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Research Devisions 当前位置:首页 > english > Research Devisions

SKLURE has formed five research devisions on the basis of primary research groups.

1. Evolution Principles and Cybernetics of Urban Ecosystem

The research devision mainly focuses on evolution principles, control techniques and planning method of urban ecosystem, theories and application of industrial ecology and ecological engineering; policy and management techniques for China's major eco-environmental problems under rapid urbanization and industrialization. Leading scientists in this research devision include Professor Rusong Wang, Professor Dan Hu, Professor Jianxin Yang, Professor Weiping Chen and Professor Weiqi Zhou. There are four research groups under this research devision:

(1) Urban Ecology Group: Mainly focus on eco-dynamics and cybernetics of urban SENCE, with emphases on fundamental and applied research on urban eco-stress, eco-response, eco-service and ecopolis development. Group leader: Professor Rusong Wang

(2) Urban Metabolism and Industrial Ecology Group: Mainly focus on the fundamental and applied research on coupling mechanisms, metabolism principles and industrial transition, life cycle assessment, design and management in the area of industrial ecology. Group leader: Professor Jianxin Yang.

(3) Urban Ecological Risk and Management Group: Mainly focus on ecological response mechanisms under rapid changes of urban environment, methodologies of ecological risk assessment, and environmental risk management and control strategies. Group leader: Professor Weiping Chen.

(4) Urbanization and Landscape Dynamics Group: Mainly focuses on characterizing and understanding the urbanization process, and its environmental impacts. Specifically, this group integrates field observations, remote sensing, GIS and modeling to 1) monitor and quantify urbanization dynamics, particularly the landscape dynamics associated with urbanization; 2) evaluate the environmental impacts of urbanization; and 3) understand the structure of urban socio-ecological system, and its link to ecological function. Group leader: Professor Weiqi Zhou. 

2. Regional Landscape Pattern and Ecological Processes

This research devision mainly focuses on the researches concerning regional ecosystem structure and processes, ecological and environmental effects of ecosystem change, and landscape dynamics modeling. Leading scientists in this research devision include Professor Bojie Fu, Professor Liding Chen, and Professor Keming Ma. There are three research groups under this research devision.

(1) Landscape Pattern and Ecological Processes Group: Mainly focus on the interrelationships between landscape pattern and ecological processes, ecological and environmental impacts of land use change, and theories and methodologies of regional ecological security pattern design. Group leader: Professor Bojie Fu.

(2) Landscape Planning and Dynamics Modeling Group: Mainly focus on coupled modeling of landscape dynamics and ecological processes, scale effects of landscape pattern change, methods and approaches on landscape ecological planning. Group leader: Professor Liding Chen.

(3) Landscape Conservation and Ecological Restoration Group: Mainly focus on multi-scale interaction mechanisms of landscape pattern and ecological process, theories and methodologies of landscape conservation and ecological restoration, solutions for important ecological and environmental problems, and scientific strategies for regional ecological security and sustainability. Group leader: Professor Keming Ma.

3. Complex Ecosystem Regulation and Management

This research devision mainly focuses on the researches concerning theories and methodologies of urban and regional ecological evaluation, ecological planning and ecological management. Leading scientists in this research devision include Professor Zhiyun Ouyang, Professor XiaokeWang, Professor Xuyong Li and Professor Baodong Chen. There are three research groups under this research devision.

(1) Ecological Evaluation and Ecological Planning Group: Mainly focus on evolution principles of ecosystem services under anthropogenetic stressors, theories and methodologies of ecological evaluation and ecological planning. Group leader: Professor Zhiyun Ouyang.

(2) Regional Ecosystem Modeling and Management Group: Mainly focus on evolution principles of watershed ecosystem under anthropogenetic stressors; methodologies of watershed ecosystem modeling and simulation; management strategies of watershed complex ecosystem. Group leader: Professor Xuyong Li.

(3) Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Restoration Group: Mainly focus on changes in community structure and function of soil biota under soil degradation and environmental pollution, principles and technologies for ecological restoration of fragile ecosystems by regulating belowground ecological processes. Group leader: Professor Baodong Chen.

4. Environmental Stressing and Ecosystem Response

This research devision mainly focuses on ecological effects of urban and regional environmental pollution and change. Leading scientists in this research devision include Academician Zongwei Feng, Professor Yongguan Zhu and Professor Jizheng He. There are three research groups under this research devision.

(1) Environmental Change and Ecological Effects Group: Mainly focus on ecological effect and ecosystem response mechanisms under environmental change and atmospheric pollution such as climate change, acid deposition, SO2 and O3, methods and measures for ecological restoration. Group leader: Academician Zongwei Feng.

(2)Microbial Ecology and Soil Ecological Remediation GroupMainly focus on the biogeochemical cycling processes of major elements, the structure, distribution, diversity and function of microbial community, and the ecological remediation of soil ecosystems under the influence of anthropic activities. Group leader: Professor Jizheng He.

(3) Soil Environment and Plant Interaction Group: Mainly focus on the interaction mechanisms between soil and plants, and principles and methods of ecological remediation of soil environment. Group leader: Professor Yongguan Zhu.

5. Regional Eco-Security and Sustainable Development

This research devision mainly focuses on major eco-environmental problems in China, theories and methodologies of sustainable development ecology. Leading scientists in this research devision include Professor Jingzhu Zhao, Professor Yonglong Lu and Professor Gang Wu. There are two research groups under this research devision.

(1)Ecosystem Analysis and Sustainable Development Group: Mainly focus on theories and methodologies for analyzing and simulating complex ecosystems, analysis, assessment and management of sustainable eco-economic process, methodologies and countermeasures for China’s sustainable development. Group Leader: Professor Gang Wu.

(2) Ecological Risk Assessment and Environmental Management Group: Mainly focus on the spatial diffusion, ecological effects and management policy of PTS, the environmental policies for the innovation and commercialization of environmentally sound technologies, and the theories and methods of environmental management to meet the requirement of China. Group Leader: Professor Yonglong Lu.

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