251-258.

[57]      孙然好, 陈利顶, 张百平, 傅伯杰.山地景观垂直分异研究进展.应用生态学报.2009,20(7):1617-1624.

[58]      孙宇飞, 严岩, 段靖, 邓红兵, 吴钢, 孔源.日本与德国环境政策的比较.环境保护 .2009, (2)82-84.

[59]      田慧颖,陈利顶,张心昱,卢涛,姜昌亮. 重大工程建设区生态环境管理的公众参与——以西气东输工程陕西靖边至上海段为例.生态学报.2009,29(1):344-350.

[60]      汪亚峰,傅伯杰,陈利顶,吕一河,罗春燕.黄土丘陵小流域土地利用变化的土壤侵蚀效应:基于137Cs示踪的定量评价 .应用生态学报.2009,20(7):1571-1576.

[61]      汪亚峰,傅伯杰,陈利顶等,.黄土高原小流域淤地坝泥沙粒度的剖面分布.应用生态学报.2009,20(10):2461-2467.

[62]      汪亚峰,傅伯杰,吕一河等.基于差分GPS技术的淤地坝泥沙淤积量估算.农业工程学报.2009,25(9):79-83 .

[63]      汪亚峰,李茂松,卢玉东等.保水剂对土壤体积膨胀率和团聚体影响研究..土壤通报.2009,40(5):1022-1025.

[64]      王华,欧阳志云,郑华,王效科,倪永明,任玉芬.北京城区常见树种生长季树干液流的时滞特征.应用生态学报.2009,20(9):2111-2117.

[65]      王朗,徐延达,傅伯杰,吕一河.半干旱区景观格局与生态水文过程研究进展.地球科学进展.2009,24(11):1238-1246.

[66]      王明旭,陈波,吕彬,杨建新.可持续技术的综合评价方法探讨.科技进步与对策.2009,2620):121-125.

[67]      王如松,胡聃.弘扬生态文明深化学科建设.生态学报.2009,293):1055-1067.

[68]      王如松.生态文明与绿色北京的科学内涵和建设方略.中国特色社会主义研究.2009,3):52-54.

[69]      王淑芳,王效科,欧阳志云.密云水库上游地区农田土壤有机碳储量及变化模拟.生态环境学报.2009,18(5):1923-1928.

[70]      王效科,欧阳志云,仁玉芬,王华锋.城市生态系统长期研究展望.地球科学进展.2009 , 24 (8): 928-935 .

[71]      王学志,徐卫华,欧阳志云.农用地时空变化对大熊猫生境的影响:以岷山中部地区的白草河流域为例.生物多样性.2009,1):10-18.

[72]      吴文强,李国敏,陈求稳.地下水数值模拟中分布式水文模型的耦合应用.勘察科学技术.2009,(05):48-51.

[73]      吴文强,李文文,君利.水均衡与数值模拟法在地下水资源评价中对比应用.中国农村水利水电.2009,06:45-48.

[74]      吴文强,李文文,卫福旺.济源盆地浅层地下水污染溯源模拟.地下水.2009,(06):95-97.

[75]      肖能文,刘向辉,戈峰,欧阳志云, 高黎贡山自然保护区大型土壤动物群落特征, 生态学报,2009,29(7):3576-3584

[76]      熊晓波, 梁剑辉, 董仁才, 邓红兵.参与式方法在小流域治理中的应用.中国水土保持科学.2009, 7(3)1-4.

[77]      颜淼,陈求稳,吴文强.曹家路流域面源污染的特征及规律.中国水土保持.2009,94):18-21.

[78]      颜淼,陈求稳,吴文强.典型山区流域面源污染模型研究以曹家路流域为例.中国水土保持.2009,6):33-35.

[79]      颜淼,陈求稳,吴文强.密云水库源区曹家路流域生态治理效果分析.中国农村水利水电.2009,733-35.

[80]      杨丽蓉,陈利顶,孙然好.河道生态系统特征及其自净化能力研究现状与发展.生态学报.2009,29(9):5066-5075.

[81]      杨爽,冯晓明,陈利顶.土地利用变化的时空分异特征及驱动机制――以北京市海淀区、延庆县为例.生态学报.2009,29(8):4501-4511.

[82]      尹飞,毛仁钊,傅伯杰,陈明灿.枣粮间作生态系统土壤氮空间分布特征.生态学报.2009,29(1):325-331.

[83]      喻元秀,任景明,王如松.中国农业战略环境评价研究进展.中国农学通报.2009,25(20):292-297.

[84]      张红星,王效科,冯宗炜,宋文质,刘文兆,李双江,朱元骏,庞军柱,欧阳志云.干湿交替格局下黄土高原小麦田土壤呼吸的温湿度模型.生态学报.2009,296):3028-3035.

[85]      张宏锋,欧阳志云,郑华,肖燚.玛纳斯河流域农田生态系统服务功能价值评估.中国农业生态学报.2009,17(6):1259-1264.

[86]      张宏锋,欧阳志云,郑华,肖燚.新疆玛纳斯河流域冰川生态系统服务功能价值评估.生态学报.2009,29(11):5877-5881.

