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Laboratory Facilities 当前位置:首页 > english > Laboratory Facilities

After years’ development, a pleasant environment for scientific research was developed in SKLURE. SKLURE now has a computer simulation and GIS-RS analysis laboratory, ecological component comprehensive analysis laboratory, long-term field experimental station, Beijing urban ecosystem research station, and Beijing forestry ecosystem research station.

Ecological Component Comprehensive Analysis Laboratory: SKLURE now has numbers of instruments for analyzing the water, soil, air as well as biological samples. All equipments are taken care of by full-time technicians, and can be borrowed for use after registration.

Computer simulation and GIS-RS Analysis Laboratory: there are numbers of instruments used for ecosystem simulation including computer workstations, large scanner, large plotter, data storage and backup devices as well as software on GIS, RS and database. A nation scale database on ecological components, land use pattern, and spatial distribution of vegetation and key protected wild animals and plant species has been constructed. In addition, spatial database for Beijing, Hainan province, Minshan, Yan’an and so on has been constructed. 

Long-term Field Experimental Station: SKLURE has constructed long-term field experimental stations in Hainan province for studies on ecosystem services, in the loess plateau for studies on landscape pattern and ecological processes, in Minjiang watershed for studies on biodiversity protection and the regional pattern for ecological security, and in Beijing-Tianjing-Tangshan region for studies on urban ecology. The field stations have in-site monitoring equipments such as photosynthesis analyzer, thermal dissipation sap flow velocity probe, plant canopy analyzer, TRIME-T3 moisture meter, automated soil CO2 flux system, acoustic doppler current profiler, and automatic weather station. The field stations offer a platform for thorough study on theory of ecology and eco-environmental policy decision. 

Beijing Urban Ecosystem Research Station: it is the first urban ecosystem research station in China. Focusing on Beijing urban ecosystem’s structure-pattern-process-function, researches on urban ecological elements, urban ecological process, urban ecological pattern, and relationship between Beijing and surrounding environment are developed. Scientific goals of the station are to realize long-term evolution principles of structure, process, function and pattern of urban ecosystem, to probe into the influential mechanism of human activities imposed on ecosystem, to develop social-economic-natural combined ecosystem theory, to put forward management strategies and suggestions for urban sustainable management.

Comprehensive monitoring network has been set up consisting of fixed observation station, long-term sampling field survey, moveable monitoring, remote sensing monitoring and social survey.

Fixed observing station: Two fixed observation station has been constructed in the center and suburban of Beijing. The stations have monitoring equipments such as automatic weather station, air quality monitoring system, real-time storm runoff pollutants monitoring system, biological aerosol sampler, pollen sampler, automatic water sampler, automatic CO2 flux monitoring system.

Field survey: 285 fixed sampling sites were constructed to monitor the changes and characteristics of the plant communities, animal communities, soil environment, land use change, and human activity pattern.

Moveable Monitoring: A moveable monitoring platform has constructed with elogical monitoring and sampling equipments to achieve a short-period monitoring of environmental components at different location in Beijing. The platform can be combined with remote sensing monitoring.

Remote sensing monitoring: A monitoring platform has constructed for monitoring the landuse pattern and landscape pattern based on different resolution RS data.

Beijing Forestry Ecosystem Research Station: Beijing forestry ecosystem research station (BFERS) was jointly established in March 1990 by Institute of Botany, Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences and Institute of Zoology, which are affiliated with Chinese Academy of Sciences. BFERS is the base for long-term integrative eco-system research of CAS in warm temperate regions, is one of the basic stations of CERN, and also is the only one field research station for forestry ecological research of CAS in Beijing region. Research fields include: 1) structure and function of mostly forestry eco-system in warm temperate regions; 2) Way to protecting and sustainable utilizing diversity of mountainous eco-system in warm temperate regions; 3) Natural succession law and restoration way of warm temperate degradation ecosystem, and reconstruction of the artificially optimized ecosystem; and 4) influence of global change on structure, function and dynamic process of all kinds of ecosystems in warm temperate regions.

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