[87]      张巍巍,郑飞翔,王效科,冯兆忠,欧阳志云.臭氧对水稻根系活力、可溶性蛋白含量与抗氧化系统的影响.植物生态学报.2009,333):425-432.

[88]      张小飞,李正国,王如松,王仰麟,李锋,熊侠仙.基于功能网络评价的城市生态安全格局研究———以常州市为例.北京大学学报(自然科学版).2009,(1):54-62.

[89]      张燕燕,曲来叶,陈利顶.Biolog EcoPlateTM实验信息提取方法改进.微生物学通报.2009,36(7):1083-1091.

[90]      张育新,马克明,祁建,冯云,张洁瑜.北京东灵山辽东栎林植物物种多样性的多尺度分析.生态学报.2009,29(5): 2179-2185.

[91]      张育新,马克明,祁建,冯云,张洁瑜.北京东灵山海拔梯度上辽东栎种群结构和空间分布. 生态学报,.生态学报.2009,29(6):2789-2796.

[92]      赵娟娟,欧阳志云,郑华,徐卫华,王效科,倪永明.城市植物分层随机抽样调查方案设计的方法探讨.生态学杂志.2009,28(7):1430-1436.

[93]      赵娟娟,欧阳志云,郑华,徐卫华,王效科.北京城区公园绿地的植物种类构成及空间结构.应用生态学报.2009,20(2): 298-306.

[94]      赵小杰,郑华,赵同谦,王红梅.雅砻江下游梯级水电开发生态环境影响的经济损益评价.自然资源学报.2009,24(10):1729-1739.

[95]      郑飞翔,王效科,张巍巍,侯培强,段晓男.臭氧胁迫对水稻光合作用与产量的影响.农业环境科学学报.2009,28(11):2217-2223.

[96]      郑勇,郑袁明,张丽梅,贺纪正.极端环境下的嗜热酸甲烷营养细菌研究进展.生态学报.2009,297:38643871.

[97]      周永娟,王效科,欧阳志云.生态系统脆弱性研究.生态经济.2009,(218): 165-167.

[98]      庄长伟,欧阳志云,徐卫华,郑华,王效科,白杨.基于MODIS的海河流域生态系统空间格局.生态学杂志.2009,28(6):1149-1154.

3. 联合发表文章(非第一单位):

[1]      Di HJ, Cameron KC, Shen JP, He JZ, Winefield CS. A lysimeter study of nitrate leaching from grazed grassland as affected by a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide, and relationships with ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea. Soil Use and Management, 2009.25:454-461.

[2]      Di HJ, Cameron KC, Shen JP, Winefield CS, O’Callaghan M, Bowatte S, He JZ*.  Nitrification driven by bacteria and not archaea in nitrogen-rich grassland soils. Nature Geoscience. 2009.2 (9): 621-624.

[3]      Qu laiye, Kitaoka S., Makoto K., Kuromaru M., Osaki Æ, M., Sasa K., Utsugi H., Koike T. Root–shoot communication of the seedlings of Japanese larch and a hybrid species grown in different soil-temperature regimes. Landscape Ecol Eng ,2009, 5:115–123.

[4]      Wu, QB; Wang, XK; Ouyang, ZY , Soil Organic Carbon and Its Fractions Across Vegetation Types: Effects of Soil Mineral Surface Area and Microaggregates,  Pedosphere, 2009, 19( 2 ): 258-264.  

[5]  Xu Jianying, Lu Yihe, Chen Liding, Liu Yang. Contribution of tourism development to protected area management: local stakeholder perspectives International journal of sustainable development and world ecology, 2009,16(1): 30-36.

[6]      Xu Zhihong, Chen Chengrong, He Jizheng, Liu Juxiu. Trends and challenges in soil research 2009: linking global climate change to local long-term forest productivity. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2009.9: 83-88.

[7]  方治国,欧阳志云,城市室内外空气真菌群落及影响因素研究进展,生态环境学报,2009181):386-393.

[8]      冯强,胡聃,李娜.典型城区与郊区环境大叶黄杨气体交换及叶绿素荧光特性比较.生态学报.2009,297):3477-3484.

[9]      郭青海,马克明,张易.城市土地利用异质性对湖泊水质的影响,生态学报,2009. 292: 776-787.

[10]虎陈霞,傅伯杰,陈利顶,连纲.黄土丘陵区农户生产决策行为和对土地政策的认知分析. 生态环境学报, 2009. 18(2): 554-559.

[11]  黄一凡,李锋,王如松,黄锦楼,周传斌,阳文锐.基于遥感信息的常州市热岛效应.生态学杂志.2009,28 (8) : 1594- 1599.

[12]刘旭升,李锋,赵丹,王蓓蓓.北京市门头沟区资源开发价值及其生态系统服务损失评估.应用生态学报. 2009,20(6): 14311437.

[13]   冶民生吴斌关文彬马克明刘国华张宇清.岷江上游植物群落稳定性研究. 水土保持研究,2009161):259-263.



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